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Battlefield 4: Dragon's Teeth and Battlefield Hardline: Robbery DLCs Free for a Limited Time

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  • Battlefield 4: Dragon's Teeth and Battlefield Hardline: Robbery DLCs Free for a Limited Time

    Do you own either Battlefield 4 or Battlefield Hardline? Then you may be interested to know that both the Dragon's Teeth and the Robbery DLC packs are available for free from now until May 10.

    Even better, DICE and EA will be giving out more of the previously released content packs over the coming months in the lead up to the new Battlefield.

    Dragon's Teeth adds in four new maps, the Chain Link mode, the R.A.W.R. gadget. If the community collectively scores 2.5 million melee kills they will unlock a Gold Battlepack.

    Robbery adds four new maps, Squad Heist game mode, new weapons and gadgets, and the "Legendary Super Feature." If the community collectively scores 300K points by May 10, they will earn a Gold Battlepack.
