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Half-Life Title Translator

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  • #61
    *Vamp* wrote..

    I've been wanting to find out what the tracks are on that video for ages too. Only one I know is the first track, which is 'Fear Of The Dark' by Iron Maiden.
    same with me vamp, thats the only one i can figure out on my own, the others dont seem to repeat the same thing every 2 seconds.


    • #62
      Edited by [user="120701"] @ [time="1062198217"]

      xlokix wrote..

      i know if i see an ad that says something cool like 'the best headset in the world', i'll click it and check out what their talking about
      You sir, are one-of-a-kind. Banner ads don't sell at all. Neither do pop-up ads. It's a fact, they just don't sell at all. Sure, sometimes someone will click on them, but that doesn't happen enough times to warrent having the ad in the first place. No site, and I mean literally NO site, has ever made any form of serious profit out of banner/pop-up ads. Banner and pop-up ads generate so little interest in a product, that if you got rid of them it'd have virtually zero impact on sales. Roughly 1 out of every 250 people actually click on banner ads, and even then only (again, roughly) 1 out of 100 of those people that click on the ad actually then buy the product in question (thank you Google search for those figures). Pop-ups generate even less sales. For that reason, many sites are doing away with banners and pop-ups (including a certain site I help moderate on {the forums that is} , Our movies section can't be kept up because of lack of cash for the bandwidth etc needed, and banner/pop-up ads won't help pay for them at all).

      Banner and pop-up ads don't sell. They're an annoyance, nothing more.


      • #63
        *Vamp* wrote..

        You sir, are one-of-a-kind. Banner ads don't sell at all. Neither do pop-up ads. It's a fact, they just don't sell at all. Sure, sometimes someone will click on them, but that doesn't happen enough times to warrent having the ad in the first place. No site, and I mean literally NO site, has ever made any form of serious profit out of banner/pop-up ads. Banner and pop-up ads generate so little interest in a product, that if you got rid of them it'd have virtually zero impact on sales. Roughly 1 out of every 250 people actually click on banner ads, and even then only (again, roughly) 1 out of 100 of those people that click on the ad actually then buy the product in question (thank you Google search for those figures). Pop-ups generate even less sales. For that reason, many sites are doing away with banners and pop-ups (including a certain site I help moderate on {the forums that is} , Our movies section can't be kept up because of lack of cash for the bandwidth etc needed, and banner/pop-up ads won't help pay for them at all).

        Banner and pop-up ads don't sell. They're an annoyance, nothing more.
        It was my understanding that sometimes the website hosting the banners/popups whould get paid by each logged IP, ie each view of that popup/banner. Even if they get paid say 5 cents per view, for sites that are getting tens to even hundreds of thousdands of hits per day, thats a nice amount of money.


        • #64
          Vamp, just charge people for the movies. Either that or demand donations.

          Also is their a site with faqs?


          • #65
            Serious Sam wrote..

            Vamp, just charge people for the movies. Either that or demand donations.
            1) If you demand it, it isn't then technically a donation as such. To be a donation it'd have to be of the person's own free will at any ammount they wished. If you demand it, it's a fee, not a donation.

            2) Charging people for any part of our site renders the whole site pointless, since the goal of it is too have as much info etc as possible without having to charge anyone, since many people (including myself) think it is unfair to charge people for access to parts of a website or file (which is why I don't go along with this site having CS Nationalists and such. I could get the upgrade, but A:I can't be arsed, and B:it'd be against my principles). And of course we didn't charge people for the files before, so we shouldn't start charging for them now.
            Gameshot911 wrote..

            It was my understanding that sometimes the website hosting the banners/popups whould get paid by each logged IP, ie each view of that popup/banner. Even if they get paid say 5 cents per view, for sites that are getting tens to even hundreds of thousdands of hits per day, thats a nice amount of money.
            Only a very small amount of ads work like that, mostly ones for porn sites, or ones for big company/group sites such as etc. As a general rule of thumb, you can assume that the site owners only get paid when someone actually clicks on the banner/pop-up.

            Anyway, I seem to now have a nack for driving things off-topic, something which usually I hate. I better shut up now


            • #66
              Sure you should. If they enjoy your site enough to download those videos, then I'm sure they could donate *something* or click on your ad banners (which is really not targetted towards a ff site by the way). To me, if I ran a popular Gaming site, and it had 100,000 members and they all used it heavily. Yet no one donated a dollar, I'd take that as a slap in my face, because either 1; they don't appreciate my work to either click the banner, or make a small donation, or 2; they don't understand the amount of dedication it takes. We really should take this in a forum , but your principles suck :P

              As for the program, finally got it working, though it likes to crash a lot.


              • #67
                *Vamp* wrote..

                1) If you demand it, it isn't then technically a donation as such. To be a donation it'd have to be of the person's own free will at any ammount they wished. If you demand it, it's a fee, not a donation.
                unless you're a government. 'entitlement' cards in the UK are going to cost £40pp and you have to get one (if they decide to use the system) Dont see the logic...
                Anyway, I seem to now have a nack for driving things off-topic, something which usually I hate. I better shut up now
                its my damn knack :P


                • #68
                  Edited by [user="155361"] @ [time="1062257875"]

                  Shouldn't you muppets upload this to the csnation server...

                  All the guy has to do is switch the file with one infected with a trojan/virus and he's fuckin laughin ..

                  this site is pathetic


                  • #69
                    Oh man, I'm sorry to complain and stuff, I don't have a problem with most pop-ups, but I had to sit through that Tron 2.0 ad about three times before I figured out where that close button was! That's an annoying ad.


                    • #70
                      Serious Sam wrote..

                      Sure you should. If they enjoy your site enough to download those videos, then I'm sure they could donate *something* or click on your ad banners (which is really not targetted towards a ff site by the way). To me, if I ran a popular Gaming site, and it had 100,000 members and they all used it heavily. Yet no one donated a dollar, I'd take that as a slap in my face, because either 1; they don't appreciate my work to either click the banner, or make a small donation, or 2; they don't understand the amount of dedication it takes. We really should take this in a forum , but your principles suck :P
                      Normally I would comment about this or something, but a) I'm tired, b) I have a bastard of a hangover, c) I can't think of anything good to write anyway. Which is probably a blessing.
                      MrFelix wrote..

                      unless you're a government. 'entitlement' cards in the UK are going to cost £40pp and you have to get one (if they decide to use the system) Dont see the logic...
                      Well that says it all really.


                      • #71
                        jim jongedy wrote..

                        Shouldn't you muppets upload this to the csnation server...

                        All the guy has to do is switch the file with one infected with a trojan/virus and he's fuckin laughin ..

                        this site is pathetic
                        i trust some anonymous person who writes an easy program more than rizzuh. throwing distance and all. :P Dunno if its the influence of the US intelligence services that make everyone think everyone else is a hax0r or a terrorist.

