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Modding Rules Clarification

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  • #61
    Re: Modding Rules Clarification

    Originally posted by DasRoach View Post
    I have heard the story of getting an EA rep drunk and getting permission.

    so does this mean that all other mods can use all of the SF content as well?
    or is it a case of EA playing favorites?

    this question is not a dig @ PR (love your mod BTW) but more a statement about the hypocracy or favoratism shown by EA
    Weve already tried that with Colin but he was still the *** hole is always is.


    • #62
      Re: Modding Rules Clarification

      Originally posted by mro
      in all fairness, and i hate to be fair to EA, but the Project Reality lot were just as uptight when people wanted to run their own servers that didn't conform to what they thought we all should be playing. So in that same vein shouldn't we also be having a go at all the teams/companies that use this sledge hammer approach to what people do with software?
      Going off-topic for a sec, they made the server agreements so you can play the mod how it is meant to be played and how the devs intend for you to enjoy it

      Back to the topic, i dont see the point at all in just stabbing the modding community in the balls, i mean look at most source mods, you need a source game to play them hence making the company's some extra $$ that they would not have normally got, same goes for BF2.


      • #63
        Re: Modding Rules Clarification

        A+ thread, will read again.


        • #64
          Re: Modding Rules Clarification

          Originally posted by Sir. Tasty View Post
          Going off-topic for a sec, they made the server agreements so you can play the mod how it is meant to be played and how the devs intend for you to enjoy it
          see that kinda ties in with the point i was trying to make. EA are trying to tell us what we can and cant do with the end product. In the same way so are the PR team. so surely we should be saying "dont tell us what to do" to anyone doing this kind of thing.
          seems like mod teams are taking more and more of a hard edged stance just like the mainstream companys. there is no real community at times which is a shame. there used to be a time when devs, paid or not, loved to see what people did with the finished product and how they molded and adapted it.



          • #65
            Re: Modding Rules Clarification

            Originally posted by GrössKopf View Post
            Can someone that is good at writing letters draft up an email to EA that basically tells them to suck it, but in nice terms so we can spam the hell out of them with our dissatisfaction?
            Dear John Riccitiello CEO of Electronic Arts (EA)

            On behalf of the Battlefield 2 community, especially the modding community, I regret to inform you that the recent news of modding clarification was one star short of galaxy. It lacked context and meaning, primarily from its date of release, which, as you may already know, occured several months after Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2142 had been made public (not including beta or demo releases). In other words, your company seems to lack... a conscience, a heart, a soul, a brain, and many other such characteristics. You probably won't listen to this, which is exactly my point.

            In no form of disrespect, but suck it.
            Signed, whoever.


            • #66
              Re: Modding Rules Clarification

              ^ nice job willy:salute:


              • #67
                Re: Modding Rules Clarification

                So if ppl could just use SF models
                (im not talking about a grapling hook wich physics has been changed ffs)
                in custom maps for BF2 wouldnt that mean people doing this are screwing the developers over And the people who bought SF?

                And the way you all talk is i can make a map,
                slap my name on it saying im the man behind it and made everything with my modelling skills,
                but in the map there is like a tank from PR a few buidling from Eve of Destruction, soldier models from PoE etc etc....
                (who cares about intellectual property right?)
                or is it just "Bad boy EA" models that might be (mis)used?

                I wonder if you would talk like that if your where working at a software developer and your hard work is beeing ripped off... in the end people have to eat...


                • #68
                  Re: Modding Rules Clarification

                  Dont worry guys, I seriously doubt anyones even going to change their mods to fit in with EA crappy regeme.


                  • #69
                    help please

                    sorry to disturb this forum (but i dont no how to make one). but every time i try join a game i get kicked then a message pops up saying somthin about inadiquite O/S privalages. does anyone know what i can do?:cry::cry:

                    help please


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by w1lly23
                      sorry to disturb this forum (but i dont no how to make one). but every time i try join a game i get kicked then a message pops up saying somthin about inadiquite O/S privalages. does anyone know what i can do?:cry::cry:

                      help please

                      I keep getting kicked by PunkBuster for "Insufficient O/S Privileges"?

                      Download and run this file from any location, it will check for adware that stops you from being able to play on PB servers. The VX2 adware edits your user rights when it infects your computer, and many programs do not repair this when they remove it.

                      Click the "Find VX2.betterinternet info" button to make sure that you don't have this adware. If there are no files listed, go on to the last step. If you find the adware files, (it is usually 3 random named dll files) Select all the files found.

                      Press 'Delete These Files'. The program will delete all files but one that will be deleted on reboot. Allow program to reboot. Once Restarted:

                      * Press 'Guardian.reg'.

                      * Press 'User Agent'.

                      * Press 'Restore Policy'.

                      Clicking on "find vx2.BetterInternet info" again should show all fields blank.

                      If you have no adware files, just click on the "Restore Policy" Button

