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CS: CZ Soon?

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  • #46
    My guess is that 1.4 will be out before CZ... I mean, CPL switched their format from CZ-based to 1.4 based for the World Championships. It's all over the CAL site, and I'd think that Valve would at least let CPL know what's really going on for CPL to make a decision like that since after all CPL give massive exposure to Counter-Strike in the first place.

    Then again, as a gamer there's nothing I can do about it if 1.4 isn't released on time. I've learned from the whole 1.3 delay just to keep playing as usual and not worry so much about "the newest version" until I see a download link on the CS.Net site =o)


    • #47
      Aw who cares what comes comes... I all for change...

      btw i think 1.5 is cz.... well thats me


      • #48
        Does anyone know if Count Floyd took out the Wallhack in the version of POD Bot used in CZ (your team mates and enemies)?

        I think POD is the best CS bot as far as functions/game play... But it annoys the hell out of me that the only way CF could make them work was by adding in wallhacking for their navigation because while I am a good player, it irks the Hell of out me to be killed by a wall hacking bot when I practice because THAT is not a realistic thing, ironically, since people aren't supposed to hack online (yes, they do, but you get my point, right?).

        If he/they took out the wallhack in POD, it would be the best CS Bot hands down for off-line practice (for regular, round based CS; not mission narrative CZ) in my humble opinion.


        • #49
          CSObserver wrote..

          I could be wrong - rather Valve and Gearbox could be wrong - But in one of the many interviews with Randy Pitchford, he himself said that possibly the end of May - Like the 31st or something for CZ to be released.

          Like most of you, I will believe it when I go into my local game store and see it on the shelf that day (or thereabouts).

          One more thing...

          As much as I love CS... I think they're getting carried away.

          First we have 1.4 coming out sometime before the next ice age.

          Then 1.5 with still more "new additions"....

          While at the ???same time??? CZ will be released as well.

          Then I heard CS 2.

          I'm all for "new additions"... IF they actually improve the game and gameplay and don't hinder it like some of the things coming up.

          In addition, like I said, I love the game, but how many versions and incarnations can you have of CT vs. T and not turn it into Unreal Tournament or Quake III in terms of game play?!
          In case you havent noticed there making the game a little more realistic and taking its gameplay away from "Quake 3" and "Unreal tournament". Taking away bunny hopping is something I've been hoping for for a year now. I can't wait to see CS:CZ it looks like its gonna be awesome. Especially with the new riot shields!!! Oh and lets not forget about the machette! I already kill with the knife but the machette is gonna own!!!!!!


          • #50
            If CZ comes out in early/mid summer, when do you suppose it'll be out in Europe (Norway for instance) ???


            • #51
              BallaBurUgle wrote..

              If CZ comes out in early/mid summer, when do you suppose it'll be out in Europe (Norway for instance) ???
              my sixth sense says that this guy comes from norway...

              and it`ll be out in...hhhmmm.... a LOOOONG time after after the U.S release...


              • #52
                If he/they took out the wallhack in POD, it would be the best CS Bot hands down for off-line practice (for regular, round based CS; not mission narrative CZ) in my humble opinion.
                Dude. This "wallhack" thing you're talking about is a setting that you can change.


                • #53
                  Edited by [user="55326"] @ [time="1074930920"]

                  A fine looking specimen of a firearm. Feels nice in-game too.

                  VGK: If by 8 in a row you mean 1 (2 including the aug/m4). Why don't you stop complaining and find something to submit.


                  • #54
                    Edited by [user="50658"] @ [time="1074977347"]

                    Looks nice, feels nice, needs new animations x: defaults suck

                    forward assist + being pulled = me sad

                    PS we would review some other models but the fact of the matter is NO ONE IS UPLOADING SQUAT! We have a few models that look 'okay' but are missing models COME ON!


                    • #55
                      Dudes, stop with the m4 8 times in a row SOTD's

                      nice skin.


                      • #56
                        Edited by [user="46700"] @ [time="1074925956"]

                        Knock off this crap. Quit reviewing M4's. Review glocks, usps, deagles, 5-7's!!!. Anything but another M4. Please.

                        On another note, based solely at looking at the screenshot and knowing about the default anims, IT SUCKS!!! I'm tired of seeing M4's on here. Go review a decent SG552, please.

                        ps what's with the personal attacks in a skin review? This is neither the time nor place for that. Review something decent or I will drop my subscription like a bad habit. Is it too much to ask for a review where soemone actually knows what they are talking about and reviews the skin and doesn't yank the modellers chain, or attacks other people? [/rant]


                        after reviewing it in HLMV, it does NOT yank on the forward assist. The animation uses the correct procedure of pulling on the t handle. However, it does it in such a way that this guy must be super human. He does not yank on the forward assist in any way shape or form. It looks good, and I will be using this model for awhile. My rant still continues, quit reviewing m4's for awhile, please.


                        • #57
                          Edited by [user="43607"] @ [time="1075017136"]

                          First off, yes, there seems there is an abundance of M4 models. I too would like to see new things, but the problem is new and decent models are hard to come by, especially since CS is about to croak.

                          Anyway, the model itself is amazingly sharp. I will use this for now, even though the default anims are with it. (-1) The skin is the best part I think, I love the worn look, it's pulled off very nice and looks surprisingly well in-game. So If I were you, I'd check it out and give it a try.

                          edit: (-1) Upon playing with this model more and more, I realize how annoyingly large that silencer is.


                          • #58
                            The foregrip looks way too blocky, plus the skin is way too shiny in my opinion. And the last M4 reviewed (to replace the M4) was on Jan. 8, so it's been awhile. And, as gum said, if you want new stuff, then go and submit some shit!


                            • #59
                              Looking good, and I don't mind default reload animation. The silencer looks a bit weird because it's full of holes. And I am not used such a dark M4A1. But this M4 is very good in overal.

                              Also, somebody complained that too many M4 already, and I disagree with that. U know what, there are too many M4 because people like to make new M4. And there are not many new pistal, sub machine gun replacement around. it's all about limited availibility.So if u wanna more other types to be reviewed, submit to CSNation.


                              • #60
                                lets see, thats the 8,000,000th M4 we have reviewed, i want a new auto shotty, or perhaps a nice new P228, OMG, CHANGE is quite a concept, ok whatever..... As far as this model goes there isnt n e thing wrong with it feels too old school to me and the reload is gay defaults. have fun this is a close model to the CZ M4 that was deleted a while back on here. <ahem> i am your jebus <ahem>


