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Steam Update

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  • Steam Update

    Now that is GOOD news

  • #2
    instant messaging?


    • #3
      sounds very good


      • #4
        I cant get it to work, its freezing up on me... AAARRG.

        It freezes on the console screen. I tried waiting 10 minutes and that didnt work. The old version of steam worked for me. The steam message boards are down... AAARRG.


        • #5
          Featuring Tracker, the new ingame and out of game instant message system. Ingame, it'll help you find your friends and what server they are on without having to close HL and open up gamespy or ICQ.

          I now present Windows HL, by Valve Corporation



          • #6
            Who deleted the previous posts?


            • #7
              Edited by [user="2909"] @ [time="1014776999"]

              You could've also found some of this info a week ago in the steam beta forums that aren't password required

              I'd post an address but i don't know that mine is right anymore, my isp is having problems visiting half the sites on the web so i can't check it....


              • #8
                Please don't post the URL. I'm sure UKT has it in their archives somewhere, but we won't post it.

                Someone has sent me pictures of the new map and tracker. I'll post them tomorrow.


                • #9
                  Edited by [user="3112"] @ [time="1014786681"]

                  He i think its a realllllllllllllllly good idea for this anti cheat just.. hope the hackerz can not by pass it damn CHEATERS SUCK!. well rizzuh post some more things about cs 1.4 please!! hehe



                  • #10
                    Kamikaze, you bet anything you'd like that hackers WILL crack the anti-cheat valve programs in the first month, then the cheaters will run around doing whatever they want for another four months untill valve updates their lame and i'm sure very buggy programming.


                    • #11
                      CS 1.4 Will be the best CS Version ever create ...

                      - No cheater ( hope )

                      - Steam

                      - Etc ( i don't know every change )

                      - And more more more more


                      • #12
                        Edited by [user="2909"] @ [time="1014778163"]

                        Steam isn't an update that will be included in 1.4, they are testing it for later use so they can bypasss their producers and let the end users get the games without having to pay for production of a CD.

                        Thats straight from a beta testers mouth so don't flame me if i'm wrong


                        • #13
                          gobd: while that's probably correct, beta testers know nothing more about Valve than the general public does. There are hundreds of beta testers and, as my inbox proves :P, they can't really be trusted.


                          • #14
                            Oh this is great... Lets get the anticheat out there beta testing awhile so the hackers can get their cheats ready ahead of time. This way they can have an OGC version x going gold party the same day 1.4 is released. I was hoping for a few days of cheatfree play when 1.4 comes out. sigh...


                            • #15
                              DAMN SEND ME THE SITE!!

