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More CS: CZ Info

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  • More CS: CZ Info

    GameSpot has posted a new Tom Mustaine video interview concerning CS:CZ. I don't really know what Tom does, but he works at Ritual, the new developers of CS:CZ. The video, which you may only download if you're a GameSpot complete member, has a lot of interesting stuff. Here are some highlights:

    "All the weapons have been re-skinned and have been re-modeled with about 66% more polys." They also re-modeled all the player models with "higher quality." In addition, high-quality sounds are being put in to replace the aging effects currently in CS.

    It seems that you are not a single person. For example, in one mission you're a GSG-9 and in another you're a Navy SEAL. Before some missions are briefed by a commander, while at other times you are simply thrown into the fray.

    Some footage is shown. Actually plenty of footage is shown, displaying the nice new models and some cool scripted sequences. In one mission that sounded very cool, you're a Russian Spetsnaz that is part of a team that will aid in cleaning out a former nuclear missile silo. There are already terrorists there. The kicker is that you find out during the mission that there are actually two terrorist groups fighting over the warheads! Another mission was a Florida bank heist where your team must enter the bank through the sewers.

    "Counter-Strike and CZ will merge together with the engine enhancements and the new GUI." They'll also "trickle out" the CZ maps that are originally only available at retail. All the sound, texture, and model enhancements will be for CZ players only, though.

    The vibe I got from the interview is that Ritual is trying to make a solid SP experience with a lot of "moments" and plenty of scripted sequences. Tom does a great job of hyping the game, since he's basically CliffyB without the webcam.

  • #2
    Yay! Looking forward to it.


    • #3

      Hurry up and release the damn thing already!


      • #4
        Bah, won't even let me watch the streaming version. I hate it when they do that and make you pay for it.


        • #5
          for the person not going to pay for something that should be free

          Anyone have the direct dl url? or a mirror.


          • #6
            debug: SELECT statements: 9 - mysql connection status: connected - execution time: 71 ms

            =) mmmm... speed!


            • #7
              i HATE gamespot. bastards charge for too much stuff...oh well, hopefully a real site will host this


              • #8
                Edited by [user="21273"] @ [time="1042433837"]

                i can't install realplayer

                Failed to create folder %CODECS%

                does that EVERY SINGLE TIME

                stupid real


                • #9
                  While this is all good, maybe you should start taking a page from sites like or and start censoring your content for spoilers. I don't want to know about any of the scripted events, yet I don't want to disable the cs:cz content section entirely. This is a linear, single-player game, and I would not like to be informed of the plot before I get the game.*

                  Also, what is the policy on posting that info in here so we who wish not to pay can read it? Are you going to put it up in your CS:CZ info section soon?

                  * As usual, my opnion doesn't matter.


                  • #10
                    Yeah, it doesn't. Condition Zero has no story, it's just levels with different terrorist/counter-terrorist scenarios.

                    Someone put up this movie so we can all see.


                    • #11
                      The REAL kicker is when you find out the head terrorist is your identical twin from when you were seperated at birth... no no, your father. And you find out your wife is really a half sister. Good stuff I tell ye.


                      • #12
                        Damnit. I don't want to have to buy CZ for the updated stuff. Like models and such. Wouldn't that make it diffrent from playing with CS people. Like the sounds and all?


                        • #13
                          No because all sounds, models, and anything else you see or hear is stored on your hard drive. That is why you can replace your models and sounds. Most likely they will have lower-poly models for the new weapons if you do not buy CZ.

                          I plan on buying CZ.


                          • #14
                            I probably will

                            but the odd thing is - from watchin that tiny streaming movie, the game looks the same as it does now, apart from the higher texture res.

                            The guns look the same and the game itself looks the same.

                            I'll buy it if I see a considerable diff in the graphics.

                            Plus get myself some singleplayer to play!


                            • #15
                              Simplex wrote..

                              While this is all good, maybe you should start taking a page from sites like or and start censoring your content for spoilers. I don't want to know about any of the scripted events, yet I don't want to disable the cs:cz content section entirely. This is a linear, single-player game, and I would not like to be informed of the plot before I get the game.
                              Ignore the CS: CZ category and view individual posts based on their headline. Viewing an ignored category is not that hard and it doesn't force you to go to another page.

