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Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

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  • #31
    Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

    Honestly, I've lost all faith in Id to make games. Carmack managed to prove once and for all that he's got NOTHING new to bring to the table with Doom3. His claims that he was going to make us all his b!tch are just laughable when his opus magnum turned out the be nothing more than a rehash of everything he'd put out before mixed with a fair degree of blatent rip-off of Irrational's System Shock2.

    Since Splash Damage is putting the game out and NOT Id, I've got a little interest, but not much.

    Meanwhile, BF games have been pushing forward and bringing innovation to the genre. Like the features or not, squad based teamplay and command features did bring something new to the table. I apressiate that and will be following BF2142s development as closely as possible.


    • #32
      Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

      This was my first battlefield game and to be honest it has been a dissapointing experience dissapointing patches the amount of bugs which EA/dice just dont want to fix and because of that i will get Quake wars and the battlefield series can rot in hell

      Unlesss the the huge amount of mods can change my mind


      • #33
        Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

        Originally posted by Wargimp
        Honestly, I've lost all faith in Id to make games. Carmack managed to prove once and for all that he's got NOTHING new to bring to the table with Doom3. His claims that he was going to make us all his b!tch are just laughable when his opus magnum turned out the be nothing more than a rehash of everything he'd put out before mixed with a fair degree of blatent rip-off of Irrational's System Shock2.

        Meanwhile, BF games have been pushing forward and bringing innovation to the genre. Like the features or not, squad based teamplay and command features did bring something new to the table. I apressiate that and will be following BF2142s development as closely as possible.
        Well I may be incorrect here, but most of Id's recent games are not overly made to create a groundbreaking game, but moreover a strong engine which gets liscenced to developers to let loose their own creativity.

        If we take Quake III as an example, which was average on its own, heaps of good games came out of that engine, the original Medal of Honours, the newer Wolfenstein game, Call of Duty, The Star Wars Jedi Knight games, and so on. I would hedge a bet that Id made far more money out of liscencing their engines than for the game titles they develop themselves. Most of these games are nearly bulletproof on release and this is partly due to the engine. That's and indication of the quality to expect from Quake Wars in terms of stability. Splash Damage's work on the original Enemy Territory mean they can make a damn good team based experience, my only hesitation at this point will be the implementation of vehicles.

        As for your comment regarding BF2, hell, I love the game, but the additions to it were minimal. Squads are good, yes, but commander mode is debatable as the benefits of the commander are limited by the quality of your commander (thats if theres one on your team). On the flipside BF2 saw the removal of the LAN favourite CO-OP mode as well as a reduction in the game types (i.e. Conquest only).

        This is a forum and everyone has their own opinion (hence the poll), but I can't help but feel 2142 will be more of the same, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.


        • #34
          Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

          Originally posted by Rez_K'awil
          Someone said on an earlier forum that 2142 was being based off of Battlefield 2's engine. That makes me worried about bugs. Further, it looks more like a mod than anything else. Looks like it's quake wars for me.

          same....... dont need more bugs


          • #35
            Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

            Originally posted by jayhigh
            i think ET Quake wars will have better net code and gfx... i am hoping for a possible 128 man server???

            Don’t hold your breath on any of the above other than the better graphics.

            It’s confirmed for 32 man max and as for the netcode...

            The DOOM 3 engine can do some impressive things, however the netcode is garbage compared to bf2's.

            It has so many server/client communication issues it's not even funny.

            As much as I want ET: QW to succeed, looking at the abysmal failures (as far as multiplayer goes) that were DOOM 3 and Quake 4, it’s hard to be optimistic.

            The primary thing that killed off the D3/Q4 online community was the horrid performance in multiplayer (not to mention almost zero communication from the developers on when or if things would be addressed).

            Even the most high-end of systems could be brought down to a grinding halt (frame rate wise) on the DOOM 3 engine, strictly because of how poorly the netcode communication was between client and server.


            • #36
              Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

              Originally posted by mlkmnz
              Well I may be incorrect here, but most of Id's recent games are not overly made to create a groundbreaking game, but moreover a strong engine which gets liscenced to developers to let loose their own creativity.

              If we take Quake III as an example, which was average on its own, heaps of good games came out of that engine, the original Medal of Honours, the newer Wolfenstein game, Call of Duty, The Star Wars Jedi Knight games, and so on. I would hedge a bet that Id made far more money out of liscencing their engines than for the game titles they develop themselves. Most of these games are nearly bulletproof on release and this is partly due to the engine. That's and indication of the quality to expect from Quake Wars in terms of stability. Splash Damage's work on the original Enemy Territory mean they can make a damn good team based experience, my only hesitation at this point will be the implementation of vehicles.

              As for your comment regarding BF2, hell, I love the game, but the additions to it were minimal. Squads are good, yes, but commander mode is debatable as the benefits of the commander are limited by the quality of your commander (thats if theres one on your team). On the flipside BF2 saw the removal of the LAN favourite CO-OP mode as well as a reduction in the game types (i.e. Conquest only).

              This is a forum and everyone has their own opinion (hence the poll), but I can't help but feel 2142 will be more of the same, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
              Good post.

              Just a couple comments:

              Co-op still exists. You just fire up a single player game and you can have your buddies connect to you via LAN IP.

              Yeah, the commander role is dependant on having a good player fill it, but the same could be said for any aspect of any game. Also, Tribes was the first game I saw that featured a command role and Savage had one that allowed you to do more. BF2's command mode is interesting because it's the first mainstream game that features it.

              Functional in-game VoIP is a fairly big deal that I didn't mention before.

              Very true about Id's focus on making engines rather than games.
              If Raven was to put out Quake Wars, I'd be more interested. I donno Splash Damage.
              They have to earn my interest.

              Originally posted by one ill mother
              Don’t hold your breath on any of the above other than the better graphics.

              It’s confirmed for 32 man max and as for the netcode...

              The DOOM 3 engine can do some impressive things, however the netcode is garbage compared to bf2's.

              It has so many server/client communication issues it's not even funny.

              As much as I want ET: QW to succeed, looking at the abysmal failures (as far as multiplayer goes) that were DOOM 3 and Quake 4, it’s hard to be optimistic.

              The primary thing that killed off the D3/Q4 online community was the horrid performance in multiplayer (not to mention almost zero communication from the developers on when or if things would be addressed).

              Even the most high-end of systems could be brought down to a grinding halt (frame rate wise) on the DOOM 3 engine, strictly because of how poorly the netcode communication was between client and server.
              Hehe, funny how people don't know these little issues about other franchises, eh?

              Donno how good we got it sometimes.


              • #37
                Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

                Originally posted by Wargimp
                Co-op still exists. You just fire up a single player game and you can have your buddies connect to you via LAN IP.

                Functional in-game VoIP is a fairly big deal that I didn't mention before.
                Really? So what, 1st player fires up singleplayer game, the others join a lan game and connect to the IP? Is it that easy? And can you pick sides or weight teams? That was one of the things that still makes the previous Battlefield titles a hit at LANs, being able to have 8 human players against 30-odd AI players on the other side.

                Yes, VOIP is a good addition. It's the first implementation of it within the game engine thats any good (3rd party stuff has been around for a while tho')


                • #38
                  Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

                  Quake wars for sure. Made by better people than EA, and its going to be a far better game than the rushed 2142.


                  • #39
                    Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

                    Originally posted by Wargimp
                    Honestly, I've lost all faith in Id to make games. Carmack managed to prove once and for all that he's got NOTHING new to bring to the table with Doom3. His claims that he was going to make us all his b!tch are just laughable when his opus magnum turned out the be nothing more than a rehash of everything he'd put out before mixed with a fair degree of blatent rip-off of Irrational's System Shock2.

                    Since Splash Damage is putting the game out and NOT Id, I've got a little interest, but not much.

                    Meanwhile, BF games have been pushing forward and bringing innovation to the genre. Like the features or not, squad based teamplay and command features did bring something new to the table. I apressiate that and will be following BF2142s development as closely as possible.
                    I've been an id fan since the original DOOM (even been to quakecon twice) and I agree about having little faith in id these days.

                    It's not so much the fact that the DOOM 3 engine didn't wow me; it's due to the near total blackout they pulled as far as community support goes.

                    DOOM 3 (multiplayer) was so severely flawed it's not even funny, yet not a single word from id as to when or if anything would be fixed.

                    By the time they got around to fixing the things that were driving players off in scores (no SDK and auto-download was keeping virtually every server empty), the damage had been done.

                    Now here comes Quake 4, their number 1 online franchise, and what do they do?

                    id lets Raven ship the game with no auto-download (I'm not going to even get into the game play issues) and guess what?

                    Damn near every server sits empty for months because people can't connect to them (id engine games run "pure servers" and refuse clients who do not have matching files the server may have in the base directory).

                    Month after month goes by, and then finally it gets fixed.
                    Sad thing is, this series pretty much gave birth to online gaming as we know it and here 5 months after the latest installment is out, you can't find more than 50 people playing it online at any given time.

                    No as for splash damage, vanilla ET is a heavily flawed game and official patch support was almost non existent (2-3 patches max if I recall).

                    Bani and his ETPro mod took over the job of cleaning up the mess that was vanilla ET, and the former RTCW mod "shrub" became the number one mod for pub play.

                    However, shrub ET servers were more "kiddy fun" servers than serious game servers.
                    With features like "goomba head stomping" and the likes, you can guess what kinds of people it attracted.

                    My main concern with splash damage doing ET:QW is us getting a repeat of RTCW:ET (flawed vanilla game with little patch funding/commissions from the license holder).

                    DOOM 3 and Quake 4 had plenty of mod teams planning to "fix" both games, but all of maybe 3 mods between those two games actually came to be.

                    None of the established mod teams like OSP or CPMA made the jump, or those that did, bailed in frustration.

                    I’m keeping my fingers crossed, but after D3 and Q4… it’s hard to be optimistic.


                    • #40
                      Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

                      Originally posted by mlkmnz
                      Really? So what, 1st player fires up singleplayer game, the others join a lan game and connect to the IP? Is it that easy? And can you pick sides or weight teams? That was one of the things that still makes the previous Battlefield titles a hit at LANs, being able to have 8 human players against 30-odd AI players on the other side.
                      Hehe, yup.
                      I haven't tried it myself... any time I've suggested shooting some bots, the other guys have all just groaned at me.

                      Yes, VOIP is a good addition. It's the first implementation of it within the game engine thats any good (3rd party stuff has been around for a while tho')
                      Thrid party isn't anywhere near as accesable to the masses. You had to be "into" games to know about or have a reason to use them. With BF2 I keep hearing from random players that this is the first game they've actually talked to people in. The K-Mart crowd digs Battlecoms.

                      There's more I'd like ta see pushed forward on too. It would be nice to see Dice take it up a couple levels in some areas. I'd like to see 'em do a good sensor system. I'd like to see more interesting command involvment. I'd like to see more mechanics to promote teamwork. Lately, I've most wanted them to have better QA.

                      We'll just have to see what comes.


                      • #41
                        Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

                        BF2142 for me


                        • #42
                          Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

                          Originally posted by one ill mother
                          I’m keeping my fingers crossed, but after D3 and Q4… it’s hard to be optimistic.
                          I hear ya man, I hear ya...

                          I'm an embittered Tribes fan. That franchise suffered a simular fate, but also involved changing developers, buying half of a UT engine license (to cut costs), then not releasing a single patch to address gameplay.

                          I happen to know that the original Dice team were all Tribes fans and were on the record of saying they'd love to do something Sci-fi that was that deep. Looks like maybe they're getting their chance now.
                          I wish 'em luck.

                          Edit: Ta hell with that, I'll do more 'n wish 'em luck... I'd offer ta help if I can.


                          • #43
                            Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

                            ill go with whatever recommends..:nod:


                            • #44
                              Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

                              Originally posted by one ill mother
                              No as for splash damage, vanilla ET is a heavily flawed game and official patch support was almost non existent (2-3 patches max if I recall).

                              Bani and his ETPro mod took over the job of cleaning up the mess that was vanilla ET, and the former RTCW mod "shrub" became the number one mod for pub play.

                              My main concern with splash damage doing ET:QW is us getting a repeat of RTCW:ET (flawed vanilla game with little patch funding/commissions from the license holder).
                              First off, your comments are nice and rich for someone flaming other forums members for moaning about BF2/BF2142. For someone who says "its only a game" and calling other people with beefs crying a**holes, you seem rather bitter from your experiences with Doom 3 and Quake 4.

                              Anyhoo, ET's patch support not being any good? Man I played that from its inception and had nothing like the problems I have had with BF2. And in case you were never aware, that game was free, so the fact they released patches at all is a miracle, compare that to the delayed patches for BF2 that need patches for the patches. Personally I wait with baited breath to see how decent a game Splash Damage can make when they're actually receiving money for it.

                              Originally posted by Wargimp
                              Hehe, yup.
                              I haven't tried it myself... any time I've suggested shooting some bots, the other guys have all just groaned at me.
                              Yeah, the bots aren't great, but if there were only 6-8 of you LAN playing, it'd be good to beef the numbers up a bit. And being seriously outnumbered against bots can be fun in a US vs. Somalian "Black Hawk Down" way (no offense to any participants in that excursion)


                              • #45
                                Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

                                Theres no opption for me so i cant vote i like futuristic games (id love to drive a mech) but im not buying battlefield 2142 because its based on the BF2 engine and its still buggy as hell after all those patches.

