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mailbag: advice

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  • #76
    B423 wrote..

    Am I the only person alive who uses the Home, End, Insert and PageUp keys in first person shooter games? (And Enter for jumping)
    I used to. The number-pad was the default control set-up in Thief: The Dark Project, and so I just used it for about 3 years out of habit.

    Then I discovered how much easier and better it is using WXAD (I use X, not S, because when I switched to the left side of the keyboard I instinctively went to press X to backpedal, and I have never bothered to try to break that habit).


    • #77
      PCF|Herman D wrote..

      I've never understood why people have such a problem with "n00bs." Everyone was a n00b at some point, christ, I remember the first time I played, I didn't get a single kill in like 2 hours worth of playing
      I got a kill in first 5 min, but haven't gotten one since =]


      • #78
        mercenary2070 wrote..

        - flashbangs are well balanced on supanet, they dont last for an age like on UK2 but are still deadly, i advise spraying like a n00b just 2 cover ur ass till the white goes away
        this must be good with ff on...


        • #79
          aragorn son of arathorn wrote..

          . . . Cs's glory days have long since been over (1.3). . .
          Its true. 1.3 was the golden age of CS. OGC ruled the public servers and jumping was actually useful.


          • #80
            What's so good about OGC? you could actually get some kills with it?


            • #81
              LOLOLOLOL. good one. doesnt m5 terribly suck comparing to normal guns in my opinion? m5 doesnt do any damage ( or i dont know how to aim w/ it)


              • #82
                OGC rawkz. i tried using it b4, but dat was a long time ago. But if u really want good hacks, u can ask me personally =]

                ! r uB3r H4x0r...


                • #83
                  mercenary2070 wrote..

                  1) Sound

                  - if u need 2 stay stealthed for aslong as possible walk or crouch so u dont make foot steps

                  - everytime u reload, walk , draw a weapon u make a noise, dont get caught out

                  - silencers, if uve got them use them if u need 2, but not all the time because it is genrally thought that witht them ur weapon wont be as accurate or do as much damage, im a littl ebit torn about this 1 but i think its true so be warned

                  2) Sight

                  - peoples weapons can sometimes stick out if they are hiding behind a small box, always look at ur surroundings 2 check, people will accuse u of being able 2 see through walls and solids (i know i have) just brush it off or tell them how u knew they were there, and feel happy u got a kill

                  - flashbangs are well balanced on supanet, they dont last for an age like on UK2 but are still deadly, i advise spraying like a n00b just 2 cover ur ass till the white goes away

                  -smoke u can use it 2 ur advantage even if its against u, set player names 2 center and u shud be able 2 see names if not anything else through smoke BUT gun flashes can be a ded giveaway.....

                  3) Combat

                  - SMG's (MP5, tmp etc. ) are good but low damage weapons, used properly they can be used 2 ur advantage, they are accurate and have a high rate of fire, aim for the chest and if it does spray a bit above ur cross hair u might hit the head, u cud be excused for spraying like a n00b at medium range but u may need 3 round bursts at long range.

                  - Rifle's are my fav weapon, i am top in the m4 kills at the time of writing, they are accurate and have a long range but the recoil on them (ak especially) is servere, so unless u are faced with multiple enemys at close range (u shud spray then lol ) then u shud fire in 3-4 round bursts. They also pack a good punch.

                  - Sniper Rifle's i dont really use them cus i dont really rate them and im no good with them, not much 2 it really just aim and shoot u dont have 2 worry about recoil. 2 Avoid them zig zag as its hard 2 keep aim in the heat of combat if sum 1 is moving all over the place while shooting at u. OH and awps u stay still ur a dead man.

                  - Auto Sniper rifle's are probably the best weapons ingame, they have a good fire rate and are very accurate, people think that they arnet accurate because of the screen jerk when u shoot, its not true.

                  - Pistols are like smg's apart from not as good. nuff said

                  - Nade's shud be used 2 ur advantage, bounce em off wall as they are ur most flexible weapon dont eva forget that, but they can be ur worst weapon if u dont place them right

                  4) Misc

                  - in combat keep ur cool or ur dead dont forget the tips i gave u

                  - sound will benefit u most
                  Haha, dude, everything you said about all the weapons could be summed up in one sentence: "The weapons can be good, if you use them right, but if you don't, they aren't." Haha


                  • #84
                    Badmouthing Chess are we?


                    • #85
                      Don't play Any other games if you want to be 1337 at CS. I stopped palying for a month wiating for 1.6 and now I sux. Damn j00 checkers!


                      • #86
                        I don't understand Rizzuh. Sometimes he appears to be a reasonable, mature, person, telling us all that the mailbag is not supposed to be a "rizzuh's comedy hour" but actually supposed to discuss certain issues within the CS world...

                        and at other times, he acts hostile, make stupid comments, and rather immature(no offense intended). What's the deal?


                        • #87
                          How do you enter a comment for the new mailbags?


                          • #88
                            The way i learnt to get good was to listen for sounds, judge the distance of the sound and how to deal with it. I started off playing with a crap PC (10-15fps) and a 33.6k modem, which taught me to react very quick or youd be dead. This is the best way to learn so that when you get broadband your easily faster than the rest . I would say learn how to use sound and judge the distance, then how to deal with the situation. Aswell as this learn how to react to the gun they are using, all this can be done with praccy


                            • #89
                              advise for noobs ?

                              1. Learn the map.

                              2. Learn to fire the Mp5 and AWP.

                              3. When using an AWP, camp.

                              4. When using the MP5, keep spraying like an asshat till t3h guy drops. Make sure you crouch and aim for lower torso if u do this.


                              • #90
                                I like cheese =)

                                Hello Kitty has no mouth. That's kinda sad...

