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  • washuplushie wrote..

    why do the noobs always blame lag?
    There's only a handful of VAC enabled servers. Chances are he had to play on one that was nowhere near him.


    • washuplushie wrote..

      why do the noobs always blame lag?
      why do idiots always post on csnation

      and yes im thinking its a west coast server cuz im east coast


      • OrganDonor wrote..

        why do idiots always post on csnation
        He must be asking himself this question.


        • jojojohanson wrote..

          Also, if you think its my hardware or aim or I am a nub or some other idiotic comeback, fuck off in advance. I go by Shooty McStabbyface and I will own you. If you think there is no hitbox/netcode issue, you're dreaming.
          So, if there's some giant supposed hitbox/netcode issue yet you still "own" people, what the hell are you bitching about?


          • i dont know whats wrong with him, he's probably just frustrated that he cant get CSS running smooth on his rig, so he comes on here and takes it out on us maybe?

            hey johanson, go steam support threads i linked to in my first post. ps what are your specs?


            • Bigun wrote..

              i dont know whats wrong with him, he's probably just frustrated that he cant get CSS running smooth on his rig, so he comes on here and takes it out on us maybe?

              hey johanson, go steam support threads i linked to in my first post. ps what are your specs?
              I checked out the link you posted...turn off kazaa huh. Never thought of that...Cmon. I get sub 20 ping, 0 choke, 0 loss 3ghz alienware, gig of ram...that should run CSS right? with everything turned off in 1024x786...

              It's the netcode and laggy hitboxes for chrissakes. Everyone knows about, Valve will never acknowledge/admit/fix it. Hence this game will go the way of the dodo. I only say it cause I love it and want it to be fixed...But it won't, and it will be sad. Owell, walmart is popular for a reason and so is EA. The little guy will get swallowed up if he does't produce a better/comparable product. Sorry to point that out, but it's the nature of free market economy. Oh and Cliffe, thanks for the reply (never got it) and one more thing


              get psyched!


              • While I'm not a fan of jojojohanson's attitude, and in fact find him to be rather much of an embarassment to my viewpoint on the issue, some of what he has said does ring true to my experiences with CS.

                CS:S definitely seems to have some hitbox lag issues, various circumstances that I can come up with no conceivable reason why none of my bullets struck their intended target at relatively close ranges.

                That said, CS1.6 is not the epitome of hitbox accuracy. I remember feeling like there were circumstances where I was missing when I should have been hitting, and so my old roommates and I ran some closed tests with aimbots to see if it was just our reaction times, or in fact errors with the netcode. Every version we've tested from 1.1 forward (we weren't this analytical before that, lol) has had a few (occasionally severe) issues with hitbox distortion or lag, even in sub-10ms ping environments on properly configured servers and workstations.

                That said, some definite improvements have been made over the versions, and some of the bigger issues (remember huge squatting head hitboxes?) have been fixed. However, reflecting on my experiences with all prior versions of CS, and still getting that feeling of things being "off" at times, I can't help but wonder if, in fact, there remain issues with this.

                My final note, however, is that I doubt CS:S will just "fade away and die" simply because the hitboxes can seem a bit random and screwy at times. Who knows, maybe it's not hitboxes at all, but "problems" with the recoil that make your gun recoil on the first shot in some cases... I couldn't really tell you right now, because I haven't tested it out yet (and don't have any obsessive roommies to test aimbot scenarios with even if I wanted to, lol).

                But yeah, these issues won't kill the game -- as much as the "pub" sector gets trashed by clanners, honestly I think it's the market sector that keeps the games financially viable to maintain. So long as VALVe keeps this game updated, a bunch of us will keep on telling our friends to buy it, and VALVe will keep on making bank. The competitive scene doesn't have to love Source for it to stay going strong for several years to come.



                • Comment

                  • Anyone notice the VAC status on your Steam settings page?


                    • i see what youre saying Nighthawk but i dont really see this as a problem with CS in general, more a problem with the design of FPS games over the internet/LAN whatever.

                      i cant really think of any other games have hitboxes that are amazingly superior to those of CS:S, nor do i think that CS:S is inferior to other games/game engines out there, i think these problems affect all games simply because of the nature of computers/the internet whatever.

                      where i do think the problem arises is that in CS:S you have to be SO accurate, and the shooting is so precise, that you notice these problems a lot more as opposed to a game like Quake/UT/TFC where its all hitscan shotguns, and rocket launchers....


                      • That is very true Bigun. Even "sniper" weapons in deathmatchy games often allow you a great margin of error... remember how easy it was to get sniper rifle headshots in Unreal Tournament? That's a game where the netcode was amazingly reliable, but they apparently chose to include a few "near misses" as hits rather than risking legitimate shots not registering. There also tends to be a lot less recoil in those games for many weapons.

                        I think we can probably all agree we don't want giant hitboxes (or rocket launchers, lol) for CS:S, so it might be one of those "the cure is worse than the disease" scenarios. In the end I still prefer CS1.6 over CS:S, but they're both fun in their respective ways.


                        • Well thanks. At least you guys finally acknowledge it. Now, when will Valve? The thing about is, is that the quick, accurate aim is what it has going for it. If it doesnt have that, then its cooked. Thats my point in a nutshell. BF2 had an open house test friday and the consensus was that it was sharper then CSS. Now, being that its sharper than CSS,has ragdoll and all the eye candy you want AND has the ability to have planes, helos, tanks, humvees, mortars, heat seeking and flybywire RPGs, massive maps set at sea, desert, urban, etc...not to mention commander mode which is kinda like a real time RPG (roleplayinggame) all this and better hit detection than CSS...well you see waht I am getting at...whatevs, Ill still play it all, but I would like CSS to be at the top of the heap...just trying to help you know...


                          • jojojohanson wrote..

                            Well thanks. At least you guys finally acknowledge it. Now, when will Valve?
                            You still don't get it.


                            • im not acknowleding that CSS is 'fucked' like you seem to think it is. im saying what problems there are, youll never be able to escape from due to the nature of FPS shooter mechanics or online gameplay.


                              • Edited by [user="29207"] @ [time="1114994257"]

                                Only way Valve could "fix" these problems would be to upgrade everyone's servers to dual 3gig cpu's and internet connections to high-end fiber optic connections. And, despite what some of you may think, Vavle is not in any way obligated to do this.

                                Guess you guys are just gonna have to stop playing on your friends' css server that could barely run 1.6.

