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PlayStation Exclusive Content for Destiny: The Dark Below Expansion Revealed

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  • PlayStation Exclusive Content for Destiny: The Dark Below Expansion Revealed

    The Dark Below expansion for Destiny is just a few days away from release. As with the release of the base game, PlayStation owners will again get some exclusive content that Xbox owners will have to wait on. This exclusive content includes a Strike and an Exotic weapon.

    Not on PlayStation or just want to know what other content The Dark Below will include? Here you go:
    - New story missions that pit you against a Hive god
    - New weapons, armour, and gear to further customise your Guardian
    - The ability to increase your Light level to 32, and five additional bounty slots
    - Three new competitive multiplayer maps: Pantheon, Skyshock, and The Cauldron
    - New cooperative Strike: The Will of Crota. Purge a twisted horror from the Cosmodrome
    - An additional resident of the Tower: Eris, a resolute survivor of an ill-fated mission
    - And a new six-player Raid: Crota’s End. Face him in the deepest dark

    The exclusive content will remain exclusive until Fall 2015.

    (via PlayStation)