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interview: davej

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  • interview: davej

    CS-Nation's Sublyme has interviewed David Johnston (DaveJ), the creator of de_dust. In this exclusive interview, DaveJ discusses his interests in the future and his highlights of the past.
    CS-Nation: You seemed to enjoy making the ETC series of maps. What kind of challenges did they present?

    DaveJ: They taught me a lot about how the Half-Life engine worked, a challenge in itself was working out how all the components fitted together. They also taught me that large projects really do require planning, something I did very briefly, and not much for ETC2 (hence its 2.5 year delay). They didn't present challenges as such, rather insights.

    CS-Nation: Do you have a continuing interest in developing single-player maps? Which are more rewarding, SP or MP maps?

    DaveJ: Both have their advantages. I like watching someone play an SP map of mine and see them get involved - perhaps by jumping, or being more cautious as they play. With SP design you tackle someone's thoughts and have to work out how the average player will approach, react and deal with a situation. With MP maps, it's enjoyable to see the numbers of people playing a particular map. With Dust, that's particularly rewarding, but I can't say much else is.
    Scope it out, word.

  • #2
    Edited by [user="1457"] @ [time="1020193709"]

    BackAlley is definitely a fine map, if for nothing more than scewing around on

    Shame he wont be doing anymore CS maps, but there is always CS2

    Oh and by the way, no relation.


    • #3
      davej likes attention

      Added @ [time="1020193826"]

      davej likes attention


      • #4
        "The humble creator of de_dust does his first interview in over a year"

        That he does. What a whore.


        • #5
          Dance for me monkey, dance.


          • #6
            best map is still assault

            they should make more of those


            • #7
              He seems really pissed at Gearbox or something. I guessed they really cahnged his design on the maps more than he wanted them to.


              • #8
                Nice interview Sublyme, my fav question was "What if you were given total control of CS" hey Rizzuh you should do a mailbag like that!


                • #9
                  "colour" yeah he's british alright/

                  yeah rizzuh, thats not a bad idea for a mailbag. you listen to old half pint ya hear? you still have to make up for that mouse one...

                  i love ETC and ETC2, but im stuck on 2 right now


                  • #10
                    Aint posted a comment for aaaaaaaaages, here is a joke:

                    What is Mary short for????????.......................................
                    ......................Because somebody cut off he legs!!


                    • #11
                      Maybe Dave should switch to regular caffenated coffee......


                      • #12
                        fuck meh

                        Added @ [time="1020195942"]

                        i want it in the ayuzz


                        • #13
                          narby would easily win in a fight. Only someone completely psychopathic could create a map like vertigo.


                          • #14
                            I hope that post gets deleted becasue it makes this page a bitch to read. Anyway dust is a great map even if it's overplayed and backalley is a great map even if it's underplayed.


                            • #15
                              "you have succesfully reported a comment"

                              actually i think dust is overplayed but a great map and should be still kept in CS.. if you dont like it go to a server that doesnt have it if ya like it go to the 24/7... its all about preference =/

