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LS1 headset

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  • LS1 headset

    Like voice communcation? Don't have a microphone or your current one sucks? We're here to help! I have reviewed the Plantronics LS1 headset. It's a fairly low-cost headset, but is it high quality? Check out the review to find out! Here's a tidbit:
    Although the box claims that the LS1 doesn't deliver "hi-fidelity stereo" and "maximum bass response" compared to the more expensive (and harder to find) HS1, I have had no sound issues with the LS1. In fact, it's a marked improvement. During the late Summer of '01, I was all hyped up about voice communication coming in CS 1.3. For my birthday, I ordered a Microsoft GameVoice. I had no idea that it was indeed the LS1 headset that shipped with the package. I quickly realized that the only good thing about the GameVoice was the cool headset, an incognito LS1. I ditched the rest of the package and hooked up the headset to my sound card.

    A few weeks after CS 1.3 came out, my speakers happened to die. Before, I would have the headset around my neck and would only use the microphone, but I finally put my headset on my (gasp!) head and changed my EAX and Windows settings to "Headset." I quickly noticed how much better the sound was and how easily I could tell the direction of opponents. The sound is almost perfect, especially considering it's not a headset with those headphones that totally wrap around your ears and make you look like some sort of snow-loving freak. Like a lot of digital speaker systems, there is almost no hissing when you're not playing any sounds.
    Go on, yee.

  • #2
    interesting...wait...let me read it first.


    • #3
      +2 for making fun of James Bond, RockSteady.


      • #4
        I would use voice comm more often if it didn't turn down the volume for the rest of the game, I just end up muting people if they aren't using it for teamplay.


        • #5
          In my experience, and I've tested this a lot, the best way to make your voice clear in CS is to speak at the right volume. I've had my roommate's computer join the same server as me and I did a lot of experimenting and I found that if I was too quiet, I sounded like I was mumbling, of course, but if I was in any way too loud, it sounded like I had a sock in my mouth and it was if the game couldn't handle the loud input. I use a seperate mic, one not integrated to the headset, and I have it at least a foot ~ foot and 1/2 away from me, and everyone tells me they understand me perfectly.

          I recommend to people who think they have bad mics to double click on the volume speaker icon in the tray next to the clock, click on options and turn on advanced settings, and under Microphone, there should be an "advanced" button, click on that mess around with the Microphone Boost check box.


          • #6
            Good article riz, but theres a mistake in the first paragraph =/
            Though it's fairly new to Counter-Strike, voice comm. has modified the way my friends
            notice the . after comm, vour velcome vizzuh


            • #7
              but I finally put my headset on my (gasp!) head and changed my EAX and Windows settings to "Headset."
              Well hell. I didn't know that you could do that! Honestly.


              • #8
                grr ships this item only to u.s.


                • #9
                  RockSteady wrote..

                  but I finally put my headset on my (gasp!) head and changed my EAX and Windows settings to "Headset."

                  Well hell. I didn't know that you could do that! Honestly.
                  The new audigy cards support a headset mode.

                  Added @ [time="1019174656"]

                  Exo wrote..

                  Good article riz, but theres a mistake in the first paragraph =/

                  Though it's fairly new to Counter-Strike, voice comm. has modified the way my friends

                  notice the . after comm, vour velcome vizzuh
                  comm. is an abbreviation for communication so the period is appropriate.


                  • #10
                    What he said.


                    • #11
                      Edited by [user="2442"] @ [time="1019180183"]

                      I have the Plantronics DSP-500 headphones. They're like the HS1 but with USB. They are GREAT. I reccomend the DSP-500's if you are willing to put up the extra money. Try looking on or pricewatch for a lot cheaper price than the retail though... I found em for $70 at


                      • #12
                        Edited by [user="1322"] @ [time="1019181471"]

                        omg 140 dollars! no way.

                        This is rizzuh's sister.


                        • #13
                          i the DSP-500 owns


                          • #14
                            I also purchased a Game Voice communication system and I like it very much. My headset lasted about a year until the Left ear speaker went out. I went to Fry's Electronics, located here is Southern Calif., and picked up a new headset for $19.00 bucks. I also know that some office supply stores, like Office Max and Office Depot, have them for a cheap price as well. The LS-1 is being replace by a new and more advanced headset this year. If you go to the Plantronics web site you can read all about the new model. Anyway - check out some other places first before going to Amazon to get it, you will probably save some cash.



                            • #15
                              I BOUGHT THAT HEADSET AT WALMART!!

