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1.6: AWP & Shield?

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  • #61
    Die Awp whores die !!


    • #62
      i can already picture the first few days of cs 1.6 when the entire team buys RS just out of curosity and everyone looks like an idiot

      after the first few days tho, of course, the RS will be amazingly popular just as the auto-snipers are. <--- note my brilliant, cunning usage of sarcasm in the previous sentence


      • #63
        That will likely happen, except remember that there are some players that use the less popular weapons extremely well. So after 1.6 settles down its probable that there will emerge a small number of players that will specialize in shield/pistol usage, to the point that we'll see at least one consistent shield user in any given game that won't bother with a primary weapon at all. In the long run I doubt that many players will be willing to give up having a primary weapon in favor of the shield.

        Current pistol whores, myself included, will probably use the shield more than other players, but I'm waiting to see if the protection will be worth the expected loss of mobility, which is a key ingredient to successful pistol tactics against rifle users.

        Also a real Type IIIA shield does not protect against rifle rounds, but blocks small arms and SMG fire of typical and high powered pistol calibers. The Type III shield protects against rifle rounds, excluding high powered sniper or explosive rounds. Type IV shield offers even better protection from use of steel or titanium plating IIRC...


        • #64
          Edited by [user="39059"] @ [time="1040481666"]

          Why don't they also fix the reload of the awp so that you have to have the awp out to reload to the next round. That way players can't quick switch to the pistol and back to the awp and it already be reloaded. That would also stop a lot of people from awping. Just think if you had to leave the awp out while it reloaded to the next round. You would be slow and wide open to take on fire. This would truly make the awp a strategic weapon instead of the n00b cannon that it is. No more fast switch to avoid the reload of a new shot.

          I'm also not to sure about the shield being completely bulletproof. I mean come on, you can shoot through almost every wall in every cs map ever made. I think the shield should have some type of damage rating so after the shield takes on so much damage, it becomes weakened and shots hitting the shield from that point then start to do some small damage on the player using the shield


          • #65
            i wish it stops awp shots....

            makes young players think strategically how to kill the enemy...

            unlike now, when there's such a thing as 1 shot kills...


            • #66
              Uhm, Glock > Usp. Burst fire is like instant headshot IF YOU KNOW HOW TO AIM. Only reason people hate the glock is because it does shit against armor and they wouldnt know how to aim for the head even if -mlook was on. Burst fire makes headshots a lot easier if actually aim for the head because the bullets fire in a triangle, making the odds a lot better than just having 1 bullet shot at their face. Hell, the burst fire is way more accurate airborne than any other pistol in the game.


              • #67
                Will players still slow down, stutter or otherwise get stunned when bullets hit the shield, like what happens when players get shot normally? If not then it would seem that the shield might have mystical anti-recoil padding that prevents the kinetic energy of the bullets from having any effect on player movement :\


                • #68
                  abel wrote..

                  Uhm, Glock > Usp. Burst fire is like instant headshot IF YOU KNOW HOW TO AIM. Only reason people hate the glock is because it does shit against armor and they wouldnt know how to aim for the head even if -mlook was on. Burst fire makes headshots a lot easier if actually aim for the head because the bullets fire in a triangle, making the odds a lot better than just having 1 bullet shot at their face. Hell, the burst fire is way more accurate airborne than any other pistol in the game.
                  Its just as easy to get a headshot with the usp at close range then the glock. Except that the burst fire on the glock has a way larger reload then the shot of a usp, and its nearly impossible to get headshots with a glock when someone is side stepping left and right, and the usp can be effective at much larger ranges.


                  • #69
                    CabalSoljeaâ„¢ wrote..

                    i wish it stops awp shots....

                    makes young players think strategically how to kill the enemy...

                    unlike now, when there's such a thing as 1 shot kills...
                    yup, less AWP whores + more stand-offs = long live cs!!!
                    abel wrote..

                    Uhm, Glock > Usp. Burst fire is like instant headshot IF YOU KNOW HOW TO AIM. Only reason people hate the glock is because it does shit against armor and they wouldnt know how to aim for the head even if -mlook was on. Burst fire makes headshots a lot easier if actually aim for the head because the bullets fire in a triangle, making the odds a lot better than just having 1 bullet shot at their face. Hell, the burst fire is way more accurate airborne than any other pistol in the game.
                    IMO, usp>glock, since the glock's burst-fire is nowhere near as accurate as the silenced usp. But it is nice to see a glock whore once in a while


                    • #70
                      The silencer increases the recoil pattern on the USP when it is fired quickly; it's a bit more accurate without the silencer on. The Glock can be pretty deadly especially in the pistol rounds when it stuns the enemy and makes them easier targets for headshots.


                      • #71
                        RaptorRage wrote..

                        The silencer increases the recoil pattern on the USP when it is fired quickly; it's a bit more accurate without the silencer on. The Glock can be pretty deadly especially in the pistol rounds when it stuns the enemy and makes them easier targets for headshots.
                        Know what's even more deadly in still-rounds?

                        High explosive grenades.


                        • #72
                          the elites should be in the pistol rounds


                          • #73
                            illegal-op wrote..

                            Why don't they also fix the reload of the awp so that you have to have the awp out to reload to the next round. That way players can't quick switch to the pistol and back to the awp and it already be reloaded. That would also stop a lot of people from awping. Just think if you had to leave the awp out while it reloaded to the next round. You would be slow and wide open to take on fire. This would truly make the awp a strategic weapon instead of the n00b cannon that it is. No more fast switch to avoid the reload of a new shot.

                            I'm also not to sure about the shield being completely bulletproof. I mean come on, you can shoot through almost every wall in every cs map ever made. I think the shield should have some type of damage rating so after the shield takes on so much damage, it becomes weakened and shots hitting the shield from that point then start to do some small damage on the player using the shield
                            So everyone that uses Awp uses it because they can fast switch? I am a true AWP whore I dont dont even bother with fast switch. Fast switch isnt even that big of an advantage it shaves off like 1/10th of a second worth of reload time. WHOOPTY DOOOOOOOO.

                            If the shield stops AWP fire from long range then theoretically it should stop all rifle fire even point blank. Which I guess would make it rather godly in thwe world of CS. Although if they make that little peep hole breakable, I will still AWP and smile at all the newbs who feel they must bitch about the AWP......

                            AWP IS LIKE A TAMPON EVERY PUSSY NEEDS ONE..............BOOM whats that this pussy just blew your ass away........


                            • #74
                              abel wrote..

                              Uhm, Glock > Usp. Burst fire is like instant headshot IF YOU KNOW HOW TO AIM. Only reason people hate the glock is because it does shit against armor and they wouldnt know how to aim for the head even if -mlook was on. Burst fire makes headshots a lot easier if actually aim for the head because the bullets fire in a triangle, making the odds a lot better than just having 1 bullet shot at their face. Hell, the burst fire is way more accurate airborne than any other pistol in the game.
                              no it makes 1 shot go high 1 go to the right and 1 go the left if u aim right lol so either way glock sux


                              • #75
                                Edited by [user="73650"] @ [time="1040511582"]

                                Okay TriggerHappy, I'll explain again.

                                I won't say that FAMAS is a 'great, great' weapon. I've heard nothing about it, and I don't know how good the weapon will be. It's just my general opinion that FAMAS might be a good weapon because I always resented the fact that CT's doesn't have any cheap, good powerful rifle that I can use, like the Terrorists. MP5 is a great weapon, but I think it is more accuracy orientated, and it can later get bogged down by those pesky rifle players, unless you are very skilled. And some T's who are aggressive on cash can always buy the USP or Desert Eagle on the first rounds.

                                I'm just an average player. My number of kills and deaths spread evenly. I'm not skilled enough yet to score much head shots. So I sort of have to rely on the firepower, and the MP5 gets weaker and weaker in the later of the game. Until I master the skills, I would be in a tough time since I play as a CT, and CT doesn't really have any good rifle that costs around $2500. So I'm saying that if FAMAS turns out to be a good weapon, it will be a great weapons to less-skilled players like me.

                                I never played the clan match. My opinion is based on my experience from the public servers. So my opinion might not apply to those who play clan matches.

                                Maybe I exaggerated about the 99%. I'd say about 80% of the time CT's will lose. Yeah, CT's can still win, but most of the time I saw, T's win. I tried to kill a lone Terrorist off-guard with an MP5. I almost killed him before he turn to me and shoot me dead with his AK. So what I'm trying to say is, CT's come short in terms of firepower when they lose the first match, since they'll be strapping for cash. You could be aggressive and spend the whole $4000 you have after you lose or win a couple of rounds to buy M4, ammo, and kelvar and such, but I don't recommend it if you're not skilled enough. If you die without killing anyone, you just wasted the cash and will be forced to buy a weaker gun next round.

                                I'm not praising AK-47s either. AK-47 is just an average gun to me. Since AK-47 takes some skill to use it correctly, First-time or those who rarely play CS like me might see AKs difficult to master. It is a deadly weapon if you burst-fire, but inexperienced players might not know about this, and they would just go full-auto like a dumbass and curse its inaccuracy when it goes for full-auto. When Galil, like FAMAS, turns out to be a good weapon, it will be a great starting weapon for the newbies, that is, if it is more accurate than AK.

                                So I'll say that FAMAS and Galil will benefit average players like me who doesn't get much head shots in the game. I don't know how will it turn out on clan matches; I'm saying this in terms of public plays

                                P.S. By the way, the reason I compared CS with Rainbow Six is in Rainbow Six, most of the time you die in one shot with just about any weapon. You die mightly quicker than in Counter-strike

