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First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

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  • First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

    Infinity Ward has today released the very first multiplayer footage from Modern Warfare 2. This footage shows off the AC130 killstreak reward. So no more talking, enjoy the clip:

    <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

    Thanks to forum member GooseKill for the heads up!

  • #2
    Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

    Just amazing, thats what i call a nice idea, being able to steer a ac130 during mp battle, unbelevable, i am just wondering how they will ballance it, seems like its the new airstrike? maybe? However i like it :P


    • #3
      Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

      *Drool* :shock:



      • #4
        Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

        ...Did that AT-4 just lock onto an AC-130? That's.. retarded.


        • #5
          Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

          Omg I didn’t think it could get worse from the chopper in 4.... that Gunship is noob so looks the game play spray 2 win and u can tell were everyone is at least in BF or MOH games like most other FPS you have the extra skill level of hearing to tell where people are. Not have a visual aid to tell u were enemies are its retarded!


          • #6
            Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

            That's an awsome mix, being able to mix and match your killstreak. Well Done IW

            However, yes, the AT-4 ('Dumb' Anti Tank) did just lock on to an AC-130H. v_v

            and note, Rangers and SAS are the allied sides


            • #7
              Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

              that map looks stupidly small. i like the ability to stick grenades on eachother tho


              • #8
                Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

                Originally posted by (BG)Patton
                i like the ability to stick grenades on eachother tho
                It`s my favorite way of killing people in CoD:WaW.
                Nice to se that IW is "borrowing" that idea from Treyarch.


                • #9
                  Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage


                  This is awesome! _O_

                  Btw, nice 402 kill on the end. :awes


                  • #10
                    Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

                    Very nice. Might actually be worth the extra 10 dollars.


                    • #11
                      Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

                      Yes, this does look excellent. I'm looking forward to the MP portion of MWII.


                      • #12
                        Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

                        I was thinking about writing something long and painful to read but I'll summarize:

                        CoD4 with a bunch of extra crap on top. I'll wait for more info, while it was nice to see some footage, I'm not impressed. But then again I'm tired of CoD4 so I'm rather biased.

                        Looks well polished though (graphically).


                        • #13
                          Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

                          That AC130 better be timed/fuel/ammo based. I swear to god, if it takes an Anti-tank launcher to put down an AC130 and it's the only way. There is no telling how unbalanced that would be.


                          • #14
                            Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

                            Originally posted by M0ldyM!LK
                            ...Did that AT-4 just lock onto an AC-130? That's.. retarded.

                            It could just be "let's show off what we have so far..." I honestly doubt they'd use an AT Weapon to shoot at a AC-130... Maybe its just not skinned in yet... This is just an updated version of the CoD4 Engine right with some tweaks to the engine...

                            It's 3 Months and change away... I'd rather see something than nothing.


                            • #15
                              Re: First Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

                              Originally posted by David Champion
                              It could just be "let's show off what we have so far..." I honestly doubt they'd use an AT Weapon to shoot at a AC-130... Maybe its just not skinned in yet... This is just an updated version of the CoD4 Engine right with some tweaks to the engine...

                              It's 3 Months and change away... I'd rather see something than nothing.
                              From what I gathered from the movie is they probably havent fulley skinned a stinger/igla (both man portable aa missle launchers) so there using an AT-4 skin but im guessing there going to add a aa launcher for maybe killing helis, ac-130, and possible airstrikes(or any other air thing that maybe added).

