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News on N0TH1NG

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  • #46
    The point is simple people i think that theantipop

    and several others missed it. The MAN took his own LIFE.... it's not wheather or not the drug is good, bad hormones or vitamins that are chemicaly enhanced... it's that a good life was lost and no one was there for him when he need it most. Now THAT is sad. Fu*k whether or not the drug hurts or the fda is big brother in disguise.. fu*k pointing the finger at each other... hell even fu*k the fact that the man made GREAT maps!...

    Just give hime his moment of peace and silence that he deserves and say some thing NICE.


    One sad CS player, to a fallen mapper.




    • #47
      The CS team should really think about putting Docks back in. Not just because of Justin but because THE MAP FRIKIN OWNED.


      • #48
        I especially like the part of the report that says "the benefits far outweighs the negative effects" or at least that was the general idea of the sentence.

        Uhhhh, the death of 144 people is not as important as the smooth skin of a bunch of people? BS. That doctor needs to pull his head out of his arse.


        • #49
          i hope Justin is in a better place. R.I.P buddy.


          • #50
            hey whats this bullshit about "acne medicine" anyway?

            who the fuck came up with that shit? it doesnt even work as well as good, old-fashioned oil-free cleaners (eg. oil of olay) or some facial scrub.

            accutane my ass.


            • #51
              yeah good call #49 ... you idiot

              as for #47, the doctor didnt say "getting half a million folks skin clear far outweighs the deaths of 144 other people"

              he said "the benfits outweigh the negatives",

              if you base your entire judgement of something on one stupid alarmist news story youre the one that needs to wat ever the frick you sed

              also.. sif the point of this thread isnt whether accutane is good bad whatever

              sif cs team taking out docks hasnt caused more depression/suicide than accutane =/


              • #52
                think of it this way folks

                the % of Accutane users, according to that report, that commit suicide is .00288 %

                Yes, that means roughly one in every 500...

                That isn't a high # if you think about most drugs with harmful side effects.

                I bet it has more to do with the demographics of the people that use Accutane, e.g. most are teenagers, and teenagers have a high rate of suicide relatively speaking in comparison to other age groups.


                • #53
                  DirtyBird is exactly right. Not to mention, if someone is taking prescribed acne medication chances are their acne is pretty severe. A severe case of acne leads to low self esteem which leads to depression which leads to suicide.


                  • #54
                    its sad that someone would take his own life.

                    but placing the blame on a drug that has this kind of effect on such a small percentage of it's users seems like a cop out to me. at least they DIDN'T blame it on CS which probably would have been the next victim of the media campaign who's sole motive for these stories is ratings.

                    on that note, since his name was NOTH1NG, he probably was a nine inch nails fan. its surprising that they didn't blame the music that he listened to; another favorite scape-goat of the media.



                    • #55
                      Great article, the kid who flew is plane into that building in Tampa FL. The BofA that got hit, he was using accutane as well. What is with this shit, it's caused 140 suicides and that outweighs acne? Death or pimples? WTF? Another stupid death due to FDA's lack of inspection. Hell, Advil wouldn't pass through the Food and Drug Administration today. If it were tested with todays standards. What does that say?

                      -Tony Clifton


                      • #56
                        People, do a little investigation on your own before you assume that the report is correct. Jesus, get a mind of your own, not everything the media says is to be taken as undeniably true.

                        In response to #49. Let me tell how it feels to do that every day for a year and a half only to have your acne continue to worsen. It's not only frustrating, but it begins to degrade your self image.

                        There are a lot of complex psychological issues involved in depression, only one factor of which is chemical. Open your eyes people, use some common sense. I'm shocked not because you all attack Accutane without knowing anything about it, but because this type of behaviour leads to other types of zealous activity. Nazis fought because they believed what the media told them, the KKK formed because they just accepted what one man had to say. Watch what you accept as truth before you take the chance to observe thing FOR YOURSELF.

                        One final note, I remember the news of N0TH1NG's death when it happened, and I can just say that the sadness that came over me then still comes back over a year later. It is always tragic when someone takes their own life, and almost as tragic that there are millions of people who experience that feeling of depression every day. Take some time to notice the small things about the people you love; not only will it make you realize how great life can be, but it can help you to show that person as well.



                        • #57
                          I'm sorry but I don't feel sorry for the fda. I was perscribed the drug aderal, for adhd and subsequently becamed addicted to it my freshman year of college. I struggled with the addiction, abusing the drug more and more until I couldn't handle it any more and sought help.

                          The worst part was admitting I was a drug addict and didn't even do drugs. It's not like I did heroin. I was perscribed the drug for god's sake.

                          aderal is a class c drug, related to cocaine.

                          so i don't feel sorry for the fda because i've felt their neglegence. where does it say that it can become addictive on the bottle: NO WHERE.

                          i had to find that out by taking it myself and then doing research on it.

                          it sucks. they need to make this crap more clear.


                          • #58
                            ok and by the way WHY THE FUCK DID THEY TAKE OUT DOCKS

                            that truly was a badass map.... i still have the original and if anyoenw ants it u can msg me on aim rxsevenpimp and put it on ur servers as a tribute to justin


                            • #59
                              Watch what you accept as truth before you take the chance to observe thing FOR YOURSELF.
                              It's sad that you don't see the real conundrum in this request of yours.


                              • #60
                                DirtyBird wrote..
                                the % of Accutane users, according to that report, that commit suicide is .00288 %

                                Yes, that means roughly one in every 500...

                                That isn't a high # if you think about most drugs with harmful side effects.
                                Actually, one in 500 is an amazingly high suicide rate. Australian teens have a suicide rate of around 3 in 1000 and it's considered the highest of any nation in the world!

                                I took Acutane a few years back and didn't get very depressed, but my doctor stressed the side effects to me and put me on a whole bunch of less powerful drugs before she finally gave in and put me on Acutane. I still get acne and my lips, more than a year later, are still dry and chapped all the time. My sister also took it and neither of us were depressed. I wonder what the variable is which causes Acutane to cause depression, if it does?

