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Metal Gear Online - Classes, Maps, Modes, and More

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  • Metal Gear Online - Classes, Maps, Modes, and More

    The Metal Gear Online site updated earlier with a ton of new information for the upcoming content release for Metal Gear Solid V.
    Game Types (Missions)
    Bounty Hunter
    Teams win if the number of enemy team tickets is reduced to zero. Killing or Fultoning an enemy reduces the enemy team tickets by one. Fultoning an enemy increases your team's ticket total by the value of the Fultoned enemy's bounty.

    Cloak and Dagger
    Attackers win by recovering the Data Disc and uploading it at the Evac Point within the time limit. Defenders win by preventing the upload. Attackers are armed with only non-lethal weapons while defenders only have lethal weapons. This is an elimination mission. Once eliminated, you cannot return to the battlefield until the next round.

    Comm Control
    Attackers must capture Comm Links to download confidential intel. If the attackers complete the download within the time limit, they are victorious. If the defenders are able to prevent this within the time limit, they are victorious. Comm Links can be captured by staying within the effective range of the Comm Links until they change ownership.

    Jade Forest
    African Jungle Outback. Composed of natural jungle and a desolate village.

    Red Forest
    Soviet Military Base in Afghanistan. A hilltop base with a peripheral view of the surrounding desert.

    Gray Rampart
    A dam and its environs. The stage contains two regions on either side of a river, with the dam and bridges connecting them.

    Amber Station
    A gas refinery on a harbor. The stage contains several multi-level structures.

    Black Site
    The infamous US military base nine years after the events of "METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES". It contains a multi-level base with mostly flat and spacious surrounding areas.

    With advanced scouting capabilities, the "Recon Class" specialties are long-range combat and support functions. Movement speed and strength are average making this a great choice for beginners.

    With great strength, the "Heavy Class" specializes in powerful weapons. However, movement speed is slow making this class less effective in close quarters. This class is for intermediate players.

    Fast moving, the "Infiltration Class" specialty is close combat such as CQC. Due to the strength being low, you should avoid a head-on battle. This is a class for experienced players.

    More information and screenshots can be found on the Metal Gear Online website.