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Minecraft Snapshot 14w28a Released - Road to 1.8

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  • Minecraft Snapshot 14w28a Released - Road to 1.8

    A new Snapshot for Minecraft was released. The Snapshot 14w28a focuses on putting a lid on new features, fixing bugs, and "optimizing the game."

    Changelog for Minecraft Snapshot 14w28a

    Notable Changes:
    - Servers can now customise network compression in
    - The new block model format for resource packs can be considered stable and ready to use.
    - Enchantments and effects now accept names instead of arbitrary IDs.
    - Alternative (random) block models specified by resource packs can now be disabled in Video Settings.
    - Many optimizations to both the server (including singleplayer) and the client.
    - Less bugs!
    - Compressed space and time.

    Fixed Bugs:
    [Bug MC-1532] – TNT Flashing Graphic when lit looks cut up and faded. / Z-fighting
    [Bug MC-2990] – Heads, beds, and doors can't be placed where there is thin snow
    [Bug MC-8858] – Rain goes through upside-down stairs
    [Bug MC-13633] – Horse's jump bar appears even when the horse isn't saddled yet
    [Bug MC-16608] – Text Color in Hopper and Brewing Stand GUI changes
    [Bug MC-18477] – Iron golems can see and attack invisible hostile mobs
    [Bug MC-23940] – If you sleep in a bed near a transparent block, you can get in the block
    [Bug MC-36718] – New fragmented sentences in translation
    [Bug MC-43984] – Normal players can use player selectors
    [Bug MC-46674] – Tools cant break Packed Ice faster
    [Bug MC-53022] – Mobs not being targeted by team selector
    [Bug MC-53166] – Horses do not convert their owner to UUID
    [Bug MC-55490] – Spawning Cows on Mooshrooms
    [Bug MC-55515] – sign.edit with §(color) changes the sign color
    [Bug MC-56251] – "/weather rain" executed when weather is clear sets the weather to thunder
    [Bug MC-56884] – Negative Color Crosshair when using resource pack
    [Bug MC-58067] – Smooth & Chiseled Sandstone & Chiseled Quartz has Incorrect Bottom Texture
    [Bug MC-60035] – Double slabs become seamless
    [Bug MC-60039] – Server logging broken
    [Bug MC-60093] – Blacksmith roof slabs oriented wrong
    [Bug MC-60126] – Pistons retract on placement as if they were powered
    [Bug MC-60150] – Fence Gates Placed Open
    [Bug MC-60151] – Redstone repeaters are inverted
    [Bug MC-60152] – Powered rail, detector rail, and activator rail are flipped when on an east/west slope
    [Bug MC-60153] – iron door and wood door
    [Bug MC-60156] – command blocks don't trigger when dispensed onto a redstone block
    [Bug MC-60208] – Pumpkin / Melon Seeds fully grown when planted
    [Bug MC-60297] – Command blocks not redstone updating when placed
    [Bug MC-60349] – TNT spawns ignited on Desert Temples
    [Bug MC-60483] – When placing fire on side of tnt it only renders on the side
    [Bug MC-61022] – Pumpkin stem with wrong texture

    Download links can be found at Mojang.