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interview: davej

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  • #31
    Well good luck with that Crazy.

    But be careful, if it turns out that No.26 is ur sister then u've been sitting outside ur own house and stealing ur own newspaper like an idiot. And well, that's kinda strange isn't it?


    • #32
      Edited by [user="11209"] @ [time="1020205301"]

      Im 100% sure its not my sister.

      People who like incest are crazy.


      • #33
        I think everyone should be pissed at Gearbox (or Valve, I don't know/care anymore) for what they've done to CS. So, um... yeah. I've kinda lost my rage since it's been a few days now since 1.4 came out. =|


        • #34
          CrazyNewbieGuy you're an idiot.

          And assault isn't very balanced, but as ct there are a number of ways to get in. siege is much worse, so don't talk. If siege was played like assault (ie, all players stayed in the main building) you'd all hate it. It's called gameplay.


          • #35
            All the cs maps are great.. its just most people have this high ass standard for maps!!! No map is perfect, just take the ones you've got and be happy!


            • #36
              I('m drunk! I['m drunk! my kevboard is sppnning?!
              reptar wrote..

              davej likes attention
              I like what?
              MikeJ wrote..

              "The humble creator of de_dust does his first interview in over a year"

              That he does. What a whore.
              Oh, yeah.
              plopfish wrote..

              He seems really pissed at Gearbox or something. I guessed they really cahnged his design on the maps more than he wanted them to.
              Not really, but I'm pissed I had to leave so early after I got there. I was ill, but fortunately (very fortunately, considering what it could have been) I am still here today.
              St_George wrote..

              how's southampton uni these days davej?
              You shouldn't know about that.

              Otherwise, it's cool, aside form all the geeks and nerds on the same course as me. But hey, theres a barmaid at the pub who looks like Amanda Holden, so I'm not complaining. Just a few more pints and i might get thrown out by her...
              Exo wrote..

              Nice interview subbeh, I enjoyed some of his "short but sweet" answers.
              'Attention'. Peh.
              Z3U5d90d wrote..

              after reading DaveJ's interview I wonder if I will one day lose all will to live?
              based on my CS tactics, yes you will. otherwise, you'll just realise CS is a game, computers are just siliconm, and there are better things in life. like love, and alcohol. (but not nexecessarty in that order)

              stilld runk - what a cool time to post responsed to such an interview!


              • #37
                Siege is the most unbalanced considering there are only two ways and about 80% of people come from the main way.


                • #38
                  Does Dave have any idea how many people have died playing on his map?



                  • #39
                    Hmm, last time i checked, 300yrs spent playing Dust in a fortnight... on average 5 kills/min (near enough)... thats around 5,500,000,000 kills in the past 2 weeks.

                    5.5 billion (UK). not bad.


                    • #40
                      daveJ, could i have your mail? i need to ask an expert about some worldcraft (or hammer if you prefer) things, and since you have made maps for about 8 years, i think you have all the experience needed..



                      • #41
                        stupid spammer


                        • #42
                          Yeah Dave, can I have your mail? I want to sign you up for as many newsletters as humanly possible.


                          • #43
                            You can have my email.

                            Just don't sign me up for any gay porn, cause that would make me really angry. Yes. Don't do that at all. None of that "queer" stuff for me.


                            • #44
                              Dave J is soo gay! De_Dust is the shitiest map ever, i have made better maps in math class........when DaveJ makes a good map then interveiw him, WHAT A FUCKING QUEER!


                              • #45
                                this comment page sure is a classic!

                                Send in the clowns

