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First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

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  • #16
    Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

    Oh hell.

    I forgot to post as news again. Let it be known I posted this first!



    • #17
      Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

      Cry some more people. Don't buy the game, If its "noob"

      Balancing Analysis:
      -The dude opens a case to "drive" the AC-130 so you will see a motionless guy with a computer open, so kill him

      -There is a timer on the leftish side of the AC-130 screen, it was at '20' and counted down to '18' when it was filmed, im guessing you get 30 seconds of plane. Also it says 'Reloading' So spamming will probably be near a minimum.

      -Took about .5 seconds to reach the ground from the AC-130

      -You need an 11 killstreak.

      Sadly the thing dispenses flares, to ward off AA missiles.


      • #18
        Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

        Originally posted by thejeran
        Cry some more people. Don't buy the game, If its "noob"

        Balancing Analysis:
        -The dude opens a case to "drive" the AC-130 so you will see a motionless guy with a computer open, so kill him

        -There is a timer on the leftish side of the AC-130 screen, it was at '20' and counted down to '18' when it was filmed, im guessing you get 30 seconds of plane. Also it says 'Reloading' So spamming will probably be near a minimum.

        -Took about .5 seconds to reach the ground from the AC-130

        -You need an 11 killstreak.

        Sadly the thing dispenses flares, to ward off AA missiles.
        Well spotted, but an 11 killstreak is easy.

        We are still going to get the same **** and bull story on the kill streak needed to get a certain bonus.

        We really cannot assume anything that is on a video which is most likely to be cut-pasted a lot.

        The timer you saw could also be the flares reloading time...

        I know you are right on many things, but that assumption cannot be made until IW tells us. (You could still be right though )


        • #19
          Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

          First, that weapon at the very beginning, dear Lord, don't let the noobs spam that one. :shakehead:

          While I will say it looks nice and at first I was like, oooo, action! I quickly noticed that it was like CoD4 where it was pretty much a cluster****. And if this game is once again made for consoles first, I can only imagine how much bigger that cluster will be online...probably like CoD4, so you'll have to find a server with not as many people just so you can move. I assume I'm correct b/c why would they change the formula that sold them millions of copies?

          I'll wait to see some more mp action before I decide if it's exactly the same, but why would they change what works? Maybe I'm just hoping for some evolution as I've been playing CoD games since the first one was released and it's starting to all feel the same.

          I like the idea of customizing the killstreak though, and of course the kill at the end. lol


          • #20
            Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

            Also notice how the minimap is completely grey at 0:33 and forward? Either it's a perk that disables your UAV, or maybe an enemy got a "disable enemy UAV" as some sort of kill streak reward.


            • #21
              Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

              Now I'm really hoping for a "classic" mode. It looks like they went overboard with the gimmicks. :hmm:


              • #22
                Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

                Originally posted by Iwantcable
                Now I'm really hoping for a "classic" mode. It looks like they went overboard with the gimmicks. :hmm:
                You got that right.


                • #23
                  Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

                  Yep, a true classic mode would definitely be heaven for some gamers in these newer CoDs with all of the insanity added.


                  • #24
                    Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

                    Originally posted by [AF]8|WO1.Nelson
                    From what I gathered from the movie is they probably havent fulley skinned a stinger/igla (both man portable aa missle launchers) so there using an AT-4 skin but im guessing there going to add a aa launcher for maybe killing helis, ac-130, and possible airstrikes(or any other air thing that maybe added).
                    Yeah, maybe its just a placeholder. Though I wonder why they couldnt have just recycled the stinger skin (unless it was supposed to be the IGLA)


                    • #25
                      Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

                      Awesome video. Is it just me or does this game seem a bit bright?


                      • #26
                        Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

                        Originally posted by COD 3+ Sucks
                        Omg I didn’t think it could get worse from the chopper in 4.... that Gunship is noob so looks the game play spray 2 win and u can tell were everyone is at least in BF or MOH games like most other FPS you have the extra skill level of hearing to tell where people are. Not have a visual aid to tell u were enemies are its retarded!
                        If you can't take the heat...

                        Also, I still think that kills achieved with kill streak rewards shouldn't be added to the kill streak.


                        • #27
                          Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

                          Originally posted by [AF]8|WO1.Nelson
                          From what I gathered from the movie is they probably havent fulley skinned a stinger/igla (both man portable aa missle launchers) so there using an AT-4 skin but im guessing there going to add a aa launcher for maybe killing helis, ac-130, and possible airstrikes(or any other air thing that maybe added).

                          I tried telling myself that, but upon remembering that they had a perfectly function stinger model and skin in CoD4, I'm beginning to doubt that.

                          Besides, I have a feeling that most of this game will be recycled models and sounds from the first one (both of which were horrid in many cases). Yay.


                          • #28
                            Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

                            Aww, you guys killed all the hype I had after watching this. xD

                            The ending was hilarious though.


                            • #29
                              Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

                              According to IMFD (a firearms-in-movies/tvshows/games wiki) that first weapon Is the AA-12 (auto-assault 12), A fully automatic shotgun with low-ish recoil.



                              • #30
                                Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

                                I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the idiot pointing an M136 at an AC-130.

                                You can kind of assume what happened next when I noticed it was beeping.

                                And locking onto an airplane.

                                I do believe they have stated that there are no vehicles in multiplayer? If that is correct, then they had better bloody remove the AT4 and implement the FIM-92 at the very least. Iglas and Strelas are not important, insurgents can get a hold of Stingers easily (although the IFF may be off putting).

                                The M136 didn't even have a reload animation! I seriously hope it is a placeholder. Physics and movement aside, CoD 4 actually had most technical details correct or at least somewhat plausible.

                                PEQ-2s functioned as per real life (that is, they were only visible through NVG - and screenshots of Special Ops suggest otherwise).

                                Highly accurate Javelin launch sequence.

                                Accurate display on the AC-130.

                                The only thing I remember noting that was unrealistic in single player, was the scope on the Dragunov!

                                I'm not asking for ArmA 2 here - this game should be fun instead. But why the downgrade in realism from CoD 4?

