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BioShock Infinite Including "1999 Mode" for the Masochist in All of Us

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  • BioShock Infinite Including "1999 Mode" for the Masochist in All of Us

    Irrational Games is living up to its namesake here with the announcement of the "1999 Mode" in BioShock Infinite. This mode will "feature an especially demanding gaming experience, forcing you to examine your decisions while going through your adventure in Columbia."

    Essentially, this is like super hardcore mode for the current generation of gamers.

    It’s not simply a matter of adjusting the difficulty sliders in the game – the team went much further than that. Resource planning? If you’re to survive this mode, proper planning will be crucial. Combat specializations? You’ll need to develop them efficiently and effectively throughout the story; any weapon will be useless to you unless you have that specialization. Combat? You will need to carefully target every shot, and your health will be set to an entirely different baseline. Game saves? Well, yes, there will be those, but according to Irrational Games Creative Director Ken Levine “there are game saves, and you’re gonna f***ing need them.”

    “We want to give our oldest and most committed fans an option to go back to our roots,” said Levine. “In 1999 Mode, gamers face more of the permanent consequences of their gameplay decisions. In BioShock Infinite, gamers will have to sweat out the results of their actions. In addition, 1999 Mode will demand that players pick specializations, and focus on them.”

    I have just one problem with this. 1999? Really? You chose an era of PlayStation and PlayStation 2 to signify a period where games were ultra hardcore? What is this crap?! Maybe if you had named it 1989 mode I could understand. The days of the NES? Battletoads? The 1989 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the NES? Ghosts'n Goblins?! These were the hardcore games, not that wussy stuff introduced in the PS1 era. Though I guess concessions need to be made if most of the gaming audience wasn't even born before 1989...

  • #2
    Re: BioShock Infinite Including "1999 Mode" for the Masochist in All of Us

    The Trope on TVtropes is called "Nintendo hard", not "Sony Hard". Get it right dipshits.


    • #3
      Baby steps. We're taking baby steps to remind ourselves of how difficult games were allowed to be back then, and what some of us believe is the definition of "hardcore." We can't jump into Ninja Gaiden difficult right off the bat. Got to ease us back through a smooth transition, thus 1999 first and THEN 1989 a few years later when the new "hardcore" is as skilled as the old "hardcore."

      Currently we're still reeling from finishing Facility in 2 min 5 s on 00 Agent, and the top 10 scores on Turtle Hurdle. Give it time, eventually we'll all master hitting the portal in the final portion of the turbo zone that takes you to the surfing level (only to realize the snow level was probably the better route to take), and finish Mighty Bomb Jack or Super Mario Bros. 2 (NOT the Doki Doki Panic/Super Mario USA total conversion mod) without rage quitting. But first, people like me still need to play catch up and try to finish the second-to-last section of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare on Veteran (missile silo hallway with the checkpoint save disabled if the timer is too low) without relying so damn much on going prone. Let us get our feet wet first. Then Irrational Games will add a 1989 mode.

      On a side note, I really want to finish the two Golgo 13 NES/Famicom games, but I keep rage quitting... Blah I suck.

