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interview: narby

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  • Yep... Maps are closing in... (


    • -:Nighthawk:- wrote..

      That is classic. I would comment on the stupidity of that email, but I don't want to get myself all worked up. Pretty much I could comment on every sentence, and even small parts of sentences. For now, I'll just say I really enjoy the typical bantering around between the our very own no-tallent hack of a webmaster, rizzuh, and the DaveJ-wannabe mapper with a lamp post fetish, narby.

      And from my perspective, the picture comments fell perfectly within that. Though I was thinking I'd replace "vision" with "eyeballs" or something, but yeah, the comments were great, better than the interview in humor value, though the interview was well done.

      Half Life is the best gaming engine... ohhh, that's just too funny.
      You can't blame him. Too many people mis-interpret a lot of the things rizzuh says, and I could probably say the same for narby but I don't really know the guy.

      I gave him a nudge (told him to email rizzuh).


      • Map appears to have low r_speeds

        DaveJ is prolly the only mapper that'll make a map run fluidly on my amd k62 500.

        me fux


        • the map looks pretty god damn good !!!

          Good Job !!!!!

          go on my clan server -- -- Paradox UK

          and play me - puk | blue: Total:@nnihlation

          i suppose mappers dont go public, but if u do, go on our server, would like to talk to ya, coz i wanna do some map designin


          • Jungle? Palm trees? Airstrip? Hangar? Fuel tank?...

            Some ideas are very nice...but stealing them is not very nice.

            Obviously someone played beta ver. of illa's de_laguna.


            • I've never heard of laguna until today, looking at pictures it looks NOTHING like airstrip at all.

              Also I forgot ideas were copyright, I better inform Meeedic you can't have maps set in a missile facility or DaveJ you can't have a map set in the desert.


              • I gave him the idea for the map and I've never heard of laguna.

                Also, you're a crazy idiot.


                • Direktor: Wow.

                  Just.... Wow.

                  I know I should be depressed or annoyed that you are such an idiot, but please, it's been a tough day at work and I would really like to laugh an a complete waste of flesh. Your initial comments were just a warmup for me, I want full fledged ignornace. Why don't you argue your case for the map being stolen some more?



                  • I think all the ideas were obviously stolen from several different maps by that assclown Barney. What kind of name is Barney anyway? Oh, he thought he could hide under the name of "narby" but we all know he's got a purple dinosaur obsession the size of rizzuh's bathing suit that can only be matched by his lamp post fetish. All that aside, though, here's the breakdown of narby's stolen ideas for that unoriginal piece of crap, de_airstrip:

                    cs_assault. I mean, I see hangers with big open area door things. Assault sort of has a building with a big door, so the idea was probably stolen. CryptR's gonna be pissed.

                    as_forrest. Also, 3D-Mike's greenhouse project to a lesser extent. Using any sort of trees, or plants in general is a blatant rip from this excellent map by Poor Yurik. If narby had a fraction of this level of skill, he wouldn't need to steal the idea of having foliage.

                    de_inferno. You wouldn't believe it, but narby's such a damn plagerist in his maps that he stole the fencing from his own map! Social reject? I think so.

                    cs_militia. I see a roundish hole in the concrete, which is obviously stolen from the idea of having sewers. Militia and Estate both had sewers, so narby is again caught as a thieving twit.

                    de_torn. The sky looks cool and cloudy, and if I remember right, torn's sky looked cool too. Madcross and Crinity are gonna bust a cap in narby's ass when they see him begging for spare change on the street, which he'll be doing once VALVe fires him and he loses the commission he gets every time you play one of "his" maps.

                    de_dust. Every map is stolen from de_dust, because that's the only good map, and narby is nothing more than a space monkey trying to be like DaveJ. In fact, every server should be 24/7 Dust only, to avoid all this plagerism. All this talk of "entities" and "masked skin technology" won't confuse us like "control the center" did. DocUK may have gotten a laugh in at our expence with his checkers plagerism, but you're not gonna trick us with de_airstrip!

                    I could go on and on, but there's obviously thousands of different maps by extremely tallented mappers who have nothing but purely original ideas that narby blatantly stole and deceived VALVe with, tricking them into accepting this horrible excuse for a map to be included in CS1.6. Enjoy hell narby, because that's where you mapper types go, if you use any vaguely similar theme to an unfinished map you haven't heard of.


                    • Shit. Rumbled.


                      • narby wrote..

                        Shit. Rumbled.
                        hoho.........but it looks pretty damn solid, for a ripoff of all the maps (if u believe wat blackhawk says)


                        • -:Nighthawk:- wrote..

                          I think all the ideas were obviously stolen from several different maps by that assclown Barney. What kind of name is Barney anyway? Oh, he thought he could hide under the name of "narby" but we all know he's got a purple dinosaur obsession the size of rizzuh's bathing suit that can only be matched by his lamp post fetish. All that aside, though, here's the breakdown of narby's stolen ideas for that unoriginal piece of crap, de_airstrip:

                          cs_assault. I mean, I see hangers with big open area door things. Assault sort of has a building with a big door, so the idea was probably stolen. CryptR's gonna be pissed.

                          as_forrest. Also, 3D-Mike's greenhouse project to a lesser extent. Using any sort of trees, or plants in general is a blatant rip from this excellent map by Poor Yurik. If narby had a fraction of this level of skill, he wouldn't need to steal the idea of having foliage.

                          de_inferno. You wouldn't believe it, but narby's such a damn plagerist in his maps that he stole the fencing from his own map! Social reject? I think so.

                          cs_militia. I see a roundish hole in the concrete, which is obviously stolen from the idea of having sewers. Militia and Estate both had sewers, so narby is again caught as a thieving twit.

                          de_torn. The sky looks cool and cloudy, and if I remember right, torn's sky looked cool too. Madcross and Crinity are gonna bust a cap in narby's ass when they see him begging for spare change on the street, which he'll be doing once VALVe fires him and he loses the commission he gets every time you play one of "his" maps.

                          de_dust. Every map is stolen from de_dust, because that's the only good map, and narby is nothing more than a space monkey trying to be like DaveJ. In fact, every server should be 24/7 Dust only, to avoid all this plagerism. All this talk of "entities" and "masked skin technology" won't confuse us like "control the center" did. DocUK may have gotten a laugh in at our expence with his checkers plagerism, but you're not gonna trick us with de_airstrip!

                          I could go on and on, but there's obviously thousands of different maps by extremely tallented mappers who have nothing but purely original ideas that narby blatantly stole and deceived VALVe with, tricking them into accepting this horrible excuse for a map to be included in CS1.6. Enjoy hell narby, because that's where you mapper types go, if you use any vaguely similar theme to an unfinished map you haven't heard of.
                          woah damn


                          • To be honest, narby, de_airstrip looks pretty nice overall from the screenshots here. Naturally, I'll reserve final judgement until I get a chance to see how it plays. If it's anything like your other maps, however, I'll be a fan.


                            • In a few days there will have been no news at all for two years on the TF2 homepage.


                              • Well, whada coincidence!

                                Coincidents do happen, dont they?

                                Sorry if I insulted anyone.

