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More CS: CZ Info

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  • #31
    AceR. wrote..

    hey. it cost money wtf
    y34h wtf did u expect.....they'll let u hav a great game 4 free..when they cn make REALLY many money on a retailgame of counter-strike...

    Spoonman wrote..

    » The Internet is a place where information is shared freely. Yes, you can argue that it is using bandwidth, and that does cost money. However even Fileplanet has queue lines for people who do not pay for the premium service.

    Anyway, now to bed.
    eh ur someone load it up on let me hav a wiew of the film.....'n btw sleep well


    • #32
      didnt Gearbox also say that the they made models with 66% more polys?


      • #33
        Gearbox was going to have customizable player models for over 160 different variations of players, and yes they too said there would be a poly increase of about 66%. However from the Gearbox screenshots they never got around to updating the weapon models. Not sure if they intended to use the defaults or just hadn't gotten to the point of updating the weapons.


        • #34


          • #35
            ...y is ppl rating companies b4 they had even completed their projekts???


            • #36
              rizzuh have you done a poll asking People whether they will purchase CZ or just update of the internet ?

              And CZ is really sounding better in the hands of Ritual.


              • #37
                what i would like to see is a complete remake of the mod for the Battlefield 1942 game. I think that the game just needs a new engine, it would look awsome with that kinda engine.


                • #38
                  Mr-Shag wrote..

                  rizzuh have you done a poll asking People whether they will purchase CZ or just update of the internet ?

                  And CZ is really sounding better in the hands of Ritual.
                  Correct me if i'm wrong, but I vaguely remember that there will be a difference between the retail version of CZ compared to that of just uploading the version.

                  Wasn't there something about the retail version will have better graphics, newer maps, or ??? that you could not get if you just uploaded the CZ software for free?


                  • #39
                    sPaNkThEmOnKeY wrote..

                    Correct me if i'm wrong, but I vaguely remember that there will be a difference between the retail version of CZ compared to that of just uploading the version.

                    Wasn't there something about the retail version will have better graphics, newer maps, or ??? that you could not get if you just uploaded the CZ software for free?
                    That is exactly why am interest in knowing if people will pay £30 for a single player and better graphics etc


                    • #40
                      Mr-Shag wrote..

                      That is exactly why am interest in knowing if people will pay £30 for a single player and better graphics etc
                      Quoted from the CS Nation Condition Zero...
                      Exclusive Stuff for CZ Owners

                      If you purchase CS: CZ, you'll get a Hi-Definition pack. All models will have 66% more polygons. You can also use the various combinations of models and whatnot, while those who use the original CS to play multiplayer will be stuck with the default player models. The single player characters that show up as your allies and enemies in the campaign will be available for online play.

                      Also, you'll see the precipitation and weapon feedback effects described in our technology section above. Most-likely, you'll also be able to play the CS: CZ maps, while CS users will have to download them.

                      There are a few new scenarios Gearbox has created. One or two of them they will include in the final game and they'll be available in multiplayer games. It's unknown if these scenarios will be available to all CS players.
                      Does this mean that if you d/l CZ for free, you won't get upgraded high-defintion graphics and other goodies?


                      • #41

                        you will just have all the default CS models


                        • #42
                          Andeh wrote..


                          you will just have all the default CS models
                          plus u dont have a "hopefully" great singleplayer part


                          • #43
                            ah I'll just buy if for the sake of it if it's not too expensive. I don't want to wait another 1 or 2 years to wait for a "trickle out" of maps


                            • #44
                              im buying it cause the single player sound awsome and i love the new models so i gotta have em


                              • #45
                                Paul Shuttle wrote..

                                How the tide turns...
                                I thought CS: CZ was looking good, but I was not looking forward to the Tony Hawk style gameplay. I wanted the game to at least take itself seriously to some degree, not be an arcade game. Of course I didn't say this when Gearbox was in charge because it would be stupid for me to openly flame their gameplay decisions while running a fansite. Also, I don't know how it would have played since I never played it. I do "think" that the switch to Ritual was indicitive of something, though.

                                The new player models look cool with Ritual's version; can't say the same about some of the new weapon models like the upgraded M4A1. Hopefully we'll be able to overwrite the new additions.

                                Gearbox's stuff that was displayed to the public was in development for far longer than Ritual's art, I can tell you that much.

                                sPaNkThEmOnKeY wrote..

                                Quoted from the CS Nation Condition Zero...
                                That section is no longer reliable. Sorry.

