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interview: narby

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  • Edited by [user="2199"] @ [time="1041733364"]

    cruZ. wrote..

    yeah shouldnt the ct's be trying to destroy the drug traffic? why are the terrorists blowing it up?
    Here is the actual scenario on Barney's site:
    Terrorists are attempting to destroy a vital airstrip needed to supply local villages with aid.

    The map contains 32 spawns, and there are 2 bomb locations.

    Build time was about 2 weeks. Built using a custom editor and batch compiled using latest Zoner's tools. Textures by Iikka Keranen (

    Designed for Valve Software for Counter-strike 1.6, January 2002.


    • I think I saw a shadow in one of those screen shots. You will want to remove that and flood out every corner with unrealistic lighting. Nobody will play it if it requires ever looking in a corner or... shock horror using night vision or a torch.


      • Looks great, can't wait to play it next week (assuming CS 1.6 beta is released on the 7th)..

        Only 1 thing I like to mention.. I hope not all the chokepoints on this map can be covered from long distance like on Aztec.. This turns a map into an AWP map, like Aztec.. Aztec is a great map, but it has turned into a CT-side AWP whoring map if you ask me.. I wouldn't be surprised if the CPL removes it aswell (as with prodigy), because it's just to one-side.. Dust2 for me is the most balanced (popular war) map in CS atm, both teams have about equal chances on it, and all weapons are usefull on it, closecombat & long distance.. I'm starting to like Inferno alot aswell as warmap, good to see it become more & more popular as a warmap in the CS clancommunity..

        We need more good balanced (popular) warmaps, playing the same +/- 6 maps for years gets a bit boring.. Lets hope airstrip becomes one..


        • Brutal Sponge wrote..

          umm, somehow I don't think the guys at Valve are sitting on a pot of money, because that's stupid, it'd be in the bank :/ Would you rather play a game that is buggy, ugly, and all round not very good a year earlier, or would you rather wait for an excellent game, hopefully with no bugs, that looks amazing?

          I know i'd rather wait. I don't know about you though.
          the pot of money is figurative, it comes after they release the game...

          i dont have a problem with waiting but more than enough time has passed to develop this game and now most of it has been scrapped

          i dont know if narby is still reading these comments, but as far as scenario holes go

          the map description for de_aztec mentions MAYAN ruins while the name of the map is de_AZTEC

          hMmMm what a MySteRy



          • narb, mind releasing de_comrade?

            WE WANNA PLAY THAT MAP!!!

            we juz need sumthin new juz about now...

            its getting a little bland with the existing maps... (actually not really. this is caused by servers playing de_dust 24/7...)


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                  • de_dust2 is really fair for both teams indeed

                    It's true de_aztec is a bit too AWPish, but on matches its nt quite as annoying as on pubs, because you know you'd get some tactic around awps and get some little chance.


                    • From Exo's email...

                      wtf, why are you making fun of narby's new cs1.6 map?? You think you can do any better? Christ, that map is one of the best looking for a half-life game...and don't diss the h-l engine so much because it IS still the best gaming engine. You just see how many copies of condition zero sell compared to a game with a new engine.

                      those gay captions under the map pics make you look like a jackass
                      That is classic. I would comment on the stupidity of that email, but I don't want to get myself all worked up. Pretty much I could comment on every sentence, and even small parts of sentences. For now, I'll just say I really enjoy the typical bantering around between the our very own no-tallent hack of a webmaster, rizzuh, and the DaveJ-wannabe mapper with a lamp post fetish, narby.

                      And from my perspective, the picture comments fell perfectly within that. Though I was thinking I'd replace "vision" with "eyeballs" or something, but yeah, the comments were great, better than the interview in humor value, though the interview was well done.

                      Half Life is the best gaming engine... ohhh, that's just too funny.


                      • get your ees out of your ass, the HL engine sux it's 4 YEARS OLD how can it be the best compared to, even q3 engine


                        • narby knows the release date for the beta for 1.6, he has to! We must use our best torture techniques to extract the information, i suggest baffleing him with useless comments, o wait thats been done, ammm we'll have to try to make him tell us by mistake,

                          narby when is your map going to be in the beta of 1.6?


                          • Map looks neat, narb! Has all the things tht are important - large areas, and LOW horizons. Also saw a tunnel and a few cunning places to hide. DaveJ's prediction: will reach #5 AT LEAST in the clq chart - but only if it isn't hyped to high-heaven like Torn and some other maps...

                            Am I shaking in my size 17 boots? Yeah, a little
                            Simplex wrote..

                            Clever! So DaveJ must be livin' in style now. =)
                            Someone please tell me when you see the word 'contractor' and 'commision' in the same contract without the word 'no' inserted prior to one of them... I'd be most amazed.


                            • sniv wrote..

                              get your ees out of your ass, the HL engine sux it's 4 YEARS OLD how can it be the best compared to, even q3 engine
                              Please stop going on and on about how old the engine is. If you want eye candy and 900 meg installs please feel free to go and play a newer game, but don't keep whining about how HL is so dated, we know it's been around for 5 years.



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