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Modding Rules Clarification

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  • #46
    Re: Modding Rules Clarification

    Can someone that is good at writing letters draft up an email to EA that basically tells them to suck it, but in nice terms so we can spam the hell out of them with our dissatisfaction?


    • #47
      Re: Modding Rules Clarification

      Am I nuts or does PR use a lot of SF stuff in their mod? Have you guys gotten in trouble?
      We need a leader to start a mass protest!!!
      where in the world is Che when you need him.


      • #48
        Re: Modding Rules Clarification

        I see everyone's hate for Dice and EA is as strong as ever, but really, you'd have to be retarded to think that EA would give public approval to wholesale piracy of battlefield expansions and booster packs. Simple as that. You guys can go on your freedom protests and what have you by releasing the Great Wall of China on teh net, the guys at EA care too little to do anything since the booster packs and stuff are selling so poorly right now anyway.


        • #49
          Re: Modding Rules Clarification

          Well.. I doubt EA would put some action to their statement.. that would cost them money.


          • #50
            Re: Modding Rules Clarification

            They are trying to protect BF3!!

            See, if more mods would come out for BF2 or 2142, people wouldn't care about BF3. So they are trying to retrict people making great mods!
            So BF3 will hopefully for them get popular and EA/DICE can fill their large pockets again.


            • #51
              Re: Modding Rules Clarification

              Originally posted by Defeatest View Post
              Am I nuts or does PR use a lot of SF stuff in their mod? Have you guys gotten in trouble?
              We need a leader to start a mass protest!!!
              where in the world is Che when you need him.
              Their stuff might be custom made. They can duplicate it by making their own original content, but according to this, they can import it.


              • #52
                Re: Modding Rules Clarification

                Originally posted by Ga-Knomboe Boy View Post
                I see everyone's hate for Dice and EA is as strong as ever, but really, you'd have to be retarded to think that EA would give public approval to wholesale piracy of battlefield expansions and booster packs. Simple as that. You guys can go on your freedom protests and what have you by releasing the Great Wall of China on teh net, the guys at EA care too little to do anything since the booster packs and stuff are selling so poorly right now anyway.
                Yer im sure EA really needs all the money from the small amount of content


                • #53
                  Re: Modding Rules Clarification


                  in the BF42 days this "Clarification" was also given, but somehow most people seem to forget, or dont know about it.
                  (Road to Rome, Secret Weapons expansion pack statics beeing used in custom maps was the reason this came up)
                  Old news, no need for Dice/Ea to comment on this any further.

                  Should i start using PR buildings in my custom maps without even giving them credit for it or ask for permission in the first place?


                  • #54
                    Re: Modding Rules Clarification

                    Originally posted by Toxic_Wolf
                    They are trying to protect BF3!!

                    See, if more mods would come out for BF2 or 2142, people wouldn't care about BF3. So they are trying to retrict people making great mods!
                    So BF3 will hopefully for them get popular and EA/DICE can fill their large pockets again.
                    BF42 had one of the best MOD in BF series history (Desert Combat). When BF2 come out, most if not all BF42/DC/BFV/POE/FH vets moved to the next gen BF series, why? we all wanted to see the new gfx, features, sounds etc...Also, the idiots at DICE did a great job in BF42 days supporting the game and the MOD community. The fact is, MODs prolong the life of the original game, plus you need the original game to play MODS, so it's a win-win for everybody. FYI, Desert Combat was responsible for 30% of total sales for BF42. Fast forward to BF2/2142, we're witnessing EA/DICE have zero interest in supporting the MOD community, hell, they're barley supporting the original games. Their actions against the MOD community and support have done nothing but anger MODers and BF series vets.

                    Bottom line: I moved to BF2 from BF42 because I was happy that DICE able to support the game and the MOD community. I was a a loyal fan and willing/have shelled out the money to buy their games and upgrade my PC, but after BF2, there will never see a red cent from me.


                    • #55
                      Re: Modding Rules Clarification

                      Originally posted by =HIT=Svalsbard
                      Also, are they doing this because BF2 Pirates included the SF booster grappling hook?
                      1. Shhhhhhhhh

                      2. Our grappling hook was custom modelled, textured and built from the ground up by PiratePlunder using the code templates that shipped with the 1.4 patch. (Its the friggin' ZipRope Crossbow we've yoinked, but we only have that as a secret pickup on one map until we can remake our own).


                      • #56
                        Re: Modding Rules Clarification

                        in all fairness, and i hate to be fair to EA, but the Project Reality lot were just as uptight when people wanted to run their own servers that didn't conform to what they thought we all should be playing. So in that same vein shouldn't we also be having a go at all the teams/companies that use this sledge hammer approach to what people do with software?


                        • #57
                          Re: Modding Rules Clarification

                          goodbye mods :cry:


                          • #58
                            Re: Modding Rules Clarification

                            Originally posted by steppenwolf428
                            goodbye mods :cry:


                            • #59
                              Re: Modding Rules Clarification

                              dont buy thier games and make them bankruptwell we wish!

                              Poe and other mods are almost full games now in ways

                              its just the same story of the rich man saying he wants control of the poor man

                              why should they care ?everyone will want a new engine! ,so they should leave the mod community alone for we are the people who made the game such a sucessfull franchise:salute: in the first place.

                              do they forget that some of 1942 dc combat MOD team joined EA and made bf2,telling them to make a modern dc combat named bf2!

                              how easily they forget who made them,we who buy,mod,develop and play it

                              can someone do a "artillery your area!!"please:laugh:


                              • #60
                                Re: Modding Rules Clarification

                                Originally posted by Defeatest View Post
                                Am I nuts or does PR use a lot of SF stuff in their mod? Have you guys gotten in trouble?
                                I have heard the story of getting an EA rep drunk and getting permission.

                                so does this mean that all other mods can use all of the SF content as well?
                                or is it a case of EA playing favorites?

                                this question is not a dig @ PR (love your mod BTW) but more a statement about the hypocracy or favoratism shown by EA

