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SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

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  • #16
    Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

    Indeed, I feel however these propositions are a little too extreme and I cannot understand why there isn't more public outrage, well from what I have heard that is.

    We in Australia would all be aware when our government attempted to implements a mining tax, an industry that generates a lot more wealth than the American entertainment industry. I cannot fathom how industries and affected companies in the U.S that do not agree with this approach aren't reaching for the closest marketing campaign team and spreading the message about its impact. Our country has proven if industry can send 'fear' through the minds of people they will win.


    • #17
      SOPA means soup in portuguese


      • #18
        I expect cellular providers would eventually fight this as well. I mean what's the point of having a phone with a Data Plan when you would be limited to what content you could access. Also, if your filtering the net the filtering of mobile uploads won't be far behind. That would piss more than a few people off. Think of all the facebook shares, reccomends, and personal pics that include content that is copyrighted or otherwise linked to a company or logo.I think they are going at this problem the wrong way.
        "We're all very different people. We're not Watusi. We're not Spartans. We're Americans, with a capital 'A', huh? You know what that means? Do ya? That means that our forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world. We are the wretched refuse. We're the underdog. We're mutts! Here's proof: his nose is cold! But there's no animal that's more faithful, that's more loyal, more loveable than the mutt." -John Winger (Bill Murray) Stripes


        • #19
          Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

          Originally posted by SgtMattBaker
          Take Youtube as an example and how it uses ads to sustain itself financially ... I think it will be one of the companies that will fight this to death
          Youtube is now owned by Google remember. Google would basically get screwed if this happens.

          Originally posted by RYKUU
          You bring up valid points Zips and I am not disregarding them. However I hope you can understand that from an outsiders perspective this law fiasco can be viewed as another "If America fails the world is over".

          How is the general public feedback to this proposed law? From what I can see the media is promoting it as mostly negative, and if American media is anything like Australian media you would expect some ads protesting against the proposition to be circulating by now.
          Is calling it that inaccurate though? The US is the largest entertainment market in the world. A lot of the game companies are based on the US, Google is based in the US, I expect most of the traffic to these forums is from the US, the insanely popular image sites like 4chan and reddit, while being international sites, are US based. I would bet that 95% of the websites you visit daily depend on the US to stay up.

          As for public feedback...honestly, nothing major. Outside of the internet (and even on the internet), most people have no idea what it is. And remember, this bill is not the most important thing in Congress right now and has already been pushed back until next year. With all the budget and taxation problems we have right now, Congress has been focused on that (and they are on holiday break now). Once the vote comes closer and the media coverage picks up, I'm sure the public backlash will begin. That's one of the reasons why they delayed the vote (also fear of a pocket veto).

          Personally, I'm not really worried. If it does pass the House, it still has to pass the Senate. The Senate has voted down a bunch of anti-Internet laws already and I don't see why they wouldn't do the same for this. And they probably won't approve it without amending it (which then sends it back to the House). And IF it does get through Congress, I highly doubt Obama would let it pass. Not if he wants to be reelected. And if he actually does surrender the election, then the Supreme Court would overturn it pretty quickly I think.
          Battlelog/Origin ID - Hurricane043


          • #20
            Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

            Originally posted by Anarchy1

            Is calling it that inaccurate though? The US is the largest entertainment market in the world. A lot of the game companies are based on the US, Google is based in the US, I expect most of the traffic to these forums is from the US, the insanely popular image sites like 4chan and reddit, while being international sites, are US based. I would bet that 95% of the websites you visit daily depend on the US to stay up.

            As for public feedback...honestly, nothing major. Outside of the internet (and even on the internet), most people have no idea what it is. And remember, this bill is not the most important thing in Congress right now and has already been pushed back until next year. With all the budget and taxation problems we have right now, Congress has been focused on that (and they are on holiday break now). Once the vote comes closer and the media coverage picks up, I'm sure the public backlash will begin. That's one of the reasons why they delayed the vote (also fear of a pocket veto).

            Personally, I'm not really worried. If it does pass the House, it still has to pass the Senate. The Senate has voted down a bunch of anti-Internet laws already and I don't see why they wouldn't do the same for this. And they probably won't approve it without amending it (which then sends it back to the House). And IF it does get through Congress, I highly doubt Obama would let it pass. Not if he wants to be reelected. And if he actually does surrender the election, then the Supreme Court would overturn it pretty quickly I think.
            Thanks for the feedback, I would be really surprised if it did go through, especially for a reelecting political leader, it is not a smart move politically.


            • #21
              Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

              As someone who is routinely experiencing censorship on the internet, I cannot say I am motivated to oppose SOPA. There are two reasons for this. First, I have already learned to adapt to a culture of extreme censorship. Second, many third party sites have so many rules and regulations, that my materials are already network blocked.

              I should only add that I am no longer planning on running my own personal gaming blog at the end of this month because of the impact of third parties network/forum rules.


              • #22
                Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

                Originally posted by MNToothpick
                As someone who is routinely experiencing censorship on the internet, I cannot say I am motivated to oppose SOPA. There are two reasons for this. First, I have already learned to adapt to a culture of extreme censorship. Second, many third party sites have so many rules and regulations, that my materials are already network blocked.

                I should only add that I am no longer planning on running my own personal gaming blog at the end of this month because of the impact of third parties network/forum rules.
                But for every site that has rules, there are others that have no such rules in place. When you get to talking about SOPA, every site will be censored and have the same rules in place. If a site doesn't abide by that, then they'll be taken down.

                At least now you have a choice.


                • #23
                  Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

                  You underestimate the extent of the censorship I have experienced.


                  • #24
                    Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

                    I think Colbert explained it best..........

                    Watch the Comedy Central shows, including The Daily Show, Chappelle's Show, Strangers with Candy, RENO 911!, Drawn Together, and more.

                    Watch the Comedy Central shows, including The Daily Show, Chappelle's Show, Strangers with Candy, RENO 911!, Drawn Together, and more.


                    • #25
                      Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

                      Originally posted by MNToothpick
                      You underestimate the extent of the censorship I have experienced.
                      I take you have been to china... (WMG)


                      • #26
                        Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

                        Well, here is a fraction of my experiences (I say fraction because I assure you it goes much further than this). This also includes some background materials, including lectures on China by third parties.

                        Source A
                        Source B

                        I should also add that November of 2011 was the best traffic for my gaming blog, so like I said, I can overcome a lot of barriers. You might also be interested in some of my more recent Reddit posts on SOPA.

                        Correction: December of 2011 is now my best traffic for my gaming blog.


                        • #27
                          Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

                          It's over 20 minutes long but you need to watch this. Send this to your uninformed friends as well.

                          I think it's sad that my mom didn't even know what SOPA was until I told her since NONE of the news stations are talking about this.


                          • #28
                            Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

                            Originally posted by *FMJ*Power
                            I think Colbert explained it best..........

                            Watch the Comedy Central shows, including The Daily Show, Chappelle's Show, Strangers with Candy, RENO 911!, Drawn Together, and more.

                            I agree. I'm actually surprised Viacom let him do that.

                            The entertainment industry guy was just spouting BS.

                            All I have to say is that if any of my representatives vote in favor of this law, they will not get my vote in the next election. I've already sent them e-mails saying this and I hope others do too.
                            Battlelog/Origin ID - Hurricane043


                            • #29
                              Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

                              Originally posted by [MyIS]Zips

                              I think it's sad that my mom didn't even know what SOPA was until I told her since NONE of the news stations are talking about this.
                              Well that is poor fear mongering by companies like Facebook and Google, they should be informing users of this. With 800 million users Facebook would have the greatest influence.


                              • #30
                                Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

                                Heard this morning that the congressional committee that was assigned to look at this today has set it aside stating they are too busy to look at it. Thats a polite way of saying "This bill is not leaving committee".

                                Thats how most bills die and hopefully this one as well.
                                Twitter: @CptainCrunch
                                Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch

