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SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

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  • SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

    You like videogames? Well, you're on a gaming website, so I will assume that you do. Guess what? If SOPA passes, we're all pretty much screwed.

    Gameranx takes a look at a few of the possibilities of what will happen if SOPA passes and becomes a real thing.

    The bill, which uses language to target "piracy" is effectively an act of censorship, as it prevents websites from (legally) linking to "foreign" websites deemed with content deemed illegal by the US Government. Harvard law professor Lawrence Tribe argues that the SOPA bill violates the First Amendment.

    As a gamer, here's what you stand to lose if SOPA passes:
    * Mods
    * "Let's Play" videos
    * Video replays
    * Video reviews and commentary
    * Unofficial game guides
    * The taking, hosting, and sharing of screenshots, artistic or otherwise
    * Image forums (Reddit, 4chan)

    Furthermore, have you ever uploaded a video to Youtube only to have a copyright claim slapped on it, say from a company like Viacom? See, if SOPA passes, failure to remove the video immediately could result in Viacom taking the servers for Youtube offline nearly immediately for hosting "copyrighted" material. Case in point, the most recent case where Viacom had a video removed that Sony uploaded for The Last of Us could have easily just spelled the end of Youtube instead of that video alone being taken down.

    This isn't just a thing that the United States would have to deal with, it's a global problem.

    It would also essentially spell the end of gaming sites such as Total Gaming Network, Shacknews, Giant Bomb, and just about every other gaming site that utilizes images or videos for previews, reviews, or news in any capacity. "Post your screenshot" or threads with any image that isn't your own creation would be gone.

    If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go re-read 1984.

  • #2
    That sux. Hope this SOPA will leave gamers alone and let us enjoy the world of 3D which is more interesting then boring social people


    • #3
      This world is going down an utter crap hole... And its run by utter crap hole people who have no ****ing clue what a video game or anything is now a days. I hope that this never comes close to passing, but you know the crap that America has been pushing out their crap hole lately wouldn't surprise me some type of utter bulls**t of this gets passed because someone complained about one simple thing... This is the whole reason the internet needs to be a free market and be left the hell alone, we have no rights as is in our social lives in person, now they will take away our virtual social lives.


      • #4
        Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

        Originally posted by DJ_Casper
        That sux. Hope this SOPA will leave gamers alone and let us enjoy the world of 3D which is more interesting then boring social people
        Nothing is going to be left alone if sopa is approved.


        • #5
          Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

          If it passes, I can't imagine the SCOTUS would let it stand for too long. There are plenty of massive companies with big legal teams that will aggressively fight this (*cough*Google*cough*)
          Battlelog/Origin ID - Hurricane043


          • #6
            Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

            Is sounds like the US legislators have lost all grasps on reality.

            Will it have an effect? I seriously doubt it all that will happen is that the servers on which the sites are hosted are moved to a different country with a more reasonable approach to copyright.

            I bid you welcome to Denmark the first country in the world to allow porn.


            • #7
              Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

              Well, looks like there will be a new video game website if this does come into effect. Australia will be a good place... just sayin'


              • #8
                Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

                what? so no pr0n at all?

                On a serious note, then whats the point for having the Internet?


                • #9
                  Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

                  Originally posted by RYKUU
                  Well, looks like there will be a new video game website if this does come into effect. Australia will be a good place... just sayin'
                  It doesn't much matter where the site is hosted. If you live in the States, the content can be blocked. This does not just apply to sites or content hosted in the US.


                  • #10
                    Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

                    Take Youtube as an example and how it uses ads to sustain itself financially ... I think it will be one of the companies that will fight this to death


                    • #11
                      Is this only in the States?


                      • #12
                        Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

                        Originally posted by [MyIS]Zips
                        It doesn't much matter where the site is hosted. If you live in the States, the content can be blocked. This does not just apply to sites or content hosted in the US.
                        The Australian government a few years ago brought up the possbility of an Internet filter, while this is not directly related I believe the U.S governments efforts to block content will be in vain.

                        Originally posted by Eagle101
                        Is this only in the States?
                        Certainly not over here... thank god.


                        • #13
                          Like I've said countless times already. It affects everyone. If something hosted in the States is shut down, it will affect everyone, obviously. If Youtube gets taken down it will affect you. If Google has to shut down because it links to sites where you can access illicit material, it will affect you. Don't think this is just a problem in the States. If you live on this planet and you connect to the net, you should probably be concerned.


                          • #14
                            Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

                            Originally posted by [MyIS]Zips
                            Like I've said countless times already. It affects everyone. If something hosted in the States is shut down, it will affect everyone, obviously. If Youtube gets taken down it will affect you. If Google has to shut down because it links to sites where you can access illicit material, it will affect you. Don't think this is just a problem in the States. If you live on this planet and you connect to the net, you should probably be concerned.
                            You bring up valid points Zips and I am not disregarding them. However I hope you can understand that from an outsiders perspective this law fiasco can be viewed as another "If America fails the world is over".

                            How is the general public feedback to this proposed law? From what I can see the media is promoting it as mostly negative, and if American media is anything like Australian media you would expect some ads protesting against the proposition to be circulating by now.


                            • #15
                              Re: SOPA is Going to F*ck Everything Up for Everyone, Including Gamers

                              At the same time, the internet did originate in the US. Hence why American sites are generally believed to be a simple ".com", where as we have "", "" or "". Also, what are the numbers on worldwide internet users? While not the majority, still may be a large percentage.

