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Admin kicked me for going for Expert Explosive

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  • #46
    Re: Admin kicked me for going for Expert Explosive

    Seriously weak admins, report them!


    • #47
      Re: Admin kicked me for going for Expert Explosive

      Thats hilarious that you put everyone that has the expert badges in the catagory of cheat/hack/stat pad. I have gotten expert explosives badge complety legit. You simply have to know when and where to do it and how. But since your attitude is bad I wont share my knowledge of the force with you...


      • #48
        Re: Admin kicked me for going for Expert Explosive

        I was on a certain clan server, scoring very highly on Iron Gator and i would have easily got a gold medal. Many clan members in game. Then suddenly with 2 tickets to go i was kicked from the server! The bastards.


        • #49
          Re: Admin kicked me for going for Expert Explosive

          Originally posted by yoohoo313131
          Memphisvon, that was my point exactly. I really have no idea how they expect us to get unrealistic badges without having a valid interpretation of the ROE. I personally do not think its stat padding...if it were, then anyone who has the Expert Explosive badge or similiar should have allready had their stats wiped....which is not the how could it be wrong.
          My personal definition of stat padding is any player(s) who play the game specifically for the points at the expense of the team. How can you be helping the team if your only concern is to get your badges and increase your score.

          In my experience most team players who make the game fun dont get the highest points or badges but they get a lot more out of the game in the long run. I also think that when those team players do get their badges and promotions, its much sweeter.

          I personally hate seeing selfish players who are obviously out for themselves (the so-called lone wolves).


          • #50
            Re: Admin kicked me for going for Expert Explosive

            That was NOT stat padding.
            Strategically planting claymores to blow enemys up is NOT stat padding.
            Planting claymores and having a member of the other team repeatedly walk over them IS stat padding.
            People that whinge about getting C4'd multiple times are noobs.
            People that believe the to ROE crap is all fine and dandy are noobs.
            I mean really. Not being able to C$ jeeps because it aggrivates angry nerds. thats BS. Blow up the jeep b4 it kills you or its YOUR FAULT.
            Not being able to cap flags in a blackhawk? BS. just blow the ******* outta the sky.
            Repeatedly spawn camping uncapturable bases is a bad thing.. but what do youse expect? to have the opposing team to sit in there tanks with there thumbs up their asses and WAIT for the round to end?
            I dont believe so.
            Its all a part of gaming and frankly NOT a bannable offence to do something that the game allows.
            Unless its stat padding...coz padders r noobs too.

            PS. you werent padding IMO.


            • #51
              Re: Admin kicked me for going for Expert Explosive

              That's not stats padding. Period. You shouldn't even come here and ask "is this stat padding?" If there are some people who seriously think it is stat padding, they need to go do some research (I mean it), because misinforming people is as bad as giving them viruses as pictures.

              There is no point of keeping this topic open as it became a nonconstructive thread that is full of misinformation. You have a valid point, go to, and let the people there know about your problem.

