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EA/Dice Brainwashing Geniuses.

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  • EA/Dice Brainwashing Geniuses.

    Do you know that by having the ranks and awards system in BF2, EA/Dice have created a system by which we are conditioned into BF2 addicts similar to laboratory pigeons being conditioned to peck on a button for the reward of seeds for them to eat?

    It is true. I studied this in psychology 101. The BF2 ranks and awards system is a form of an Operant Conditioning Behavior Shaping. The ranks and awards are on a variable interval reinforcement schedule. This intermittent reinforcement schedule creates the most consistent response rate amongst laboratory pigeons. Likewise the ranks and awards on the same type of reinforcement schedule creates a system by which you become very addicted the BF2 game play.

    For example; every time I start to get bored with this game, I get a new award or rank and it motivates me to spend even more hours playing this game! I feel like a crack addict hooked on this game!

    Technically, if we can get enough cases of people together that are under achieving in school or work due to too many hours spent playing BF2 we can put together a pretty strong case, for a class action lawsuit against EA/Dice. For example; if you are flunking out of school because you spend too many hours playing BF2, you can claim that your behavior was shaped by EA/Dice's operant conditioning variable interval reinforcement awards and ranking schedule.

    I bet if we did a study on this we would find there is an astonishing number of people adversly affected by this game

  • #2
    Re: EA/Dice Brainwashing Geniuses.

    Or, you could show some self control and quit. It's as easy as clicking the uninstall icon in the folder.


    • #3
      Re: EA/Dice Brainwashing Geniuses.

      yeah not that hard man


      • #4
        Re: EA/Dice Brainwashing Geniuses.

        I play bf2 and other games lots and my average is 85-90%.


        • #5
          Re: EA/Dice Brainwashing Geniuses.

          Originally posted by SweetMetalForever
          Or, you could show some self control and quit. It's as easy as clicking the uninstall icon in the folder.
          Oh come on! I was expecting better commentary that the standard retard response of, "well just quit and un-install the game."


          • #6
            Re: EA/Dice Brainwashing Geniuses.


            • #7
              Re: EA/Dice Brainwashing Geniuses.

              Alot of gamers do get hooked on stat games cause its like crack for a crack head they cant get enough and they want more and more lol. How do you think i feel havnt played BF2 in a while now and i miss the game.


              • #8
                Re: EA/Dice Brainwashing Geniuses.

                I haven't cared about my rank or score for a long long time now. I played a lot of bf42 too even though it didn't have anykind of "official" ranking or promotions.

                I still would play BF2 even if it didn't have ranking and I personally can't understand how the ranking or medals could keep someone "addicted" BF2 especially when your rank (or the color/number of your medals) has basicly no effect in your gameplay at all, unlike in MMORPG games where you get "better" on each time you get to another level.


                • #9
                  Re: EA/Dice Brainwashing Geniuses.

                  Originally posted by Boogey_Down
                  Oh come on! I was expecting better commentary that the standard retard response of, "well just quit and un-install the game."
                  Whether or not you think it is retarded... it works. And I wouldn't do that to EA\Dice... they are just doing what they do, and apperently they are doing it very well.


                  • #10
                    Re: EA/Dice Brainwashing Geniuses.

                    i play bf2 because i enjoy it - if i wasnt playing bf2 my time would have been spent with inferior games like cs
                    the fact that it is enjoyable means i want to play it - not that i need my fix


                    • #11
                      Re: EA/Dice Brainwashing Geniuses.

                      fortunately for me, BF2 destroyed my ram (or at least i think it did since its the only application that uses a whole gig of memory when running it), which then resulted my computer in corrupting a system file then caused me to reformat my pc. Not learning from my mistake the first time, i reinstall bf2, (and to my surprise, a fresh system with bf2=pleasant loading/verifyclient times), but then again, system file corrupted, which prompted reformt #2. Long story short, no more bf2, its all metal slug for me now.


                      • #12
                        Re: EA/Dice Brainwashing Geniuses.

                        A class action lawsuit... BWAHAHA!

                        Mommy, help, I'm too stupid to stop playing this game and study, its the game's fault mommy! The game makes me play it! It won't let me stop!

                        What a joke. You have freewill, exercise it. I play this game all the time and hold a 3.75 GPA, as a junior taking 3 AP classes. No way this game causes low grades for anybody who gave a damn about school in the first place.


                        • #13
                          Re: EA/Dice Brainwashing Geniuses.

                          Originally posted by $kelet0r
                          i play bf2 because i enjoy it - if i wasnt playing bf2 my time would have been spent with inferior games like cs
                          the fact that it is enjoyable means i want to play it - not that i need my fix
                          I agree with u i play the game because its alot of fun. i could care less about my rank i have a life and im not like the ppl that play the game 20 hours a day lmao


                          • #14
                            Re: EA/Dice Brainwashing Geniuses.

                            Originally posted by Fig
                            A class action lawsuit... BWAHAHA!

                            Mommy, help, I'm too stupid to stop playing this game and study, its the game's fault mommy! The game makes me play it! It won't let me stop!

                            What a joke. You have freewill, exercise it. I play this game all the time and hold a 3.75 GPA, as a junior taking 3 AP classes. No way this game causes low grades for anybody who gave a damn about school in the first place.
                            The lawsuit thing was just a farse.

                            I was jus kidding about that


                            • #15
                              Re: EA/Dice Brainwashing Geniuses.

                              It really is DICEs fault that youre addcited to the game. It really is. Really.

