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Small Steam Update

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  • will work for cz?


    • In theory it should work for all of VALVe's stuff, if their prior comment was indeed true. If not, well, bad luck eh?

      As far as CZ goes, though, I seldom see much in the way of cheaters on there... seems like most cheaters didn't want to pay for CZ, haha. When I'm playing w/o friends, CZ multiplayer is generally what I play for that reason (as well as the polished look).


      • Valve is useless




          • They enabled VAC2 tonight


            • No they didn't, stop making up stuff.


              • oh shit


                • Wait... they quickly fixed a problem that many users were experiencing? VALVe must suck horribly! How dare they promptly fix a bug that was affecting lots of people instead of waiting days or weeks until they could also release your precious, precious cs_assault or make VAC2 fully functional?

                  Grow up.


                  • yeah lots of people here seem like whiny children, a long awaited dod : s update comes along, which the dod community (me being a member) has been waiting for for ages, you ppl whinea bout it like cs is the only thing that should be worked on, a bug fix comes that many people needed and it came swiftly after a bug fix the day before, you whine.

                    FFS people valve are one of the best developers out there, you get updates at least every week, most game companies wait months before they release patches and bug fixes.


                    • xlokix wrote..

                      No they didn't, stop making up stuff.
                      -:Nighthawk:- wrote..

                      Grow up.
                      Apologies. I still had my "secure servers" box checked in filters and mistook it for being released.

                      In regards to both you assholes who quickly flamed me - STFU - It was an honest mistake.

                      But it does seem logical. Valve has never fixed a meaning-less bug "quickly" (this is not me "whining") or given one it's own special update like yesterday, so it would be logical that they would use it to mask the release of VAC2.

                      The only other logical thought would be they were just releasing something so they could meet their "we plan on releasing updates every Wednesday" quote from a year ago. Which they have been pretty good at keeping.


                      • They can say something in there "Weekly update" about bugs that they are working on like:


                        recoil (no need to crouch anymore in CS:S. Just run around like a mad man and burst fire.)

                        New T-Model (fixes the hitbox)


                        Hit Detection

                        First Shot Accuracy

                        Tweaking the guns, balance out the money on them

                        Hostages AI

                        More Models Choices

                        Bring the Chicken back

                        Hitbox at spawn. (Can be on top of the model)

                        August 11 will be the 1 year mark.


                        • FYI - Everyone - I know I am an "unconfirmed source" - But I work in the gaming industry and made a connection at E3 with a VALvE employee that loves playing the game the company I work for produces. So basically we trade "upcoming release" information. I will share this with you guys since I am very excited about it - First off Assault will be released in 2 or 3 weeks most likely. The next map they are already working on is Nuke.


                          • Edited by [user="41447"] @ [time="1118937668"]

                            vamiciouskanid wrote..

                            FYI - Everyone - I know I am an "unconfirmed source"
                            I think of you as a reliable source. CSNation has a knack for finding these kind of sources.

                            I wasn't flaming you, everyone just suspects that Valve is going to sneak VAC2 past us when they wont.

                            Concerning the rest of your post.. Valve is pretty bad on release dates. For all we know, you could talk with Gabe Newell and he'd say Half-Life 3 was being released tomorrow. I'm not saying that Assault isn't coming within 2 weeks, but I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't.


                            • Yes. Working in the gaming industry though, I can understand why they keep missing projected dates and will never give us an exact date for anything. Internally though, I assure you, they have a projected date. And this is the internal information which I was told. So barring no new bugs are found or there are no other issues that arise with Assault - It should be released in 2-3 weeks.

                              VAC2 is a completely different department they have over at VALvE so I do not have any information on that. You don't think they would try to sneek VAC2 and release it without telling us? I would think they would, to catch all the hackers off guard and send a clear message to the hacking community.


                              • Que_? wrote..

                                They can say something in there "Weekly update" about bugs that they are working on like:


                                recoil (no need to crouch anymore in CS:S. Just run around like a mad man and burst fire.)

                                New T-Model (fixes the hitbox)


                                Hit Detection

                                First Shot Accuracy

                                Tweaking the guns, balance out the money on them

                                Hostages AI

                                More Models Choices

                                Bring the Chicken back

                                Hitbox at spawn. (Can be on top of the model)

                                August 11 will be the 1 year mark.
                                C'mon, that all you got? I'm a no VIP away from Bingo here!

