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  • #16
    I'm sorry about the content situation; though esports is coming really well most of our team is very busy with life, ladies, and the thing we call school.
    "Second base" is now "restraining order" in my love life.
    Except for the venerable -Dice, who continually submits articles.
    I promise that I'll submit an article soon!


    • #17
      I haven't seen any Dice submitted articles. LINK


      • #18
        Riot shield? Pls. I can see the whole CT team going riot shield, all ready for the T's to swing around and try and blast them, and then realizing the t's are RIGHT BEHIND THEM. When I play, I will laugh when that happens.

        ~g0g0 riot shield~


        • #19
          No rizzuh, christmas comes faster than the pages load.


          • #20
            f00kie wrote..

            I wanna vote something such as "I don't care" or "I don't even know what those are". Where are those?
            rizzuh's already said he doesn't want 'joke' choices like that. Just don't vote.


            • #21
              RIOT SHIELD???? gallil is going to kick your ass!


              • #22
                DrMagus wrote..

                Riot shield? Pls. I can see the whole CT team going riot shield, all ready for the T's to swing around and try and blast them, and then realizing the t's are RIGHT BEHIND THEM. When I play, I will laugh when that happens.

                ~g0g0 riot shield~
                I thought you were going to say, "and the T's hit them in the head through the shield knocking them to 50 health considering it is like holding a crate infront of you" but luckily you managed to avoid anything that would make sense. I mean, it would be impossible for them to turn around after the first shot. Whenever I catch someone from behind I have ALL DAY too fire at them since they just give up and let me kill the entire pack of them.


                • #23
                  Well...currently as I post the Riot Shield is winning and also wanted to say =P my pages load fast =D Yes I have no life...


                  • #24
                    The riot shield will be useless in most public server games only clan matches, or at least that is what I think. So I am looking forward for the FAMAS. Currently I can use the AK better then a colt so maybe things will turn around.

                    As for the site being slow. I have noticed a small change but it is hosted by GameSpy so don't complain :P


                    • #25
                      Gpig20 wrote..

                      I thought you were going to say, "and the T's hit them in the head through the shield knocking them to 50 health considering it is like holding a crate infront of you" but luckily you managed to avoid anything that would make sense. I mean, it would be impossible for them to turn around after the first shot. Whenever I catch someone from behind I have ALL DAY too fire at them since they just give up and let me kill the entire pack of them.
                      that was my point. If you catch them from behind then your entire team is screwed, except for the one lone ranger that decides to mow down the entire T team with just a deagle, because he decided NOT to use a riot shield.


                      • #26
                        dRage wrote..

                        rizzuh's already said he doesn't want 'joke' choices like that. Just don't vote.
                        How can it be a "joke" if it is the truth?


                        • #27
                          f00kie wrote..

                          How can it be a "joke" if it is the truth?
                          Oh, look at fookie. He is the magical goose who doesn't know what he's most excited about.

                          Don't vote. And then kill yourself because you're missing out on the party.


                          • #28
                            Where is the kill self before I using a 5-7 option?


                            • #29
                              I guess the pole becomes "serious scientific research stuff" when we can vote for "none"


                              • #30
                                Cheap, accurate, and powerful.

                                The Galil or sexual innuendo? You decide.

