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More CS: CZ Info

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  • #46
    gearbox take too long to do anything. at least Ritual are actually making the game. Thier M4 looks fine to me, but no doubt you will be able to replace them.


    • #47
      hey, i can't download the video.. i have to be a member ( and pay ) ? omg..


      • #48
        the only thing that Ritual pissed me off was the removal of the Molotov, other things aside they are doing great.

        but i personally believe it would be better that each CT side has a different campaign and such, and hell !!!


        Suppose the Seals are at a location that the Russian government does not want them to be and sends in the Spetsnaz....

        It would be cool to see CTs killing each other for a change !!!! (well, Ritual stated there is a mission where 2 T groups are slugging it out, so why not CT ??!)


        • #49
          i would buy the CZ if you could play both sides. otherwise it seams like only half the game it could be. we are lucky CS came out when it did or we would be stuck playing one side only like in Armenia's Army.

          it seams like political correctness has effected the game: CTs continue to get more/better equipment and maps favoring them. Ts get more crappy weapons they wont buy (mac-10, duals, gsg-1)

          i wanted that damn Molotov: it would have been the perfect thing to cover a choke point or bomb site entrance long enough to plant bomb/outflank CTs.


          • #50
            thegentlesoftness wrote..

            i would buy the CZ if you could play both sides. otherwise it seams like only half the game it could be. we are lucky CS came out when it did or we would be stuck playing one side only like in Armenia's Army.

            it seams like political correctness has effected the game: Ts get more crappy weapons they wont buy (mac-10, duals, gsg-1)

            i wanted that damn Molotov: it would have been the perfect thing to cover a choke point or bomb site entrance long enough to plant bomb/outflank CTs.
            i really would have like the molotov also i agree the game would be alot more fun if we could be t as well as ct. I am very... politically incorrect... and it pisses me right the fuck off when it interferes with something i like. People are still playing as T on multiplayer.. why would they stop for the single player game...

            also some more tools that would force stratagy like the molotov would be verywelcome additions to me. It wouldnt slow the game down too much, but it would require some actual thinking instead of just random death match.. the most we can do now is throw a smoke nade somewhere in a corner in a room and try and fool the other team into thinking we are hiding there

