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  • #31
    rizzuh wrote..

    I'm getting very, very, very slow load times. More than 10 seconds, maybe it's something on my end too.
    That's very odd, especially because I have an old computer.


    • #32
      slow here too...

      anyways... IMHO only the Riot Shield would make a drastic impact to the game... i mean, wat's more weapon can do to change gameplay??? cant wait to see ct's holding those big stuffs, protecting their friends, being backstabbed by the ever vigilant terrorist...


      btw, would the riot shield have the glass viewer??? like the C:Z version???


      • #33
        oReiLLZ wrote..

        Cheap, accurate, and powerful.

        The Galil or sexual innuendo? You decide.
        A decision only capable of the Canadian mindset!


        • #34
          GonePostal wrote..

          Where is the kill self before I using a 5-7 option?
          5-7 = ownz! or at least it used to, headshot machine pre 1.4


          • #35
            Not too bad here, hold on a sec, this just in: in a bizarre change of events, my load times have slowed down to like 30 seconds a page, what!, 30 seconds, what!, on cable, what!

            let's throw to Jim for the latest developments

            Jim: well our load times are terribly pathetic and we can all blame it on those damn bandwidth whoring bastards! Damn them, back to you bob!

            Bob: breaking news here, GET A NEW SERVER FAST!

            Bob: As for the two new weapons and one new equipment item, galil and FAMAS are gonna own, and possibly replace and colt/ak dominance, and as for the riot shield, how the fuck are you winning the poll, don't any of you people take this seriously!


            • #36
              Oh, -Dice. Deep down we're all Canadian.

              Deep...deep down...


              • #37
                Narby's de_comrade (old pics) is currently in the hands of hands of VALVe, but no one knows if it'll be included in CS 1.6. The map has been done since March, 2002 but was never formally tested for inclusion in CS 1.4 or 1.5.


                • #38
                  It helps tremendously (I started to get load times of over 30 seconds) if you lower the amount of news days & topics shown.


                  • #39
                    OT: can next weeks poll be: "Does anyone else besides [pr] use a trackball for counter-strike?" I can't be the only one. C'mon. Somebody?

                    For the clueless; I use a MS optical trackball. Not a mouse. I don't move it around. Just stays there. Has 5 buttons, including that little scrolly thing. Has some red LED that glows when i go nub around.

                    Sure, SAY you don't care. SAY this is off-topic. But deep, deep inside, aren't you curious? Yeah, you are.


                    • #40
                      N1ghtSt@lker wrote..

                      It helps tremendously (I started to get load times of over 30 seconds) if you lower the amount of news days & topics shown.
                      this helped me a lot as well

                      viewing csn is starting to remind me of using electricity in california :P


                      • #41
                        The site seems to be loading faster for me today. It's been slow as hell as of late...

                        As for the Riot Shield, am I the only one who sees how easily it can abused in the first few rounds?

                        And if the Riot Shield makes the cut for 1.6, what about the Gas Grenade and the Molotov Cocktail?


                        • #42
                          Playing checkers through "friends" should be interesting..


                          • #43
                            CabalSoljea™ wrote..

                            btw, would the riot shield have the glass viewer??? like the C:Z version???
                            what the hell else would it have?


                            • #44
                              The CS and CS:CZ version of the riot shield are the exact same thing Cobal.


                              • #45
                                The gas grenade sounds absolutely brilliant. Siege busting as CT's in Italy will totally change - aim a couple of these accurately and you clear the way for a storm up the stairs.

                                Oh! The possibilities!

