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Battlefield 4 Premium Provides Access to Five Themed Expansion Packs and More

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  • Battlefield 4 Premium Provides Access to Five Themed Expansion Packs and More

    We knew it was coming it was just a matter of when it would officially be revealed was the question. DICE and EA have taken the lid off of Battlefield 4 Premium. The Premium service will offer up content in the form of five themed digital expansion packs, new weekly content, and unique personalization options.

    The cost? $50 (USD). That would be $50 on top of the price of the game mind you.
    Battlefield 4 Premium membership includes five digital expansion packs featuring new multiplayer maps and in-game content:
    - Battlefield 4 Second Assault – Includes four fan-favorite Battlefield 3 maps now re-imagined with the power of Frostbite 3. Available first on Xbox One.
    - Battlefield 4 China Rising – Players fight for dominance across the vast and majestic Chinese mainland. Available December 2013.
    - Battlefield 4 Naval Strike – Experience dynamic ocean combat as the Chinese armada takes the fight to the sea. Available Spring 2014.
    - Battlefield 4 Dragon’s Teeth – The US strikes back engaging in all-out urban warfare. Available Summer 2014.
    - Battlefield 4 Final Stand – Bring the war to its epic conclusion. Available Summer 2014.

    - Two-weeks early access to all expansion packs for that competitive edge
    - Unique personalization options including camos, paints, emblems, dogtags and more
    - Priority position in server queues
    - New content every week
    - 12 bonus Battlefield 4 Battlepacks

    Please, oh please, don't let one of those four "fan-favorite" Battlefield 3 maps include Metro simply because it was the most played by farmers. Please DICE, I'm begging you!

  • #2
    Beg all you want, but it's happening.

    And for those about to go on about how premium was a rip off money wise, don't make me beat you to death with math. Just don't. I understand the overall rip-off and the idea of paying for "what should be in the game already" and the "So we are buying half the game and the rest later." arguments, but DON'T go to the math, because you are going to lose. Hit any of those other arguments you want and don't buy Premium.

    Aside from begging and the math, for those that plan to purchase Premium, I think it would be cheaper to purchase the basic version of Battlefield @ $59.99 and then by Premium @ $49.99.

    If you go with the Deluxe version for $10 more, that is just getting you the battlepacks, which you're going to get in-game anyway.

    If you don't plan to get premium or are on the fence, then the Deluxe version would be the better choice for you until you decide if you want the other 3 DLCs or not. Same goes if you don't have the money for both at the time.

    What are your thoughts on what to purchase and why?
    Twitter: @CptainCrunch
    Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


    • #3
      I hate to be the bearer of bad news...


      • #4
        (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


        • #5

          I dont know if I believe that entire list. I know 99.99999% Metro and Caspian is in. Maybe Firestorm, but not Oman. Im sorry, you do an all map search for that map and its bare most the time.

          Noshahr Cannals and Grand Bazaar beat that map out easily.
          Twitter: @CptainCrunch
          Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


          • #6
            ┻━┻ヽ(º_ºヽ) ︵ (ヽº_º)ヽ┬───┬

            There there. The table had nothing to do with this.


            • #7
              Oh man, that was great K!
              Twitter: @CptainCrunch
              Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


              • #8
                Oh trust me, it can get way better if Zips does the appropriate response. *Prepares crash pad.*

                Personally I feel very conflicted. I'm uncomfortable paying $100, but at the same time as CptainCrunch says, I can't win with math since I'm getting far more than $100 in value, or at least in perceived value much like ANYTHING in the software industry. Very conflicted and uncomfortable, yet can't and won't argue since it's not really evil either. I mean I paid even more for the Steam Summer sales, so what excuse do I have?


                • #9
                  You can still disagree that its a money grab and that its only half the game and all that other stuff.

                  It's just that if you say that you are paying more for the same content or something you already have, well, that's just not true.

                  So like if you buy Deluxe and it gives you the first map pack and then you buy premium, which gives you that map pack again, you still paid less than if you bought all the map packs.

                  That's all. The other things I mention is a matter of opinion. Every Battlefield game EVER made had DLC to purchase. Back then I didn't here much complaining about it. Why? Because patches sometimes gave away a map or something for free. (My theory) Now that doesn't happen and people go "they used to give everything away!" which was never true.

                  So yeah, say it's because of evil corporate greed. That's cool and I get it
                  Twitter: @CptainCrunch
                  Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


                  • #10
                    My fav map from BF3 was definitely OMAN.


                    • #11
                      Fair enough CptainCrunch, and thanks for understanding. On a side note, I do agree with Zips that it's quite disappointing to see Metro somehow make a return. *Looks at crash pad.*

