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German CS:CZ "Review"

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  • #76
    because everyone is stupid, stupid BAN ME plZ PLZ

    L337ninja wrote..

    DAR DAR DAR I CANT TYPE IN CAPS SO I MUST BE RIGHT. congrats on being a jackass the poll is an opinion poll not about this review crap thanks k bye
    the poll was about WHAT you thought was hurting cs BECAUSE OF THE BAD REVIEWS, omg plz ban him rizzuh he called me a jackass just like i call people a moron because their iq is a whopping 67


    • #77
      I'm only going to buy CS:CZ for the new skins etc... Definetly not the singler player


      • #78
        can u say daikatana =D nah j/k


        • #79
          abysmal wrote..

          Kieron Gillen is the daddy of reviews \o/

          Except that the entire game is multiplayer. CS has not once attempted to be a single player game.
          you missed my point entirely and there have been attempts at a single player version of CS: the many different bots, counter-life. even with new graphics and maps CS with bots will get old quick. multiplayer is the main reason we still play CS some 3 years later.

          besides bots that suck i won't buy it because you can't play both sides.


          • #80
            the thing that makes CS great is playing with humans, which makes played the same damn maps a million times still fun. Playing against bots (even if they are good) means it is a play once, throw away game. I have re=played very few fps's, Half-Life being one of the few. I doubt CZ will be anywhere near as good as HL.


            • #81
              This is fantastic! Utterly awesome beyond all words. The default bomb wishes it was this cool.

