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I miss the medic whores!

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  • I miss the medic whores!

    Me is noticed that recently not many people uses da medic kit. Most people go for either assault or sniper or support. Even for those who do go out on the field as medics they only do it so they can heal themselves, i've had one medic who is 2 feet away from me while me is dead and still don't revive!! Also, you can notice that most people who are medics are usually below the rank of staff sgt, which means they is also noobs....:hmm:
    So who else miss those medic whores before patch 1.2??

  • #2
    Re: I miss the medic whores!

    I think there are still plenty of medic whores but i did notice that most dont know what to do but heal themselves or maybe once in a while an ocasional revive. I play medic almost all the time, one of my fav kits mainly cause on karkland u get soo many points as medic, lol. one reason medic might not be used as much is because the shock paddles have a weird bug now, sometimes it takes a good 30 sec to reload them. Idk any other reason.


    • #3
      Re: I miss the medic whores!

      I play medic now more than ever

      I dont do nothing but heal and revive and maybe the odd kill here and there

      I have noticed a lack of medics but im glad means i get mor heals & revivs:laugh:


      • #4
        Re: I miss the medic whores!

        Yeah, I have noticed this. It's very annyoing, medics throw packs around and then they go to their own ways without reviving critically wounded teammates.


        • #5
          Re: I miss the medic whores!

          ya you must've played on an odd server. most of the servers have plenty of medics (US ones anyways).

          haven't seen many assaults playing tho.......


          • #6
            Re: I miss the medic whores!

            I'm owning with medic at the moment, since 1.2 I think they made the SA80 (the green gun) more powerful, medic has helped me get many a gold medal recently. And I'm not a noob medic I play in squads and revive the leader after I killed the threat or whatever, I also leave first aid everywhere. The SA80 Rocks.

            Go medic!


            • #7
              Re: I miss the medic whores!

              Yeh, My Fav class is still medic and ill do my best to revive you, and im not one of them ****ty medics that revive in front of an enemy APC. Respecta.


              • #8
                Re: I miss the medic whores!

                The paddle Shock paddle bug is really bad though I run into a group of 3 or 4 downed teamies and can only ever revive 2-3 before the paddels get bugged, back in 1.12 i could have probably revived 5-6 guys by the time they decied to start charging again.

                Infantry has definitly taken a turn for the worse since 1.12...

                At least I can still go play the demo version BF2 and throw c4 in the noobs faces there....

                If only I knew how to detonate mid air back then I wouldnt have missed the opportunities to have so much fun with it..


                • #9
                  Re: I miss the medic whores!

                  they ****ed up the paddies, they don't work hafl the time


                  • #10
                    Re: I miss the medic whores!

                    I haven't really noticed much difference in the number of medics. Assault? Often see only a couple on a server. I do see a lot more snipers and support though.

                    I'm still out there whoring...uh, healing the 46 revives and 34 heals in just over 3 rounds of Warlord and Ghost Town the other day.


                    • #11
                      Re: I miss the medic whores!

                      Back in BF1942, I always played the Engineer, to repair tanks, jeeps and anything which is repairable. That was when I was playing really keen in 73rd Easting map of DC, one of the best I have ever played.

                      Medic is by far the best class in terms of gaining points. Like myself, I am not a great shooter. So I find my values to the team when I am a Medic. I cherish it as my next career move actually. You might have joined a very odd server. On a 64 players map, the probability of not meeting a Medic is nearly impossible, at least you will see me.

                      Talking about reviving, at the beginning I wasn't very skillfull at it. The way I do my job is that whenever I hear "medic!", I go pretty nervous. I will check the HUD right away like I have never did. Then make up a decision if I should go for the rescue, now this is the tricky part. Lately, there are some smart ass who like camping next to the wounded. You will get caught very easily by them as they go prone waiting for your head to show up, you can't tell if they are one of the dead bodies amongst others. Second consideration is that how far it takes. If it is very far, I am pretty sure that by the time I get there, it will be too late anyway. Last consideration is that is that area being illuminated by UAV and how many are waiting to be revived.

                      In your case, maybe there are lack of medic as you said. Or the medic realised that it would be too far off from the spot. As to the self-heal feature, it is quite realistic because if you can't take care of yourself, how are you going to rescue others? Right? So, this feature is logical and well thought.


                      • #12
                        Re: I miss the medic whores!

                        I play medic a lot because I love the L85. If only I could use it with other kits, like the spec ops kit with the L85 would rock.


                        • #13
                          Re: I miss the medic whores!

                          Yea overall I've noticed a decline in medic whores. I've play 24/7 Karkand maps where I couldn't get a revive....before I'd get 5 medics rushing to me.


                          • #14
                            Re: I miss the medic whores!

                            You mustn't have seen the latest standoff at the Karkand train tracks. Oh my God, literally 20 medics. No one died until the artillery strikes came in. Until they rolled in an APC, and no one could kill it.


                            • #15
                              Re: I miss the medic whores!

                              Once I get all my expert kit badges I'll whore nothing but the medic kit, just for you =p.

                              But seriously, I've noticed the same thing. All the more skilled players are using other kits for their expert badges because they've all got their 100 medic hours, so theres fewer medics and those that are left are pretty noob. Guess we'll have to wait for the noob to get better and everyone to get expert kit badges, lol.

