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TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

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  • #61
    Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

    Originally posted by solodude23
    If you think of realism and you think of super accurate guns, think again. Have you ever shot a gun in real life? Have you ever shot a rifle at a distant target? While the gun itself is accurate, the slightest fraction of an inch off in aiming your weapon can mean FEET off at the target from where you were aiming. If its the entire reason you played this mod (simply to have more accurate guns) then perhaps its not the mod for you.
    Well, the new maps and gamemodes were also part of the reason I downloaded this mod .

    Never the less if you fire a gun from prone position and single shot, the bullet should go where you aim... either that or you need target practice.


    • #62
      Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

      It's been said before guns just aren't that accurate and also a M4 or any other Spec Ops carbines suck at long range. Also remeber to wait for your shots.


      • #63
        Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

        Originally posted by Ghost Dog
        Never the less if you fire a gun from prone position and single shot, the bullet should go where you aim... either that or you need target practice.
        SMGs use lighter rounds that are more susceptible to wind. They also dont put as much muscle behind the round to give it the accuracy you want.

        I do agree with you though... sometimes the aim is taken a little too far. If I'm firing an M16 at medium range and I'm prone for 5 seconds placing my shot... my target should drop without a doubt.

        I think what they should do is create some other dynamic for aiming. At this point, if they make guns "super accurate" then it'll turn people into super duper sharp shooters with any weapon.

        Anyway, at this time I think the aiming is spot on (albeit a few tweaks here or there). The only problem that occurs is when a player is prone and slowly placing his shot -- he'll still get no hit because it doesnt matter if you were placing your shot for 5 seconds or half a second.

        Americas Army solved this problem with breathing and weapon sway.


        • #64
          Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

          Originally posted by [MyIS]Spetsnaz
          Americas Army solved this problem with breathing and weapon sway.
          which is exstreamly hard to implerment due to BF2 not supporting it.


          • #65
            Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

            Originally posted by Ghost Dog
            Never the less if you fire a gun from prone position and single shot, the bullet should go where you aim... either that or you need target practice.
            Thats my point. It should go "where you aim". If you have ever shot a rifle at long range you will know that lining up the sights is one of the hardest parts to it. Aiming is not easy at all. The slightest fraction of a cm off on the sights will mean up to feet off where your shooting. Its not anything like the simply point and click of a video game.

            At any rate, it IS a video game, which is why it is fairly easy to aim. While the Carbines (spec ops guns) are a little less accurate, the rifles are more accurate. the BF2 DEVS, for some reason, semmed to think a carbine would be more accurate than a rifle.


            • #66
              Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

              looks good but we'll wait and see


              • #67
                Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

                Good review, but personally, I don't see any reaslism in fighting a fictional army (The MEC). Add some insurgents and I'll be playing it 24/7 :P . Seriously though, the damage system is fairly good from what I played in .2, but I just loose all sense of realism when I get killed by a fictional army. Will probably give it another go once the Brits are included, but until then it just doesn't cut it for me.


                • #68
                  Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

                  If i where rating this by sections it would go like this
                  graphics: 9/10
                  scoring system:8/10 could be inproved
                  game play: 7/10 because of that dam spawn time cant you go for like 20 seconds?

                  (and for all the people who says oh this isnt close to reality well its the closetes thing to it on bf2 today)


                  • #69
                    Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

                    this mod is awsome. but the only thing i really dont like on this mod is the respawn time.


                    • #70
                      Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

                      Originally posted by tiberiansun292
                      this mod is awsome. but the only thing i really dont like on this mod is the respawn time.
                      Well When I die in real life, it takes me at least 30 seconds to be reborne from the fires, so it is realistic, but also fair.


                      • #71
                        Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

                        Just a lil reminder .. respawn times in PR are actually 0s by default and go up 1s for each death you incur, to a maximum of 30s.

                        Man down time, i.e. the time you can be revived by a team mate, is 30s by default.

                        We're really trying to encourage team play and part of that is giving other players a good opportunity to revive team mates.

                        I'm not gonna say the rhetorical "don't die so much" .. I'll just frankly admit that the level of teamplay that PR is trying to encourage may not be for everybody.


