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1.6: AWP & Shield?

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  • #76
    MikeJ wrote..

    that's not going to help you when the T's throw a hundred nades your way and all you got is a fucking pistol.
    yeah, when the damage result from 100 HE grenades is 50.


    • #77
      Keisuke Takahashi wrote..

      yup, less AWP whores + more stand-offs = long live cs!!!
      u dont get it do u....

      less fraggers, more teamplay!



      • #78
        synth wrote..

        yeah, when the damage result from 100 HE grenades is 50.
        Did that make sense to anyone else?


        • #79
          Crapola5 wrote..

          Did that make sense to anyone else?


          • #80
            TriggerHappy wrote...
            I won't even bother to respond to that would-be post disection on a point-by-point basis. solgae1784 was clear and pretty accurate on every point, and the disection just came across as a pathetic attempt to attack everything he said with responses that amounted to "oh yeah?" in their intelligence.

            I also agree that the AWP bolt shouldn't be worked while the pistol is deployed, and if it's interrupted (just like a reload sequence on any other gun) by pulling out another gun, you should have to re-start it when you switch back to the AWP. Same with the scout (though it's not really an issue on that gun) just for consistancy.

            On the USP vs. glock, all I can say is I often see T's in top level clan matches buy USP's, if they don't want to pay for a desert eagle, but I never see CT's drop their USP to buy a glock. The glock can kill in certain circumstances, and against unarmored enemies it acts much like the deagle at close range. However, beyond the first round or two, this is no longer the case, and the USP outclasses it, as a helmet can survive 2 direct glock hits, which are hard enough to get, even in burst fire mode. It can't survive 2 direct USP hits, however.

            I really don't understand all the fuss about the shield. We're going to be beta testing this thing in a few weeks, and they'll be tweaking it constantly. If it's overpowered, VALVe will take note and change it up some to make it more balanced. With the history of added weapons in CS, I don't have any reason to fear new weapons that will unbalance the game, but rather they tend to be more on the side of uselessness.

            However, it's quite possible that VALVe has learned their lesson from guns like the UMP and such, and will try to make the shield have tactical significance, without making it a massively game-altering weapon. Only the galil and FAMAS are likely to have large impacts on top level matches, and the shield will be more of an interesting option. We'll all find out when we beta test it, however, and things will be tweaked until they come to a good balance. I'm looking forward to it.


            • #81
              Edited by [user="26841"] @ [time="1040635997"]

              When CT lose the first round, ninety-nine percent of the time, they will lose the rest of the round. This is because T's can afford the powerful AK-47 rifle, which can be devastating to CT who can only afford an MP5, as rizzuh said
              Never underestimate the power of mp5.I can take people with ak-47 out with mp5 because ak users must shoot 2-3 bullets at a time to be accurate while people with mp5 stafe faster and can easily avoid those shots.

              [Edit: Don't use [ b ], use [ quote ] to do your quotes!]


              • #82
                I agree with you. MP5 is more accurate than AK-47 and may be powerful on its own right. However, I always lose to AK-47 when I'm so close to killing him. If I kill him, great. I pick up his AK and rip off one or two more T's asses until I go down. But 70% of the time, I go down first. Unskilled players like me are too afraid to the fact that moving around will make us lose our accuracy and tend to stay at the place, while MP5 is supposely designed to be roughly accurate even when ripping with full-auto. So because MP5 uses 9mm and leg, stomach shots are not that damaging, which I still tend to aim, I only shoot like 2 shots before I go down like an idiot.


                • #83
                  u know what i don't understand, y is it that in like de_dust the ct's are usually the ones winning and terrorists are always the ones to start running. i don't really think its fair that the ct's now have a shield that can protect them for any bullet cuz now this just makes it really hard for the t's to win. i think that if they were going to put a sheild in to the game i think that it should be on both sides just to even things out a bit


                  • #84
                    Lets just put it this way : "RIOT SHEILD + CHEAT = GOD MODE."

                    I bet you some new cheat is going to come out where it makes the player aim at whoever is shooting at him/her instantly with the sheild... Thus... GOD MODE....


                    • #85
                      now...we can shoot thru think concrete the house in italy...or anyother concrete wall/wood create/or steel container, but this lil peice of metal called a Riot Shield will stop all of that? dont you think thats kinda of odd? wow i can get shot thru this 1 ft. think concrete wall with a deagle, but i can't shoot thru that lil 1/2 inch think peice of metal called a riot shield with a ak/awp? seems kinda interesting to me...

                      (i do tho, think its gonna be a cool addition, but shouldn't they make the walls the same strength? or make the shield a LITTLE bit inpentrable, as it is in real life...cuz cs was made following realizm, just my $.02 tho)

