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TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

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  • TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

    Our very own Jofaba is back again today with his latest mod review, this time for the Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.3. As always, the review covers many topics about the new release and offers an unbiased opinion of the mod. Here's a portion of the review:
    Do you want to play Conquest? How about Conquest? Oh, and my personal favorite; Conquest. Yeah, I'm pretty sick of it too. After playing for about 5 months, I've grown tired of the free-for-all attitude and complete chaos that non-stop Conquest has infected an otherwise pretty fantastic game with.

    There's no doubt that this limitation has placed a huge burden on the modding community. So it couldn't have been easy, but Project Reality not only managed to bring two highly anticipated game modes to life, but they also surprised the community with a completely new and unique game mode. And of course, there's the familiar Conquest, which I was just complaining about, but is sure to feel a little fresher whenever new content is thrown it's way.

    Click here to read the full review!

    <a href=""><img src="/images/news/thumb_168.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/images/news/thumb_767.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/images/news/thumb_848.jpg"></a>

    Be sure to read the entire interview and post your feedback in here. To learn more and download PRMM v0.3, click here.

  • #2
    Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

    i don't get the "realism" of a chopper doing a nose-dive to kill a hummer......


    • #3
      Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

      looks great i will get it


      • #4
        Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

        1 spawning times are killing this mod
        2chopers are not realistick give my my hardcor DC choper
        3 game is beeing balanced its not realistic

        sorry for mybad eng im not from uk/usa


        • #5
          Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

          I think these reviews could do with more reviewing and less overviewing the mod in question. Beyond that, all I've got to say is that none of the implementations of helicopters in any BF game/mod to date have been "realistic". You kind of need a joystick, pedals and all kinds of other crap to do that. And who really wants realism? Real helicopters are a bitch to fly.


          • #6
            Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

            Originally posted by imoody
            I think these reviews could do with more reviewing and less overviewing the mod in question.
            Not to take away from the mod in discussion, but since it's an ungodly hour I thought it worth mentioning that these kind of comments are VERY WELCOME. I am the sole writer of the review, and my desire is to give you, the reader, what you want. Any suggestions are highly welcomed. You can only help me give you a better reading/learning experience.


            • #7
              Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

              I think the reviews on TBF2, is an awesome idea. Keep it up Jofaba!
              I don't know about the mod, I'm not in a mood for extreme realism, I'll just wait for their first PR release to see the Brits, etc.

              I definitely have played the map in the first screenshot(left)before..I remember it, cuz I was so impressed by the quality of it. I downloaded it from, it was just a custom map, I think it was based on a real location from Google Earth - I'm just making sure that you guys didn't steal it.

              Also, I was thinking of the idea of having Kubra Dam full of water, and there it is...PR are reading my mind!!


              • #8
                Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

                i think its kinda stupid to loose 3 points if you get killed in a vehicle..


                • #9
                  Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

                  The mods idea is great, but it just makes people camp and then, Bang! your dead, and then you start all over. And then some one hides a mile away and bang your dead! and then again............ I know thats kinda the way it works in the real world, but it's not much fun and extremely frustrating, not to mention the 30 sec spawn time.


                  • #10
                    Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

                    nice, looks good


                    • #11
                      Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

                      cool pics.


                      • #12
                        Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

                        Hey Guys,

                        This is eggman from the PR team. Thanks very much for taking the time to review the mod. Keep in mind it's at v0.3 and we've got a long way to go and a lot to learn to make it the mod we want it to be.

                        One thing bugs me as much as the length of the spawn times bugs other people....... the 30s is MANDOWN time, not SPAWN time. So uh.... stay close to a medic

                        In terms of losing points, you actually lose points based on the worth of the vehicle. Jeeps are 3 points, tanks are 6, aircraft are 8 iirc. We'll probably be doubling the penalties for losing vehicles in a future release as the Project Reality scoring system allows people to earn a lot more points than normal vBF2.

                        Vehicles are intended to be an asset and, aside from being on long respawn timers, players should take care of them (at least that's our view).

                        I think the review was pretty good, but... it reads like you played for about 2 or 3 hours. To be honest it takes a good three or four multiple hour sessions to get a feel for PR. Otherwise it's just frustrating.

                        And uh..... no we didn't steal any maps heh. The map is CP Abadan and the mapper is Ali-Tom a member of the PR Dev team.

                        It would also be good to have some kinda standard mod reviewing system where you guys (tbf2) rate a mod in a few categories and give it a score out of 10 in each category, then a total score... basically the same approach as pretty much every other game review site out there.

                        Thanks again for taking the time to check out the mod and write up a review.



                        • #13
                          Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

                          Thanks for the suggetions eggman, you have some good points. I'll talk it over with Jofaba and we'll see what we can do with the next review.


                          • #14
                            Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3


                            Any basis for reviewing Battlefield 2 would be based on a comparison with other released mods for BF2 - and they're all still in beta. I don't think it really make sense to say: "yeah, this mod's ok. I'll give it a 7/10, but it's in beta and it looks like it'll be awesome in the future, so 8/10!" I'm not implying anything along scoring [of your mod] lines, I'm just saying it makes much more sense to review a product as is rather than as it will be. PC Gamer, for instance, has been doing this staunchly for years (admittedly with a few exceptions for particularly launch-blighted MMOs).

                            Reading your comments and other's, I'm also wondering about the level of realism you aspire to. If it's "as realistic as it can be given the confines of the BF2 game engine", then why do medics carry magical defibrillators? Why can you respawn at all, for that matter (I'm thinking of CS)?

                            I'm not sure this is the time or place for this kind of comment, but here goes: I think it'd be awesome if you guys removed the Divine Defibrillator of Hippocrates entirely. It'd also be awesome if rather or perhaps in addition to the bleeding system, you guys introduced some kind of ability impairment system, like that of Operation: Flashpoint.

                            P.S. - Unless I'm directly swearing at you, what I'm saying isn't a personal attack, so PLEASE don't take it as such.

                            [Edited for italics]


                            • #15
                              Re: TotalBF2 Reviews PRMM v0.3

                              im downloading this right takes a long time but i hope its worth it..the guns look realistic on the site and i like the little bird choppers..ill try this tonight hope to see some of u guys on.

