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Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

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  • #16
    Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

    Originally posted by Wargimp
    Yeah... well, any information you think you might get from this poll will be false. We don't know what kind of issues might pop up. We also have no idea what BF2142 is actually going to be like. I promise that it will be much different from what's shown in the preview vid... just look at the BF2 previews and compair them to what we're currently playing.
    How will it be false? What this poll will show is forum users leaning towards one title or the other based on initial impressions of each title. The video is a teaser, nothing more, nothing less and you're right, its not an indicator of the final product.

    I don't want to repeat myself, but I'm 99% certain BF2142 is not going to be anything other than a BF2 mod, with all the core elements of BF2 still there and NO EVOLVEMENT whatsoever. You may think otherwise if your concept of gaming evolvement is ziplines or flashbangs a la BF:SF. Quake Wars on the other hand is certain to have similar elements to BF2 (classes, squads, etc) as well as objective based gameplay and some form of game progression.

    So for me, I'd rather BF2 than a futuristic mod of it, or alternatively something that takes the teambased multiplayer aspect I like and adds a bit of substance to it.


    • #17
      Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

      Originally posted by ||bfa||variable
      That's not a good thing.
      I know... it wasn't ment to be a gracious comment.

      The same thing could well happen to QW too, tho. Promo stuff always looks better than the real thing.

      Walk into a burger joint, check out the pics of the food, order something. Compair that pic to what you got and sigh at the sad state of affairs.


      • #18
        Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

        Quake Wars looks amazing Im really looking forward to that. Also the bloody BF2 mods I want them now! :cry:


        • #19
          Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

          Originally posted by Wargimp
          I know... it wasn't ment to be a gracious comment.

          The same thing could well happen to QW too, tho. Promo stuff always looks better than the real thing.

          Walk into a burger joint, check out the pics of the food, order something. Compair that pic to what you got and sigh at the sad state of affairs.
          lol go into a burger king and shout LAG at the person when he/she takes to long.


          • #20
            Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

            I read somewhere that quake war will have much smaller map than battlefield 2.

            Also, I HATE MECHS. They better include futuristic MBT.


            • #21
              Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

              If I'm going to be the two, which option do i chose? You forgot an option: Both games.


              • #22
                Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

                Originally posted by BIC
                If I'm going to be the two, which option do i chose? You forgot an option: Both games.
                What I was trying to assess was people's preference of one over the other. Unfortunately I don't have the spare time or the money to support 2 online games, otherwise I'd probably buy both too. Instead I have to make an informed decision about my games purchases, if I'm forking over the cash they'd better be damned good (I only buy 2-odd games a year).

                I've changed the title to reflect this clearer.


                • #23
                  Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

                  Originally posted by Hu.Z_of_PLA
                  I read somewhere that quake war will have much smaller map than battlefield 2.

                  Also, I HATE MECHS. They better include futuristic MBT.
                  They are supposedly going to be one mile square or the size of a whole campaign from Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

                  Doesnt seem to be any mechs in QuakeWars from what Ive seen anyway.


                  • #24
                    Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

                    Originally posted by Hu.Z_of_PLA
                    I read somewhere that quake war will have much smaller map than battlefield 2.

                    Also, I HATE MECHS. They better include futuristic MBT.
                    The maps may not be as big, but this is because you are supposed to do them in succession (i.e. win the first map, move on to the next one).

                    Besides, I'd prefer a smaller, well thought out intense map than a sprawling one that has me driving or walking for ages to get to a fight. Case in point for BF2 is the most popular map, Karkland, which is probably one of the smaller in terms of size.


                    • #25
                      Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

                      Quake just sounds wrong. I dont know why they are locking classes to very specfic things so much. The focus should be on action and allowance of snap flexibility. Also i dont understand how having a completely different playstyle helps the gameplay. You are asking for huge balancing issues. The reason why all fps keep both sides similar is to play on an even ground and so playing on a different team wont bother you so much. I hope it doent end up like WOW. The game is also smaller scale maps are designed for 24 players i think but you can play 32 too.

                      I find it amusing people are saying Quake Wars will be better when it has alot to prove. Not to mention no one here has played it.


                      • #26
                        Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

                        I'll wait until the reviews come out to see if either is worth buying at all. :P


                        • #27
                          Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

                          not sure how good the games are going to be............but as of now, i'm leaning toward quake wars, since activision blessed us with the free game enemy territory for the last few years

                          when you're good to the customers, they remember......

                          *hint**hint* EA pay attention


                          • #28
                            Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

                            Quake Wars will have 'gay mechs', as many of you have likened to calling them.
                            If the vehicles in Quake Wars are anything like the vehicles in Quake 4 then you can count me out. They felt like all of the other half-assed FPS vehicle attempts: clunky, difficult to control, and just not very fun to use.
                            I'll stick to the Battlefield series since they seem to know how to make decent vehicles, there's nothing to convince me that the vehicles in ET:QW will be fun. So that's why I'll be looking at 2142 first.


                            • #29
                              Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

                              I rather give my money to ID/Splash Damage, people who actually CARE about their product, unlike EA/Dice who couldnt give two ****s once they get their money.

                              Only thing im worried about is the Doom engine, but i hope ID will optimize it, at least for 64 players.


                              • #30
                                Re: Which will you buy BF2142 or Quake Wars?

                                Have any of you compaired the ET:QW trailer to the BF2142 trailer

