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Half-Life Title Translator

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  • #46
    Edited by [user="51283"] @ [time="1062151061"]

    Relica Religia wrote..

    You find Mozilla slow? Wow. I find it a TON faster than that IE deathtrap of a web browser.
    i find the startup slow :P i know the rest is all faster, but once i've got to that point I dont usually care
    Mr Natural wrote..

    anyone else finding most of these comments a little offtopic??
    theres only so many things you can say about editing titles.txt.

    ps: orphy; children of bodom guitarists too, and I'd say kurt is in the list because of the atmosphere, its kinda hard for a rythym guitarist to be amazingly technical (imho..) besides, depends what you call a great guitarist, Id say the whole nirvana thing kinda revolutionised music as a whole, more than pretty much any other band; i'd say that qualifies for a good guitarist. even though im not an big fan of nirvana :P

    but they should have had vai in, simply because of massacre. and satriani simply cus hes satriani.


    • #47
      Edited by [user="127113"] @ [time="1062159385"]

      Relica Religia wrote..

      Actually, before I downloaded Mozilla (THE GREATEST web browser there ever was), I installed Comet Cursor onto my Internet Explorer, which comes with an AdZapper toolbar, which is still active even after I stopped using IE.

      Mozilla with AddZapper is a great combo for killing popups dead. Plus with Comet Cursor, you can customize your mouse cursor (even though that seems very sad in a way).

      Now if only I can get rid of MSN Messenger, I'd be set.

      But yeah, back on topic.....this program really isn't all that necessary, is it?
      You can disable msmsgs.exe as a service, but it will still run in my experience. Just rename msmsgs.exe - it won't run anymore and it doesn't hurt your system, regardless of what Bill Gates tells you.
      orphy wrote..

      Or instead of complaining, you could use Mozilla and make them magically disappear!
      I like Mozilla, but pages with layers make it freak out. Me = NPF 2003 and Spybot. NPF has a popup killer which works really well, plus it's a firewall and Spybot catches things that Ad-aware doesn't, plus it keeps sites from installing lame-ass shit on my comp.


      • #48
        T|2i|34L wrote..

        You can disable msmsgs.exe as a service, but it will still run in my experience. Just rename msmsgs.exe - it won't run anymore and it doesn't hurt your system, regardless of what Bill Gates tells you.


        • #49
          Just to keep on topic this program is fun, I'm very bored. About the spyware I got a virus a few days ago and couldn't play CS. So obvoisly I went on a destruction rampage through town. After getting back home I downloaded AVG virus detection, Spybot(very good for xupiter), and Ad-Aware. It solved my problem and I'm happy now.


          • #50
            Simplex wrote..

            Damn that's helpful. I usually have to ctrl+alt+delete and close the MSN Messenger process whenever I turn on my computer.

            Thank you.


            • #51
              naem wrote..

              I keep getting this circular Flash ad nearly every time I visit CSNation and there's no way at all to close it. It just blocks the screen and I can't read/click what's underneath it, so I end up reloading the page a couple times.
              Actually...there is a close button...its just hidden. Try looking on the upper right side of the ad..and you'll see an "X" with close next to it.


              • #52
                MrFelix wrote..

                ps: orphy; children of bodom guitarists too, and I'd say kurt is in the list because of the atmosphere, its kinda hard for a rythym guitarist to be amazingly technical (imho..) besides, depends what you call a great guitarist, Id say the whole nirvana thing kinda revolutionised music as a whole, more than pretty much any other band; i'd say that qualifies for a good guitarist. even though im not an big fan of nirvana :P

                but they should have had vai in, simply because of massacre. and satriani simply cus hes satriani.
                Bodom's alright, I don't like listening to them a lot though because of the keyboards. Come on, there's a lot better power metal out there. And the Kurt thing. Yea, he did revolutionize music, but with what, three chords? Motorhead was doing that way before he was. Oh well, Nirvana's still cool to listen to.


                • #53
                  Edited by [user="51283"] @ [time="1062184544"]

                  orphy wrote..

                  Bodom's alright, I don't like listening to them a lot though because of the keyboards. Come on, there's a lot better power metal out there. And the Kurt thing. Yea, he did revolutionize music, but with what, three chords? Motorhead was doing that way before he was. Oh well, Nirvana's still cool to listen to.
                  well.. wouldnt call bodom power metal :P but guitarist-wise, theyre very good. well.. not traditional power metal, i guess they use power chords but.. im no musician.

                  oh yeah, technical: in flames.

                  yeah but motorhead suck(imo). hence why nirvana, using three chords, is good. its an amalgamation. stuff like that; I'd say a lot of guitarists I know have a better sound than people who are a lot more technical, and to me that makes them a better guitarist. Besides, i think youve got a different revolution to me; I mean bringing it into "mainstream", for lack of a better word.

                  and all this is figurative for cs k.


                  • #54
                    hmm i dont think ill download it, happy with defaults

                    i know this is off-topic but does anyone know the songs in frag or die?


                    • #55
                      Yea, but the three chords thing. If they're going to do that, why not put Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day of there? He's been doing the same thing, and started before Nirvana did. Ok, I'm withdrawing from this topic, if you want to argue more, AIM me (it's on my site).


                      • #56
                        Registered wrote..

                        i know this is off-topic but does anyone know the songs in frag or die?
                        I've been wanting to find out what the tracks are on that video for ages too. Only one I know is the first track, which is 'Fear Of The Dark' by Iron Maiden.


                        • #57
                          orphy wrote..

                          Yea, but the three chords thing. If they're going to do that, why not put Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day of there? He's been doing the same thing, and started before Nirvana did. Ok, I'm withdrawing from this topic, if you want to argue more, AIM me (it's on my site).
                          i didnt know you felt that way about me orphy *blush* but i dont have aim


                          • #58
                            Edited by [user="41447"] @ [time="1062190331"]

                            *Vamp* wrote..

                            But that's not the point. The point of adverts isn't to get tons of people to view the advert for the sake of watching it, the point of adverts is to get you to buy things; talking about how annoying they are on forums isn't getting the item sold, it's just getting more people to notice how annoying it is. Pop-up type ads just annoy the hell out of people. They don't sell the product well, therefore they're pointless.
                            it makes the ad NOTICEABLE, look, have any of you actually noticed the banners at the top of csnation and actually read what they say. dont say yes you know you havent . i know if i see an ad that says something cool like 'the best headset in the world', i'll click it and check out what their talking about


                            • #59
                              This program goes to show how many ideas there are left for programs modifying CS.
                              Serious Sam wrote..

                              We have forums! With otf! !
                              Speaking on that topic, is there any update on when the forums will be open to people who don't know how to use PayPal? (When the site moves? "When they're done?")

                              This would have gone in rizzuh's corner, except there is none.


                              • #60
                                mikej's news post are the new rizzuhs corner!

