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Nebulous is an Upcoming Sci-fi Physics Puzzler for the Oculus Rift

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  • Nebulous is an Upcoming Sci-fi Physics Puzzler for the Oculus Rift

    At GDC, some in attendance will get a chance to try out Nebulous, an upcoming sci-fi physics based puzzler using the Oculus Rift. The game is being developed by Namazu Studios and is targeting a second quarter release in 2015 for the PC. Sadly, the Oculus support and a PS4 version will not be released until later.

    Namazu's game puts players in the space boots of intrepid astronaut Commander Dash Johnson, as he explores the cosmos. Things quickly go awry when Commander Johnson is sucked into a wormhole filled with giant maze-like puzzles. Gamers are provided plenty of laughs as they listen to the hero's exclamations of pain and insults as the player discovers how to complete a stage.

    Nebulous is not a title players can rocket through. Gamers' wits will be tested as they must strategize to navigate puzzles filled with gravity changes and deadly traps.

    Stages begin with Commander Johnson suspended above a certain point in the level and obstacles between that starting point and the exit. To help the astronaut advance to the next puzzle, players can set gravity changing machines, platforms, half and quarter pipes, bouncy tentacle brains, conveyor belts and more. Once players believe they have everything in place to help Commander Johnson escape, they let him loose and see where gravity takes him.

    You can check out this game on Steam Greenlight and offer up your vote for it to be approved if it looks like something that's right up your alley.