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The F-35 is a useless hunk of junk

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  • The F-35 is a useless hunk of junk

    Jeez, there is almost no way you can avoid getting shot down in the F-35. I was in it tonight and everytime someone in a MiG or Su-34 got behind me it was lights out. Nothing I did worked. Nothing. My boy Soup Nazi said it's so bad he quit flying it. I can see why. It's a flying coffin.

  • #2
    Re: The F-35 is a useless hunk of junk

    Originally posted by motorboatJones
    Jeez, there is almost no way you can avoid getting shot down in the F-35. I was in it tonight and everytime someone in a MiG or Su-34 got behind me it was lights out. Nothing I did worked. Nothing. My boy Soup Nazi said it's so bad he quit flying it. I can see why. It's a flying coffin.
    I disagree. The forum is full of why I do so.


    • #3
      Re: The F-35 is a useless hunk of junk

      The F-35 is a fine piece of machinery.


      • #4
        Re: The F-35 is a useless hunk of junk

        i agree 100%, its like a big target in the sky.


        • #5
          Re: The F-35 is a useless hunk of junk

          Help a friend out, Chris old bean. I have tried everything. Timing flares, reversing throttle, crazy turns and loops. I just can't shake them. I admittedly am not that good, but once in awhile I'd like to shake someone off my tail. It's almost absurd. When my boy Soup Nazi, who I consider a good pilot, told me he quit flying it, I knew it wasn't just me. When you get raped by that flying boat the Su-34 you know it's pretty bad.


          • #6
            Re: The F-35 is a useless hunk of junk

            Originally posted by motorboatJones
            I was in it tonight and everytime someone in a MiG or Su-34 got behind me it was lights out. Nothing I did worked.
            I thought that's how it was with most of the planes; let another one behind you and you're toast.


            • #7
              Re: The F-35 is a useless hunk of junk

              Originally posted by 2000sDigitalBoy
              I thought that's how it was with most of the planes; let another one behind you and you're toast.
              nope, thats how it SHOULD BE, not how it is. j10/f18 can get missed by missiles simply by turning hard. and i said get missed instead of dodge because theres no dodging about it, the missile flys right up to the tailpipe and just decides to miss.

              the real problem here isnt the f35, or any airplane for that matter. the problem is that:

              a) flares dont work when they should

              b) aa missiles dont hit when they should

              no amount of tweaking of values (as we have seen in the last couple patches) will fix this either. there is either serious problems in the code, or its simply bad code/game design.

              regardless something must be done.


              • #8
                Re: The F-35 is a useless hunk of junk

                Originally posted by motorboatJones
                Help a friend out, Chris old bean. I have tried everything. Timing flares, reversing throttle, crazy turns and loops. I just can't shake them. I admittedly am not that good, but once in awhile I'd like to shake someone off my tail. It's almost absurd. When my boy Soup Nazi, who I consider a good pilot, told me he quit flying it, I knew it wasn't just me. When you get raped by that flying boat the Su-34 you know it's pretty bad.
                Soup Nazi from Moongamers server? Anyways back on topic, your right, you cannot dodge a missle in a f35-b unless whom ever fired the missle is shooting it in a extreme/bizzare angle. They need to boost the f35's agilty, so it at least has a chance of dodging a missle. IMO I always thought it should be the most agile considering its rotating engine and VTOL ablites. (sorry for spelling errors, it is late.)
                P.S.: AA is fine, I think they finially got it just right, the people who can't hit **** in sams just don't know how to use them, I sure have no problems getting kills in them.


                • #9
                  Re: The F-35 is a useless hunk of junk

                  P.S.: AA is fine, I think they finially got it just right, the people who can't hit **** in sams just don't know how to use them, I sure have no problems getting kills in them.

                  getting kills vs people that dont know how to turn hard.

                  aa is not fine.

                  at least 4 times in the last 3 weeks ive had someone get on my tail and unload, in back view i watched as the missiles flew right up to my j10 tailpipe and proceed to miss. this is the true problem, the f35 handles fine, it can turn on a j10 if you slow down, thus the weapon is balanced in that respect. the real problem is the aa and the flares, period.


                  • #10
                    Re: The F-35 is a useless hunk of junk

                    Originally posted by roger smith
                    P.S.: AA is fine, I think they finially got it just right, the people who can't hit **** in sams just don't know how to use them, I sure have no problems getting kills in them.

                    getting kills vs people that dont know how to turn hard.

                    aa is not fine.

                    at least 4 times in the last 3 weeks ive had someone get on my tail and unload, in back view i watched as the missiles flew right up to my j10 tailpipe and proceed to miss. this is the true problem, the f35 handles fine, it can turn on a j10 if you slow down, thus the weapon is balanced in that respect. the real problem is the aa and the flares, period.
                    The j-10 is the exception to this rule, but seriously fire aa at a mig, su, f-15, f35, and even a f-18 and more times than not you get a hit.


                    • #11
                      Re: The F-35 is a useless hunk of junk

                      F-35 hehe... I've given up flying in those things!

                      As I always play on the US side, on some maps you get the F-35's and I ALWAYS die, I used to thing wow, that ilot is great! Now I know why! Get me in any other jet and that 'great' pilot can't do **** to me!


                      • #12
                        Re: The F-35 is a useless hunk of junk

                        F-35B requires you to stay high at all times, never fly straight (thus never allowing your opponent to get behind you) and use whatever tricks you can to get away from enemies (oil towers, mountains, other aircraft, you name it)

                        Although I will admit that I stay away from flying the f-35bs as much as I can.. Heck, gimme 1.12 dogfights back, they were so much more fun and challenging..


                        • #13
                          Re: The F-35 is a useless hunk of junk

                          F35 is a POS, no two ways about it. It's the only plane you can EVERY TIME shoot two missles and KNOW that plane is dead. Flares are not a factor at ALL as I never lose lock on the F35 so my missles still nail 'em. Turning is a joke, gimme a J10 and I will kill the F35 from a psycho angle while he flares and jerks all over the sky, I'll kill him with two shots. Every time.

                          Try it. We have the Wake Island Air Show map on our unranked server, we've all seen it countless times, no matter what plane is attacking the F35, the F35 will lose. Hell I save my flares for AA if an F35 is on my tail and I have a J10 or Eurofighter. Just don't need 'em cause I KNOW his missles will miss.

                          You can still get kills with an F35, but your kill streak will be ended as soon as anything gets behind you ONCE. Your dead, no two ways about it.

                          Many people are noticing this too I've noticed. When I lock onto any jet but the F35 the opposing pilot will try to evade 99% of the time. 50% of the time when it is an F35 the pilot simply ejects. They know they are dead so they just bail. Don't blame them, I would too if I still flew them.


                          • #14
                            Re: The F-35 is a useless hunk of junk

                            The missiles of the F35 are unacurate, the J10 pwns hands down.


                            • #15
                              Re: The F-35 is a useless hunk of junk

                              Its one of my favourite planes, Its not useless it will own if used properly.

