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Must See CS

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  • #61
    Edited by [user="29272"] @ [time="1034494395"]

    What I REALLY can't wait to see is all the custom models for the ballistic shield thing. I bet they will be quite original.
    Electronic Punk wrote..

    So are the other weapons for single player condition zero only?

    Thought there was gonna be another machine gun, molotov cocktails etc....
    They will be releasing them in later patches. 3 new weapons/items per patch. Only the LAW rocket launcher and I think something else which I can't remember and too lazy to look up will be single-player only.


    • #62
      Elg4to wrote..

      and it doesnt matter what u think... its the only way to stop cheating, well most of it
      I wouldn't say its the ONLY way to stop cheating (a pretty darn good way, however - i assume if a modified dll file is detected the player is warned and the original re-downloaded).

      And I am afraid I would have to disagree with your first comment as a matter of opinion - since this a game, and games need gamers in order to be successful, then whether or not the players like the game is critical to the products success. While it may be true that if ONE person doesn't like what they get it won't make much difference to Valve, if a majority of the target audience (i.e. CS players) share the same views and are willing to act on it (by not using the game) then it will matter what people think.

      What I am worried we will see in CS and other games using Steam eventually is the creeping of:

      A) Ads

      B) Monthly charges

      I was going to elaborate on these (I had about 1/2 a pages worth of text), but then I realised I was waffling so I'll leave it at that.


      • #63
        As far as the whole Steam thing, I don't think some people get it. Steam is a small program you install on your computer. You then use that to either a) download and install the files for CS after paying for it (if you do not already own CS), or b) launch and/or update your current installation of CS.

        If you aren't connecting to internet games, it's not going to check for updates, so you can still LAN. If you've installed CS already, it will mesh in perfectly, with no extra downloading required for all us 56k'ers.

        And for those whining people who claim Steam is the death of us all... even using the subscription model (where you pay for CS if you didn't have it already and download all the files), it is quite possible even over 56k (I've done it with the free beta test).

        Anyway, all of that is irrelevant when compared to my next point. Did you all read the end of the next version info?!? SOUND!!! Glorious beautiful SOUND wil return when you've lost focus on the HL window. No more "crap, I lost audio" when you get messaged and the damn IM client decides to pop the window up! Life is beautiful.


        • #64
          Edited by [user="20894"] @ [time="1034503779"]

          I think its about time they fixed the windows bug you get when starting a game in opengl mode
          CyberKnite wrote..

          eventually is the creeping of:

          A) Ads

          B) Monthly charges
          i dont care about ads, aslong as they are not popups. then im bothered. and i dont think valve are stupid enough to turn cs into everquest, cause I think even they know that charging people to play will stop 90% of people from playing because cs is simply too old to start charging now anyway. I know I wouldnt pay to play a game I have been playing for the last 2 years.


          • #65
            CyberKnite wrote..

            What I am worried we will see in CS and other games using Steam eventually is the creeping of:

            A) Ads

            B) Monthly charges
            "We interrupt this clan match for a few messages from our sponsors:"

            "You're on 4 hp, on your own, and there's three enemies out looking for you.

            YOU NEED COLA"

            ...or something.


            • #66
              -:Nighthawk:- wrote..

              Anyway, all of that is irrelevant when compared to my next point. Did you all read the end of the next version info?!? SOUND!!! Glorious beautiful SOUND wil return when you've lost focus on the HL window. No more "crap, I lost audio" when you get messaged and the damn IM client decides to pop the window up! Life is beautiful.
              Yeah, I decided to go to church today when I read that.


              • #67
                If they ever make us pay to play a fucking mod they can hang this shit up.



                • #68
                  Dirk wrote..



                  • #69
                    xep wrote..

                    The hell?



                    • #70
                      Sheesh, how many times must I explain this to you morons?!?


                      It's only if you don't already own Half-Life that you can choose to pay a small monthly fee to play, instead of forking over all the cash at once. It doesn't take a freaking mind-reader to know that Valve would never be so stupid as to try to charge a monthly fee for CS. Common business sense shows this, and Valve has very much already proved they know how to run a business.

                      This will apply more to future games, where we'll be able to cheaply "try before you buy" games. If you're an avid gamer, but get bored by single player games after once through, then just subscribe to 1 month of the game, beat it, and pay far less than you would have had to for a boxed copy. After that month, though, you won't be playing it again.

                      If the game rocks, you can buy it, and not have to pay monthly, ever. Really... how hard is this stuff to figure out folks?

                      The only aspect of Steam that I'm really not sure about is this: with the subscription model... does the money you invest to try something out the first month carry over towards purchasing it. I know I'd be a lot more willing to use the subscription model if this was the case.
                      Dirk wrote...

                      If they ever make us pay to play a fucking mod...
                      Ummm, I'm not aware of a "fucking mod" for Half-Life... do you have to be over 18 to play it? Maybe Valve would charge for a mod like that... I hope the models are quality...


                      • #71
                        Did I say they will make us pay? I said if they DO ever make us pay. You don't know what they will do. Your not a damn mind reader. Before you call someone a moron maybe you should think a little bit. You don't run the company they do.



                        • #72
                          Pardon me for being such a n00b on the subject but I just haven't caught the jist of Steam.. What is it actually? Yes I know its an auto updater but I seem to remember reading you have to start up with it everytime you want to play? and if your playing a dust map then you only download the dust level? Doesn't that mean that would have to proceed through a few megs download before you can actually play the game?

                          I take it the original method of updating and playing will co-exist?


                          • #73
                            DY357LX wrote..

                            I just wanna say that the "next version" page with the pic of the CT's at the de_chateau bombsite is amazing.

                            Makes a great desktop wallpaper.
                            I totally agree


                            • #74
                              Guys...some of your spelling/grammar is awful.....

                              The forum even has a built in spellchecker...

                              I sujjest yoo gow back to skool !


                              • #75
                                Edited by [user="33196"] @ [time="1034792885"]

                                [utd]Dread wrote..

                                Pardon me for being such a n00b on the subject but I just haven't caught the jist of Steam.. What is it actually? Yes I know its an auto updater but I seem to remember reading you have to start up with it everytime you want to play? and if your playing a dust map then you only download the dust level? Doesn't that mean that would have to proceed through a few megs download before you can actually play the game?

                                I take it the original method of updating and playing will co-exist?
                       will only download a map if you don't have it, and once you download it, you have it forever and ever.

                                Had to fix my typing errors (not spelling mistakes) because of Salu's message that he posted right before mine.

                                Phuck U Salu

