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Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

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  • #46
    Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

    browsing putfile and came across this! looks to me like its in multiplayer!

    found this one on a search!

    now u tell me if that aint no aimbot! and looks like its working well!
    pb u need to get off ur ass!


    • #47
      Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

      Originally posted by HowieMandel
      Ok...not just the aiming, but everything in general. It just seems like distance isnt a factor much anymore. Strange, non typical areas even, you find yourself the target. Almost like you have UAV on you at all times.
      It just seems like in the last, im gonna say 2 weeks, the WTF!!!??!! thoughts arise from my thoughts alot.
      It could be just a latency problem. But aside from the normal amount of whiners on a server, i am seeing alot, i mean ALOT more guys even, moaning on servers, more and more.
      Im not a great player but feel adapt enough to hold my own in the game. But lately, as I said, it just seems strange. It just seems like there are "too" many good players now. Almost like an overnight thing.
      I know from past gaming, (10 years of gaming fps) that when things like this happens.......theres usually an answer for it. And.......i hate to say it, but its hacks and cheats.
      However, i've done some easy typical research and to be honest i cant find any information showing where hacks are even workiing right now. And if its widespread like I think it is, you would think a simple search would turn that up.
      I guess im just sucking out lately... <-- lol
      Oh well, just wondering if any other folks here, are feeling the same way.
      I agree 100%.
      There is definately something afoot at the circle K.
      I was on a SF server the other day, playing as the rebels. Our team won, despite the 38 kills 2 death ratio of one guy on their team. As the next round began he typed to all,"Lets give the same back to them this round".
      I replied, "Yeah, but this time turn your hacks off (playername)."
      He immediately left the server.
      It may have been coincidence, but he never came back.

      Scary videos Shadow.
      I stopped playing mohaa shortly after finding a squadmates screenpic containing a very similar looking hack. These people are sad.


      • #48
        Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

        I havent been doing any worse, my kills per second is going up every day


        • #49
          Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

          Originally posted by =NAA=SHADOW
          browsing putfile and came across this! looks to me like its in multiplayer!

          found this one on a search!

          now u tell me if that aint no aimbot! and looks like its working well!
          pb u need to get off ur ass!

          Thanks for the videos.. YEah, looks like AIMBOT is working.. I could definitely tell that it was tracking and keeping the crosshair on the target..


          • #50
            Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

            Originally posted by Cornbread Mafia
            Thanks for the videos.. YEah, looks like AIMBOT is working.. I could definitely tell that it was tracking and keeping the crosshair on the target..
            There have always been aimbots that work in the game. They are pretty much useless unless your target is completely still, coming at, or going directly away from you. In those cases really how hard is it to hit someone? I can do what these aimbots do in a shorter amount of time. Some of those targets I would have dropped in the first 3-4 shots while this aimbot is using a whole clip on a target.

            My point is they don't work well. They look like they would actually hinder my gameplay as you see them jerking away from their targets sometimes.

            Also there is no proof that any of those videos are on a PB enabled server.

            Or you guys could be right and everyone else is hacking except you. Everyone is out to ruin the game for you bunch of paranoid people.


            • #51
              Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

              I don't think that hacks are as common as youre implying they are, but they are there. I havent noticed anything odd recently, just the oddball player who kills me alot every now and then.


              • #52
                Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

                Originally posted by Wreck
                There have always been aimbots that work in the game. They are pretty much useless unless your target is completely still, coming at, or going directly away from you. In those cases really how hard is it to hit someone? I can do what these aimbots do in a shorter amount of time. Some of those targets I would have dropped in the first 3-4 shots while this aimbot is using a whole clip on a target.

                My point is they don't work well. They look like they would actually hinder my gameplay as you see them jerking away from their targets sometimes.

                Also there is no proof that any of those videos are on a PB enabled server.

                Or you guys could be right and everyone else is hacking except you. Everyone is out to ruin the game for you bunch of paranoid people.

                Actually i am not paranoid about cheaters at all. I am fully away that on a 64 player server; 10 to 15 players could be cheating. And yes, it can be that high... I just continue to play..

                When it comes to cheating and not getting caught, you try not to make it obvious you are cheating; you just want an advantage without getting your account banned... So on a vector aimbot, supposedly you can set the degree of accuracy and location.. It appeared tat the aimbot in teh video was set at center mass for most of the shots..

                If you went around with an AK-101 and an aimbot set for headshots 100% accuracy, you'd be caught in a heart beat..

                Also, looked like they had an additional "no recoil" or "no spread" on their weaopn; on the first two videos.. The lasy video shown was not an AIMBOT; that ws just a Chams video.

                Apparently older aimbots were not consistent, but yes, they have been around a long time, just didnt work like the definition of an aimbot.. This new Vector aimbot is supposedly more accurate, using a vector system in place of a color detection system..


                • #53
                  Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

                  I've seen people exploiting texture rips and getting inside places they shouldn't lately. The only other time I suspected a hack was on a server I play on regularly, on Karkland, there was a guy who had 36 kills and 2 deaths within about 5 mins. That might not be impossible, but the players who are the better players on that server had only 10 kills and they were in tanks and APCs. This guy was on foot with a PKM.


                  • #54
                    Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

                    Well he had the PKM. mystery solved. And its karkand, not karkland.

                    P.S.: to all cheaters/hackers: i laugh at your pathetic skills, becuase you had to resort to cheats to get better. thank you.


                    • #55
                      Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

                      The only thing that bothers me is how easy it is for someone to accuse someone else of cheating. I get accused daily, get vote kicks initiated against me, kicked by admins etc... I'm just saying on most servers you play on no one is probably cheating, and of those that do have cheaters, alot of them are average players. Rarely will you have a cheater that is just totally ruining a map and dominating the server. Everyone knows there are cheats, but all you guys are doing is hyping it up and making people paranoid in essence making it harder for the good players to play on servers.


                      • #56
                        Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

                        Originally posted by Wreck
                        The only thing that bothers me is how easy it is for someone to accuse someone else of cheating. I get accused daily, get vote kicks initiated against me, kicked by admins etc... I'm just saying on most servers you play on no one is probably cheating, and of those that do have cheaters, alot of them are average players. Rarely will you have a cheater that is just totally ruining a map and dominating the server. Everyone knows there are cheats, but all you guys are doing is hyping it up and making people paranoid in essence making it harder for the good players to play on servers.
                        There would be alot less accusations if the real cheats were either completely prevented from making them, or the ones using them were caught and banned.
                        I`m no programmer so I have no idea what it would take, but a simple post or PR gig by the guys at EA, Dice, evenbalance to let us know SOMETHING is actually being done about the problem would be nice.


                        • #57
                          Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

                          I have never seen a hacker ruin a game. I have seen some dominating hackers (meaning high score). I was noticing the other night I think 24,000 or somthing players were playing BF2, out of those I would say less than 75 were acctually hacking. The chances you will run into a hacker or "cheater" is slim.

                          Like wrecker says, I see acusations all the time against other players that are just that good.


                          • #58
                            Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

                            you guys finally getting what I have been saying for months?
                            with the wall hacks
                            and unlimited viz hacks
                            and vehicle glow hacks
                            etc etc
                            of course these guys cheat
                            the ****ers are now even posting their in game sceen shots
                            and calling others cheaters !
                            just play on a server with active admins
                            the SAD part is some of you guys are REALLY good
                            and get caught in the web of suspicion
                            it is HARD to be an active admin
                            but we do our best to keep our server clean
                            the surest give away is how they handle confontation
                            of well - the game is still fun

                            semper fi


                            • #59
                              Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

                              Originally posted by Batt 105
                              I have never seen a hacker ruin a game. I have seen some dominating hackers (meaning high score). I was noticing the other night I think 24,000 or somthing players were playing BF2, out of those I would say less than 75 were acctually hacking. The chances you will run into a hacker or "cheater" is slim.

                              Like wrecker says, I see acusations all the time against other players that are just that good.

                              I definitely disagree with your suggestion that there are only about 75 cheaters out of 24,000 players..


                              • #60
                                Re: Lately it seems like the aiming is surreal.

                                hackers are very rare and soon get busted, im telling you now the weapons are now too powerful - there should be a slight power decrease on everything.
                                because at the minute, as soon as i shoot at someone they are dead (no chance for evasive action), or as soon as someone shoots at me - this game has become first to see another player gets a kill (same for planes)

