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OGRE Screenshot Converter

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  • #46
    BMPScanner does a better job, was this done by 3rd graders?

    Buggy program and hella crap release, no wonder they are who they are. OGRE: for when your best is too good.

    Yeah right, this deserved a mention and a headline like Michael Jackson gettin a new nose. Better break out the old popup forums too there Blur. At least Bean had a sense of when to quit, as Im guessin, so did Lapa.

    Try again ladies, you might have something "original" and "new" next time.


    • #47
      Hey I wish I made a penny everytime my name was mentioned.

      I should copywright it sort of like Anne McCaffrey did with her books.

      P.S. To JFool: nothing in this world is original ... everything is just someones point of view of what's already there.


      • #48
        Edited by [user="104050"] @ [time="1046585821"]

        JFool wrote..

        Yeah right, this deserved a mention and a headline like Michael Jackson gettin a new nose. Better break out the old popup forums too there Blur. At least Bean had a sense of when to quit, as Im guessin, so did Lapa.
        please "JFool" if you have a personal beef with someone do not do it here, if anything you are making youself look foolish.


        • #49

          Sorry it took me so long to get to these forum

          Well I am happy to see that alot of people actually like the converter!

          So far I think it is running fairly well cause no one posted a bug of any type in the ogre forums.

          Well enjoy it! If you have suggestion or bugs that you would like to let us know about go to and post away.


          PS: Jfool in order to get it to work you just need to left click convert! Come see me in our forums ill give you a little tutorial

