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1.6: AWP & Shield?

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  • #46
    I can see it now,the shielded CTs will rush and engage the terrorists while the sniping CTs will take them out one by one.Even a camping terrorist with aks or m3s is no match against a strafe happy shielded CT with somehow powerful fiveseven


    • #47
      Edited by [user="26841"] @ [time="1040592667"]

      [Edited for excessive bold tags... use QUOTE genious! -Nighthawk]
      solgae1784 wrote..

      I'm gonna have to give your post a bisectomy and nurse's comments.
      Yeah, the riot shield is amazing. But what really waits me is the FAMAS. When CT lose the first round, ninety-nine percent of the time, they will lose the rest of the round.
      -In my experience with Counter-Strike, I rarely see terrorists owning the counter-terrorists in the first rounds. If the pea shooters DO overcome the counter-terrorists, then that means the counter-terrorists never stood a chance in the first place.
      This is because T's can afford the powerful AK-47 rifle, which can be devastating to CT who can only afford an MP5, as rizzuh said.
      -I love these bold tags. [Edit: Well, they're gone now, so ha!]

      You make the AK-47 sound like it's spearing fish in a barrel. It's not.

      Like I said, however, if the terrorists do some how trample the counter-terrorists with glocks, I don't think the counter-terrorists stood much of a chance in the first place.
      Unless the T's shooting around the AK like a manic and CT's places their mp5 ammo in the T's head, the CT's will go down tight.
      -If the terrorists are in any way manic, they shouldn't be playing a game with real life weapons and like currency for them, eh?

      You underestimate the power of strafing and spraying.

      (Not to be a jackass, but I'm going to have to run down people who don't bother using the little fancy "spell check" feature, which was kindly added to help posters who aren't as literacy-natured as others)
      This ain't Rainbow Six guys.
      -Counter-Strike... Rainbox Six.... Counter-Strike... Rainbow Six...

      "Your a genious!"
      With the addition of FAMAS, CT will be able to more effectively defend against the cheap, powerful AK-47s. Since it uses the same ammunition as the M4, It will become the great alternative to M4 If you don't have or trying to save cash. It is basically the same as M4, only without the silencer.
      -Or you can save the cash, and buy a nifty M4A1. :-D

      I don't know about this, but I don't know if the recoil will be the same. Let's hope it won't be the same thing as the M4A1, or we'll be observing some extremely uncreativeness from Valve, the Counter-Strike Team, and GearBox. :-o
      The T's new rifle Galil will benefit some average users who can't shoot AK-47 accurately.
      -Says you. What's an average user?
      Since AK-47 becomes freakin inaccurate when u try to shoot this more than 4 shots, and Galil is supposed to be little more accurate, this Galil should be a good rifle to those who despise AKs.
      -That's why people use "burst" firing. :-D

      Its high power is balanced by its recoil. So it's balanced!(Didn't bother making sense of that one.)
      The T's won't lose much firepower because its ammunition is comparable to M4A1, Aug, and SG552.
      -Is that supposed to be a good thing?

      Terrorists 0wnz j00.
      The CS 1.6 will balance out the unbalanced part of the gameplay. I'm looking forward to it
      -By what I've seen you say is unbalanced, I say the Counter-Strike 1.6/ plans need to be dropped down the drain! The fix for losing sound can stay though.

      This ends the bisectomy, doctor!


      • #48
        im skeptical when i see words like always and never. that's a closeminded way of thinking about things. maybe just me. go scout [ awp is fun too ) ] in terms of balance, isnt that why they have beta's?


        • #49
          I love it... too bad it wont bounce the bullet back the the shooter


          When CT lose the first round, ninety-nine percent of the time, they will lose the rest of the round. This is because T's can afford the powerful AK-47 rifle, which can be devastating to CT who can only afford an MP5, as rizzuh said

          It's called a "save round". You see, in a normal 5v5 clan match after losing the first round, you do a save round. This means you don't buy anything. You can also save the round after this one, and have money for the rest of the match. It IS possible to win the second round after winning the first one, just takes a few headshots.

          aks aren't godly i can take them out with a 5-7

          No, you can take out newbies using AK-47 with your 5-7.

          Riot shield is a dumb idea, in my opinion.


          • #50
            the riot shield is another way to rage people (very gay). Of course, this way of raging people would only work if the t's dont have any he grenades and the glass that you peek through isnt breakable. you'd jsut take a riotshield to a corner where your sides and back arent exposed in any way and duck down so your feet arent exposed and boom, unkillable (unless hte t's like stack on top of eachother and hit you from above lol)

            but of course, i really hope that glass is breakable on the riot shield. it'd be alot of fun to get headshots through that $


            • #51
              Holy shit trigger happy, way to dissect solgae's post even though he said nothing offensive toward you.


              • #52
                HankPym wrote..

                Name one map that's biased in favour of the CTs. I can't think of any, in all honesty.

                there are only 3 small choke points for the Ts to get into the bombsites


                • #53
                  i just need to know if the Ballistic shile type IIIA is really that powerful to stop an AWP bullet in real life.

                  also, the realism needs to be there. no jumping while with shield, slow movement speed, and the shield should be able to be picked up by a terrorist if a ct carrying should die.

                  btw, some of you are fretting about the shield too much. its a totally defensive item, i dont believe it will make you invulnerable. pointblank with an AK can still probably take the enemy out. or just duck and shoot their legs, or if they duck, stand up and shoot their head from above.

                  by the way, i am thinking how a CT with a ballistic shield is able to defuse a c4. but then, all cts carrying 2 handed weapons can still do it, so its probably not the point. it can be really good to cover your ass if you are defusing the c4 tho...


                  • #54
                    Edited by [user="55329"] @ [time="1040458382"]

                    neverwinter wrote..

                    i just need to know if the Ballistic shile type IIIA is really that powerful to stop an AWP bullet in real life.

                    also, the realism needs to be there. no jumping while with shield, slow movement speed, and the shield should be able to be picked up by a terrorist if a ct carrying should die.

                    btw, some of you are fretting about the shield too much. its a totally defensive item, i dont believe it will make you invulnerable. pointblank with an AK can still probably take the enemy out. or just duck and shoot their legs, or if they duck, stand up and shoot their head from above.

                    by the way, i am thinking how a CT with a ballistic shield is able to defuse a c4. but then, all cts carrying 2 handed weapons can still do it, so its probably not the point. it can be really good to cover your ass if you are defusing the c4 tho...
                    The shield won't be the weapon that will change cs as we know it.

                    -T's should be able to pick it up like any other weapon, but will probably have to have a decent pistol to survive.

                    - If close combat were to happen, then M4A1>AK47>Shield; I feel that the shield would be useless, since the only means of attack would be a pistol.

                    - The ct's ass would be literally covered when defusing c4...think about it.

                    I'm looking forward to the FAMAS, which could rival the AK47 in the second round.


                    • #55
                      PK0rZ wrote..

                      aks aren't godly i can take them out with a 5-7
                      I can take out AWPs with knives. But that's because some people are real newbies and cant even manage to pass to the DE b/c they think they can't miss my great charge towards him slashing my knife everywhere I can with their mighty awps.


                      • #56


                        • #57


                          • #58


                            • #59
                              sniv wrote..

                              I can take out AWPs with knives. But that's because some people are real newbies and cant even manage to pass to the DE b/c they think they can't miss my great charge towards him slashing my knife everywhere I can with their mighty awps.
                              Now, what you might want to do, is play some private games, instead of joining games with thirty-two people playing.

                              You should post private game feats, instead of public ones. :-\


                              • #60
                                I think the shield should block almost all rounds except u should take like 25 percent damage from an AK or a Deagle, and It should block 60% of an awp. The awp Is a gun that I luv !!!

                                anyway, the shield blokking awp completely would really REALLY give a CT the advantage of the Terrors, u ll get something like this: 3cts have shields, 3 have awps... try to beat that!

                                But I think the shield should be usefull to small arms like shotguns, pistols, SMGuns and maybe even the M4A1.

                                and if the shield blocks about 60% sniper fire, the SG550 and G1/G3 would become useful, most people hate these guns, but I think they can really be affective !

                                This is my opinion and Im really looking forward to 1.6, I wanna c the shield in action and wanna try the FAMAS and GALIL...

                                BTW. Does anyone have the EXACT release date ?

