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CS 1.6 BETA Update

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  • 1741852963 wrote..

    u guys die for counterstrike? ever thought of getting lives? ... and stop getting fat! lol j/p ( hehe )
    rizzuh's fat.


    • all yanks are hehe


      • while waiting to cs 1.6, shall we play Battlefield 1942 eh ?


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            • AceR. wrote..

              rizzuh's fat.
              Understatement of the year.

              As far as your comments, kaxman... I'd have to agree with you about the whole Rodney King situation. Sadly, looking at a lot of the damage that was done in the resulting riots, there was a lot of fighting between minority groups, destroying stores and such owned by say, chineese people, all for what? Positioning among the underdogs? Oppertunism, really, with people using any excuse to excercise their hatred and frustrations on other people.

              Don't get me wrong... I'm very much a proponent of equal rights and such. But I'm sickened anytime that a group of people uses a token event as an excuse for their behavior that is FAR worse than even the worst interpretation of the initial event.

              Trying to remember which ethnic group it was... seems like Koreans, but anyway, one of the areas that rioters were approaching had a bunch of people come out and get on rooftops with automatic weapons. It's a sad state of things when it has to come down to that, but it was pretty effective, and they got left alone. Interesting situation, I suppose... anyway, I digress.

              Back to my readings... why do teachers believe it's fine to assign just under 100 pages a week of reading, when you've got other teachers doing the same thing to you? I just don't get it...


              • it's bcoz, assumptions are the mother of all screwups.

                (to any1 hu actually BELIEVED that joker about the shield gonna cost 16grand and blah blah blah, get a life.)


                • Counter Strike 1.6 will be release "when its done"

                  TFC 2 will be release "when its done"

                  DNF " uh ! will never be release !


                  • i heard that 1.6 may make your comp and ame a bit slower is taht true?

                    i got dibs on the sheild when it comes out. CHARGE!!!!

                    16 grand? how can a shjield take up 16grand i mean that is the max money u can have.whoever thinks that is strage

                    srry but i had to say it. it is called commen sense

                    Added @ [time="1042264748"]

                    wowthe shield does block all. i don't understand the rules i think


                    • khoa152 wrote..

                      i heard that 1.6 may make your comp and ame a bit slower is taht true?

                      i got dibs on the sheild when it comes out. CHARGE!!!!

                      16 grand? how can a shjield take up 16grand i mean that is the max money u can have.whoever thinks that is strage

                      srry but i had to say it. it is called commen sense

                      wowthe shield does block all. i don't understand the rules i think


                      • soo when 1.6 comes out do we get it from

