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article: iceworld

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  • Edited by [user="17803"] @ [time="1046046144"]

    shut up u ppl ....!!! shut up!!!!

    i didnt ask everyone for their nationality...!!! i didnt even asked!!!

    peace man! peace!

    yeah... me was wrong up there... do instead of does... all those sarcastic remarks... thnx! keeps me alert all time eh?


    • -Dice wrote..

      I like how we tear each other apart with vicious personal attacks.
      Yes, good times, good times....


      • i never play iceworld. Is it the same type like awp_map or not


        • WillBBC, I may disagree with some of your points in the article, but good job getting everyone up in arms.

          Scanner, you've made the most intelligent contribution to this discussion so far, imho, so good job on that.

          I'm personally a huge fan of fy_iceworld. No, I don't like playing it really. I'm just glad it exists, because it gives a bunch of CS players a chance to play the deathmatch style they like to play. Talk of "why don't they play HLDM" is pretty dumb, honestly, because HLDM doesn't give you the AK47 and the M4A1. CS is a great environment to play within, and people like different styles. It's very immature to think that your preference is the "right" or "only" way CS should be played.

          I enjoy teamwork, objectives, and strategies, along with some good intense battles here and there. Not everyone does. I'd rather have those who enjoy straight DM styled play be bouncing around iceworld and prospeedball and such instead of interrupting my game on as_oilrig. Sure, there's still new players and deathmatchers on any server you go to, but the more you can concentrate them in servers dedicated to that cause, the less you'll find other places.

          Additionally, I do see a value in these maps for your close range combat skills. Sure, mouth can be a complete idiot and claim that it's all about just holding your trigger down. That's what most people start out doing, and they usually die a lot from those who have better aim. Given some time on these DM styled maps, you experience a TON more combat than you would spending twice as much time on a normal CS map. That gives you a lot more opportunity to increase your reaction times, and aiming skill.

          I've spent some time on fy_iceworld when it was on a server's rotation (not in 24/7 servers), and found it somewhat amusing. Yes, it gets old after a while to me, but there's a certain fun in it. You don't have to worry about trying to knife people, because if you die, you're coming right back anyway.

          It's popular, and it has a place in CS. If you're like me and don't particularly enjoy it, then don't play it. But it's dang immature to claim that no one should be allowed to.

          Finally, yes, I really wish there were some dedicated as_ servers these days. I used to play on one pretty regularly, and had some great times.


          • The CS that gooseman created and wanted everyone to play died a long time ago.

            CS died with the arrival of bunnyhopping, cheating, noob bashing and "1337" jackass players. Basically, CS died when it became mainstream, and abnoxious 12 years olds started playing it.

            I remember the times when cheats didnt exist or so few people used them no one ever spoke of the word. Was great really, cheating destoryed cs to be honest, the paranoia and hate in the community is ridiculous.

            In my opinion I'd like much more objectively geared maps. DM CS is fine for some, but gooseman and cliffe never intended cs to be played like this...


            • Markeo900 wrote..

              The CS that gooseman created and wanted everyone to play died a long time ago.

              CS died with the arrival of bunnyhopping, cheating, noob bashing and "1337" jackass players. Basically, CS died when it became mainstream, and abnoxious 12 years olds started playing it.

              I remember the times when cheats didnt exist or so few people used them no one ever spoke of the word. Was great really, cheating destoryed cs to be honest, the paranoia and hate in the community is ridiculous.

              In my opinion I'd like much more objectively geared maps. DM CS is fine for some, but gooseman and cliffe never intended cs to be played like this...
              u want CS to be an elitist community? objective play is still on in clan matches isnt it?

              its like u wanted the world to be quiet n peaceful n all... but then, we r individuals... different views, different everything...

              so... juz accept the way CS has bcome now...


              • True.....short articles......but then nice


                • Ghengis [$t0n3d] wrote..

                  Mouth, u have some valid opinions and obviously have strong view points, do u run your own server? And therefore do you not have to let the admins bullshit slide? Cos if you can do it better you should and if you cant be bothered or dont want to stfu. Cos You rely on those of us that shell out the money for a server to run the game as we want. So basically Mr, I am the Man, Put up or shut up....
                  Basically, you're a waste of carbon. At most, i rely on those who shell out the money for a server to buy themselves a $50 per month digital god complex that holds more players than the map's spawnpoints can handle.
                  And finally the game is called FOOTBALL not soccer bloody yanks its our game, you perverted it and called it football when in reality u play rugby for poofs (wearing armour, how ghey is that!), bunch o bleeding panies! Cmon the pool,

                  Anyways thats my two penneth worth
                  Kind of like how you pervert the already strained rules of the English language just by existing.
                  kareeser wrote..

                  Oh yes, and mouth, just because you don't like a map doesn't mean everyone else shares the same opinion on the map,
                  Just because everyone may not share my opinion of a shitty map doesn't mean i actually give a flying fuck.
                  stooopid wrote..

                  Strategy on any map takes intelligence and practice. Since you are an uneducated moron, I will give you a brief discussion of why iceworld requires talents that you will never have. I doubt it would help you though, since you are probably too busy with legos your mommy bought you for christmas.
                  The layout of fy_iceworld fit well within the limitations of Duplo blocks. All Legos have been specifically reserved for making a 1/100 scale replica of your mother.
                  See, the iceworld map genre exhibits a small play area, and initially fixed weapons selections. Rounds are typically very short. As with any other CS map, each round gives you (if you are experienced and observant) the opportunity to assess the enemy's positioning, timing, choice of weapons, rush points and individual skills.
                  So basically, it's a great workout for your buy script.

                  There isn't a whole lot to assess when the entire opposing team starts out 30 feet away in the exact same relative positions as your team. Throwing an HE from your start position is a guaranteed multi-hit.
                  Much like chess there are few strong opening moves. There are, however, defenses for any strategy the enemy employs. Strong rushing on the right can be countered by a single player flanking in the middle with the auto-shot. Spawn camping can be countered with middle rushing. Nade-spamming can be countered by left- or right-rushing , etc...
                  Strong rushing from either side can be countered with a PARA on full-auto. Spawncamping is countered with pretty much anything that involves +forward, or maybe +moveleft and/or +moveright if you're feeling spicy. HE spam is the only situation where a decision is required; Die from HEs or move away and die from 5+ players on either side of the map. Or, you could be a real ace and go down the middle and die from 10 players shooting you from both sides.
                  The simplicity of the iceworld map genre allows players to take the initiative, or to defend against a known threat.
                  The simplicity of the map allows "acceptable" results even if you had a congenital defect that removed all traces of spatial navigation skills.
                  The successful iceworld strategist learns to improvise and use positioning and choice of weapons to do both simultaneously. Thats way too much for mouth to handle, though, so I'll leave it at that.
                  Yes, i'm obviously overwhelmed by a map that makes Dust look like a Natural Selection map in comparison.
                  Ooops... did I get some shit in your eye? Your an idiot who should keep your bitch mouth shut.
                  This is obviously a cry for help.
                  -:Nighthawk:- wrote..

                  Talk of "why don't they play HLDM" is pretty dumb, honestly, because HLDM doesn't give you the AK47 and the M4A1.
                  And it also sucks.
                  Additionally, I do see a value in these maps for your close range combat skills. Sure, mouth can be a complete idiot and claim that it's all about just holding your trigger down.
                  Because there's just so much more involved with hitting a playermodel that's taking up the middle 3rd of your screen with weapons that spray all over the place and kill you in 3-5 hits that land within the space of 2 milliseconds.
                  That gives you a lot more opportunity to increase your reaction times, and aiming skill.
                  So do Flash-based point-and-click games. And the Flash games aren't bloated pieces of crap with fucked up recoil models.


                  • Those 3-5 hits seem to take the average "spray and pray" player about 10 bullets, where I've usually killed them (when they're unarmored) with my first 2 bullets. People who spray sometimes get lucky, but more often than not they're cut down by those who realize that a single Colt headshot will do the trick.

                    As for Flash games, they can provide a certain amount of reflex enhancement, and perhaps some people will use them to better their reaction times. However, there's no real replacement for getting the exact feel of how your movement feels within CS itself. Either way, claiming that Flash games enhance your skill doesn't negate the fact that iceworld can as well.

                    But nevermind any of that. Flame on.


                    • IMO, fy_snow is 9084983284328745 times better than fy_iceworld.


                      • Iceworld is becoming an incredibly popular map, at least on the 30-40 servers I have in my HLSW list. Coincidince? I think not.

                        I believe that this article, and all the comments about it (good OR bad) has made people think "Hey, I haven't played iceworld in awhile, let's play now". I don't have any statistics to back this up (where the hell are those global server statistics, I know someone takes the time to do stuff like that) so you will just have to take my unbiased word on it.


                        • JEez mouth, one thing iceworld can give us, is a nice adrenalin rush, expends soem of that negativity, Which you have a large amount of. If you are like this in real life, and i give as much of a shit about how a i type n this post, as u do about any body else, so theres oe thing we have in common.

                          And your answer to my fork out some cash query was so lame, i find it hard to believe you wrote it, usually you can rise above mindless twaddle but you missed it on that post, oh well, assholes cant shine everyday i guess.


                          • I liked the article, it was funny. And iceworld is a nice way to warm up, more action in ten minutes than 40 minutes on a objective map. But it gives me a headache if i play for longer than that.


                            • fy_iceworld wasn't made to be serious. I mean..come u think the maker so iceworld actually anted teamwork on this map? NO! so there.....stop complaining and don't cry......iceworld is fun when ur just wanting seom fun.....not some serious BS u get on other default maps.



                              • I love the fact that the vast majority of comments are anti Iceworld yet the poll reveals the opposite.

                                What shall my next piece be about?

