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Modding Rules Clarification

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  • #16
    Re: Modding Rules Clarification

    Originally posted by Sir. Elxx View Post
    **** you, Dice and EA. You don't give a **** about modders, I most certainly hope modders fight back by openly defying this crap. This makes me even more motivated to include some SF/AF toys in my mods.

    Seriously, they haven't said ANYTHING to the BF2 community in many many months, why would they actually bother to download the mods to see whether they included any "forbidden" vehicles?


    • #17
      Re: Modding Rules Clarification is Great Wall for vBF2.

      Only been out for a year and a half.

      Power to the people.

      and I htink they are getting hyped up because of the Conflict 2142 mod/tournament....these guys ported Karkand over to 2142.

      This is a short Gameplay Video of the new Conflict 2142 Open Beta V1.23.for More Information about the Mod Visit:http://www.conflict2142.comOh and here is a ...


      • #18
        Re: Modding Rules Clarification

        You know what, I think people should break the rules, go on use the stuff. What are they going to do? Seriously for a company that hasnt done sh*t for the modding community, why should the modding community care what they have to say. Can you imagine the mass emails they would get if they ever shot down a mod? You know what EA/DICE, I love your product, but we give you our money, and you deliver a half a** product, so stand down good sir!!!!


        • #19
          Re: Modding Rules Clarification

          BOOOOOO!!!! HIIIIISSSSS!!!!

          Can't port content because EA/DICE didn't test it? BS
          Mod teams don't need EA/DICE to test compatability issues, they can do it themselves.

          This is just another story of the rich and powerful minority flexing their muscles to keep that power and to continue to grow in power.

          F EA, F DICE and their ****ty cummunity managers.


          • #20
            Re: Modding Rules Clarification

            unbelievable.......about 1,000 people in total playing mods and EA has to flex their flabby muscles with them....well i have a question for EA................................................ ..........

            wheres the mod spotlight popup promised to the mod teams over 2 years ago?

            for a team with a large looming release next month in crysis they sure have no sense of public relations whatsoever. im so sick of being a slave to EA, I cant wait for call of duty 4 because i refuse to financially support EA any longer. piss poor games rushed through production with massive bugs and glitches just to be given a band aid in a patch, i swear EA doesn't even care if the game works, just as long as it makes deadline, just look at the new madden, what a miserable mess.


            • #21
              Re: Modding Rules Clarification

              On the one hand you have content in the form of booster packs that is a "product." I mean fair enough, I've always thought that mod teams who include that stuff in their mods for free distribution are skating on thin-ice because it's essentially paramount to pirating software and distributing it for free.

              On the other hand, those boosters in my opinion should not have cost money to start with. Little to no SP support meaning the boosters are mostly useless now for the lack of servers running them, and no after-market support for maps or content for any of those boosters. Because of the way that they were released and designed, (ie - all independant of each other..DUH!) they pretty much become redundant a few months after they come out because a.) There's not enough content to keep people interested, and b.) You can't play any of them TOGETHER. Special forces had such great potential..if only it had been a PART of bf2 instead of a seperate add-on... it and the other boosters would be getting huge use right now and BF2 would be truly great! grrr Idiots.

              As far as I'm concerned you've let certain mods package booster content in their mods, so why isn't it good for the rest of us? Playing favourites or playing dumb?


              • #22
                Re: Modding Rules Clarification


                Seriously. I bought BF1942 not because I wanted to fly Spitfires and drive was because I wanted to drive an M1A2 or fly a MiG.

                Power to the creaters..power to the community...licensing crap is going to screw the 21st centry into the darkages.


                • #23
                  Re: Modding Rules Clarification

                  **** i just was in Sweden i should have got DICE while i could...


                  • #24
                    Re: Modding Rules Clarification

                    DICE was a great company back in the good ol days.. Then they sold their soul to EA for some petty $$$ and vanished. They could have continued to rock the gaming community instead. EA has pissed on the BF community ever since! The only efforts made were to collect more $$$ and protect their investment in the BF series of games.
                    This news has only got to do with protecting current and future sales of BF.. First "leak" of BF3 plans and now this only a day later.. Coincidence? I think not!
                    Intention was to begin with to make BF moddable.. they did a lame effort to support it.. Now they wanna tidy up and direct devs or something.. Why now?!?!?!
                    Think of it: They took the DC crew to help them create BF2.
                    So don't go pissing on the devs or community any more please EA!!!
                    (There's no DICE left in it any more, only EA)


                    • #25
                      Re: Modding Rules Clarification

                      I was contemplating buying BF2142 to play First Strike, but not now after this relase. Special Forces and the booster packs were a complete waste of money, because no one plays them online due to lack of support. They should have been given away for free. If EA choose to include assets from them in a patch, it should be fair game for modders to use.

                      Likewise its in EA's interest to have people playing mods on its newest game. If people are going to buy BF2 to play mods, they'll get it second hand, at a bargain bin price or for free from the Pizza Hut promotion that was rolling around Australia. Wheras if people could get the BF2 content by playing a mod for BF2142, they're more likely to buy BF2142 retail since its a newer game.

                      Really the only reason there are so many mods for BF2 is because of the support from existing players, and because the engine can handle large maps with up to 64 players.


                      • #26
                        Re: Modding Rules Clarification

                        Originally posted by sickre View Post
                        Really the only reason there are so many mods for BF2 is because of the support from existing players, and because the engine can handle large maps with up to 64 players.
                        And because we took their word for it when they said they would support mods. If I knew how bad it was going to be I never would've started modding bf2.


                        • #27
                          Re: Modding Rules Clarification



                          • #28
                            Re: Modding Rules Clarification

                            We hope that clears things up and look forward to seeing more excellent maps and mods from the Battlefield modding community.
                            Dear DICE,

                            Take the past two years of lies and misinformation and go **** yourselves.



                            • #29
                              Re: Modding Rules Clarification

                              Lol, all this tough talk and swearing yet you all bought the game .

                              'Part of the reason...' mhuahahaha, sorry have to go and lay down now :laugh:.


                              • #30
                                Re: Modding Rules Clarification

                                Originally posted by Ghost Dog View Post
                                Lol, all this tough talk and swearing yet you all bought the game .

                                'Part of the reason...' mhuahahaha, sorry have to go and lay down now :laugh:.
                                everybody screws up once, its a given, i bet you wont even see 2,500 players at peek time for crysis though, and that wont be a mistake..........just like quake wars and its 1,500 peek time players, that isn't a mistake, its a direct answer to their piss poor support and total disregard for players wishes and trying to over hype their game. if the game sucks balls no one will play it, period, hence 2142 has half the player base as bf2 and quake wars has half that number of total players.

