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Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

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  • #61
    Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

    Originally posted by mogduck
    hackers are very rare and soon get busted, im telling you now the weapons are now too powerful - there should be a slight power decrease on everything.
    because at the minute, as soon as i shoot at someone they are dead (no chance for evasive action), or as soon as someone shoots at me - this game has become first to see another player gets a kill (same for planes)
    That seams realistic to me

    If a guy sees you first, & shoots you first, you should be dead

    If you see a guy first, & shoot him first, he should die

    Let's not n00bify the game to a higher level than it already is




    • #62
      Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

      We all have bad nights, but like many of you, I've had some experiences in the past two weeks that have been far beyond things like accuracy or my just being a lame player (which I admittedly am).

      Things like being really hidden around the corner of a building, quiet corner of the map, nobody else around, enemy's UAV & Sat are already down, and this guy comes around the corner and instantly owns me with the lame chinese anti-tanker's subgun. I mean instantly, no bullet splash, no misses, from a across the street he dives and goes "boom-headshot", while I am registering multiple hits from an MG36 in zoomed mode on him.

      Also, I've had guys who refuse to die, when I'm like 10 feet away, and absolutely hosing them with the MG36 from prone. I mean, lots of hits, like 5+, the crosshairs are going flash-flash-flash, I'm zoomed in and hitting them in the chest and head, and they're not dying, but instead they're nailing guys left and right.

      Third one, on Wake, some guy was all over me, when I was sniping. Knew where I was all the time, even when he's driving by in a jeep and I'm over the edge of the hill. He bails, comes right up to where I'm very well hidden, and boom, insta-dead.

      And no, my lag doesn't suck (50s or less), my computer doesn't suck, and although my playing sucks, it doesn't account for insta-deaths, over and over, from the same player, throughout a game.

      Same round, I see the guy on the kill list. This is a 64 man server, so the kills are scrolling like mad, but there he is, with 1 knife, 4 AK47s, and a grenade kill all on the screen at once.

      I call BS in chat, he says "Oh I'm just quick", I accuse him, and *poof* he disconnects, even though he's gold-medaling the round with a 44 to 2 KDR.

      Oh yes, believe me kiddies, there are many many hacks out there, and their use is multiplying every day.


      • #63
        Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

        I don't know I think that might be a bug. I had someone get the drop on me the other night and he fired half a clip or more into me before I could return fire and I killed him without any damage to me.


        • #64
          Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

          Originally posted by BlueBunny63
          Third one, on Wake, some guy was all over me, when I was sniping. Knew where I was all the time, even when he's driving by in a jeep and I'm over the edge of the hill. He bails, comes right up to where I'm very well hidden, and boom, insta-dead.
          Sometimes, Blue, scenarios like those are the result of the enemy Commander spotting individual players like crazy. I've played many rounds with Commanders who religiously spot enemies via the Scan & Click method, so my team will know where enemies are hiding even without our UAV being overhead.

          Of course, I can't say for certain that that was the case but when you do have the combination of a Commander spotting everything and a player who always keeps one eye trained on the mini-map (I sure do) then you can get the impression that something's amiss. There have been quite a few times when I've done what you described your enemy as having done, simply because I've heard the Commander shout, "Enemy sniper spotted!" and seen the little red dot come up on my mini-map.

          Anyway ... just putting it out there as a possible explanation for that scenario you described.


          • #65
            Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

            as commander i will spot everything possible not under the uav, as JP pointed out. and if my commander calls out a sniper, i go after them. if you rush a sniper you have good odds of getting a kill. not saying that your case was the same, just it is a plausible explanation.


            • #66
              Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

              Originally posted by Batt 105
              Well thats a pretty good break down of it. Yes, sometimes I hack. I do it for fun, and no "I don't suck"
              If you use hacks then yes you do "suck". End of story.
              It may be great fun for you the HaXor but it ruins it for everyone else, bud.


              • #67
                Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

                Definitly one cheater in BF2 can not create the same chaos as in CS because the maps are so big.

                While i would like to see a video too, I'm with the earlier poster that my 8 years of online FPS play and the fact that i am a developer myself just has me auto assuming that capable hacks exists for every game where the client is sending custom data to a server...just too easy (and more importantly, tempting) for a skilled developer to manipulate those packets.

                What was nice about CS was after you died you could follow a person around and figure out real fast if they were cheating or not. While you can't follow ppl in BF2, BF2 has the recorded rounds.

                With that being said i challenge players who think they are victims of cheats and are on a recorded server to post some video of people supposidly cheating...would be a fun topic.

